A fascinating look at the most beloved comedy team in motion picture history. Exclusive interviews with those closest to the brothers supplement this collection of highlights from their film, theater, and television appearances and offer a compelling look at their lives both on and off-screen.
Director of Photography
A thief breaks into the home of a wealthy, happily married Beverly Hills couple. He soon finds out, though, that the couple is neither as wealthy as he thought they were and are not as happily married as they appeared.
Director of Photography
Shelley Winters is the madam of a house where customers play out their erotic fantasies, oblivious to a revolution that is sweeping the country. When her old friend, the chief of police (Peter Falk), asks her to impersonate the missing queen in order to reassure the people and halt the revolution, she offers instead three of her customers to play the general, bishop, and chief justice, all of whom have died in the revolution.
Director of Photography
Wealthy hotshot Cash McCall makes his money by purchasing unsuccessful businesses, whipping them into shape and then selling them for a huge profit. When Cash comes across Austen Plastics, a small manufacturing corporation on its last legs, he realizes it might be a gamble to buy the company. But when Cash finds out that the company's owner is the father of his old flame, Lory, he buys the business just to get a second chance at romance.
Director of Photography
Englishwoman Grace Allingham marries Frenchman Charles Edouard de Valhubert, but their marriage quickly becomes unusual. Because Charles cheats on her and lives away from his family out of professional obligation to his government, Grace ends up raising the couple's son, Sigismond, on her own. Grace and Charles are finally reunited after nearly a decade apart, and, while they seem headed for a permanent split, there's still a spark between them.
Director of Photography
Em 1942, o comandante do submarino USS Grayfish, Barney Doyle, é um capitão capaz, respeitado por seus homens e eficaz no mar. Seu alvo principal é o porta aviões japonês Akagi, que liderou o ataque a Pearl Harbor. Doyle é atormentado pelo fato de que sua esposa e filha foram presos quando os japoneses invadiram as Filipinas e ele não tem noticias deles por quase 10 meses. Ele fica aliviado quando fontes confiáveis confirmam que eles estão vivos. Mas havia uma boa razão para os japoneses permitirem que ele soubesse que sua família estava a salvo. Todos os civis estão sendo transportados para o Japão no Akagi e portanto usados como um escudo humano, forçando Doyle a tomar uma decisão terrível.
Director of Photography
Middle-aged middle-manager Jim Fry, with the same company for fifteen years, is in a comfortable rut. But life becomes less predictable when he doesn't receive an invitation to an important luncheon being held by the new company president. Convinced that he's about to lose his job, Jim begins to mull over his limited prospects when his wife confirms that she's pregnant.
Director of Photography
Concedido por um pequeno pedaço de terra em um vale exuberante e uma criação de gado pelo generoso proprietário de terras e barão do gado, Dennis Deneen, o antes temido pistoleiro, Steve Sinclair, renunciou à violência, com a intenção de manter a paz na comunidade.
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O detento da prisão de San Quentin, Arnie Judlow, pede a seu irmão gêmeo, Bill, e sua esposa, Ruth, que o ajudem em um plano de fuga ousado.
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Broke and about to divorce his wife, a pilot joins a smuggling scheme in postwar Madrid.
Director of Photography
An ambitious executive jeopardizes his career to marry a European refugee.
Director of Photography
A man tries to find a son he gave up for adoption years ago.
Director of Photography
Aposentado como o atirador mais rápido do oeste, George Temple agora busca um pouco de paz ao lado de sua esposa Dora. No entanto, um dia ele bebe além da conta e acaba exibindo suas surpreendentes habilidades no gatilho. Preocupado com a possibilidade de ser desafiado para um duelo, George resolve sair da cidade com Dora. Os cidadãos locais prometem manter segredo, mas um garoto o entrega a uma gangue de criminosos e monta o cerco para, talvez, seu mais importante confronto.
Director of Photography
Uma expedição liderada pelo Comandante John J. Adams (Leslie Nielsen) viaja rumo a um planeta distante para descobrir o que aconteceu com os cientistas que foram para lá iniciar uma colônia. Apenas um é encontrado: O arrogante Dr. Morbius (Walter Pidgeon), que vive em companhia da filha, Altaira (Anne Francis) e de um prestativo robô.
Director of Photography
This film was shot entirely at the Gettysburg National Military Park, where the decisive battle of the American Civil War was fought. Leslie Nielsen narrates the story while contemporary songs and the sounds of battle are heard in the background. The sites of the various engagements, the statues of the leaders of the Northern and Southern troops, and the battlefield cemetery are featured. President Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is read at the end.
Director of Photography
Patients and staff at a posh psychiatric clinic clash over who chooses the clinic’s new drapes - but drapes are the least of their problems.
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Sailors on leave in San Francisco get mixed up in love and show business.
Director of Photography
Um filme biográfico sobre o compositor musical e autor Sigmund Romberg, que escreveu obras como 'The Student Prince', 'The Desert Song' e 'The New Moon', entre outras. O título 'Bem no Meu Coração, querido' vem da música 'The student Prince' e é interpretada por artistas e cantores de todas as produções da MGM. Dentre eles estão Cyd Charisse, Rosemary Clooney, Vic Damone e muitos outros. Uma revisão da vida e obra de um dos maiores e mais importantes compositores musicais do cinema. Muitos dos filmes que podemos ver hoje têm alguns de seus temas entre as trilhas sonoras. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
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Depois que Adam (Howard Keel), o irmão mais velho de uma família de caipiras, volta para sua fazenda com uma noiva, seus outros seis irmãos solteirões decidem ir para a cidade e arrumar seis noivas para morarem com eles na fazenda também.
Director of Photography
M-G-M presents the heroic story of what happened to the MEN OF THE FIGHTING LADY
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Avery Bullard (Raoul Freeman), o presidente da Tredway Corporation, uma conhecida fábrica de móveis, morre repentinamente. Como ele não deixou claro quem seria o seu sucessor, o conselho executivo, formado por 7 pessoas, precisa se reunir rapidamente para encontrar um sucessor, pois como Avery faleceu na tarde de sexta-feira é importante que na segunda o mercado encontre a Tredway com novo presidente, para não desvalorizar as ações da empresa. O provável sucessor é Loren Phineas Shaw (Fredric Marsh), um frio homem de negócios que só pensa no lucro dos acionistas, sem se preocupar com a qualidade. Para impedi-lo de chegar à presidênciaé preciso encontrar logo alguém com idéias bem inovadoras, mas esta pessoa tem de ser uma das outras seis do conselho executivo, que se mostra dividido sobre qual o melhor caminho. Enquanto isso Shaw só precisa do seu voto e de mais três para se eleger.
Director of Photography
A boxer desperate for money falls in with a shady promoter.
Director of Photography
Sailor Joel Shore (Robert Taylor) vai à procura de seu irmão caçador de baleias, Mark (Stewart Granger), que está perdido durante uma missão desastrosa no mar. Joel e sua esposa Priscilla (Ann Blyth), acabam encontrando Mark em uma ilha tropical, mas, para sua surpresa, o infortúnio e a tragédia o transformaram em um homem perturbado e desesperado. Em pouco tempo, Mark começa a buscar um relacionamento romântico com Priscila, levando a uma rivalidade feroz e um motim violento.
Director of Photography
Filme biográfico da campeã australiana de natação e artista Annette Kellerman. Depois de superar a pólio Kellerman alcança a fama e cria um escândalo quando seu maiô de uma peça é considerado indecente.
Conta a história da sensação da natação australiana Annette Kellerman, que superou a pólio infantil para continuar e conquistar a fama como nadadora profissional e estrela de cinema nas primeiras décadas do século XX. Ao mesmo tempo, ela escandalizou o mundo vestindo uma roupa de banho de uma peça só, em praias públicas, muito antes desse modelo ser aceito pela sociedade educada, e causou outras polêmicas também. A história foi um veículo perfeito, décadas depois, para mostrar o talento da estrela Esther Williams na década de 1950, e o apelido de Kellerman foi usado pela revista Life para a Sra. Williams quando a chamou de "Sereia de Milhões de Dólares". (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Director of Photography
Burt, a Marine suffering from Battle Fatigue, is deathly afraid of rain and confined to an asylum, but showing improvement. He wants to live with his sister's family, but they have young children.
Director of Photography
Set in 19th-century New York, this mystery begins when a Frenchwoman shows up at the home of one of Napoleon's former marshals. The alcoholic man is badly crippled and slowly dying, but this doesn't stop the forthright lady from pushing him to change his will to include his estranged grandson so that he can help out the struggling French Republic. Unfortunately, the dying man's conniving housekeeper and butler, already planning murder to get the money themselves, overhear her and begin plotting her demise.
Director of Photography
A former housemaid (Garson) now works as a confidence trickster, but her plans for a big job in California go awry.
Director of Photography
A pretty singer/dancer is becoming an actress whereas the playboy crown prince is becoming a monarch. The both will have their clandestine romance interfered with by their changing circumstances.
Director of Photography
Esta é a história de uma triste realidade entre Lee Strobie (Robert Walker), o filho mal caráter de um fazendeiro, e seu irmão adotivo, o honesto Owen Daybright (Burt Lancaster). Lee enganou sua fiel esposa Jen (Joanne Dru) com uma moça da cidade (Sally Forrest) e teve um filho ilegítimo como resultado. Owen por ajudar a amante do irmão, é perseguido por engano pela família da moça para vingar a honra.
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A young woman from Kansas moves to New York City, becomes highly successful at a prestigious modeling agency, and falls in love with a married man.
Director of Photography
After living abroad for several years, journalist John Royer returns to the United States just after the U.S. enters World War II. His boast that he could easily smuggle rubber, a key wartime natural resource, out of Malaya has him tasked with doing just that. He manages to get someone from his past, Carnaghan, sprung from Alactraz and together they head off to South East Asia posing as Irishmen. Once there, Carnaghan lines up some of his old cronies and with Royer and a few plantation owners plans to smuggle the rubber out from under the Japanese army's watchful eye.
Director of Photography
Casal de advogados se vê em lados opostos em um caso no qual a ré disparou contra o marido, ao encontrá-lo com a amante. No início marido e mulher mantêm as discussões durante o julgamento, mas em virtude da cobertura dada pela imprensa o casal não expõe suas posições apenas no tribunal e isto gera algumas confusões.
Director of Photography
A young man succumbs to gambling fever.
Director of Photography
O time de basebol Wolves fica cozinhado quando eles acham que foram comprados por um tal de KC Higgins, um provável "Cabeça de Bagre", que pretende ter uma atuação ativa na gestão da equipe. Mas KC se revela uma grande surpresa. É uma bela mulher que realmente entende de beisebol. O segunda base Dennis Ryan cai imediatamente de amores por ela. Mas seu companheiro de quarto e playboy Eddie O'Brien tem suas próprias ideias de como lidar com a nova senhora proprietária e alguns jogadores desagradáveis têm suas próprias ideias sobre como lidar com Eddie.
Director of Photography
Um empresário é levado a candidatar-se a presidente dos EUA, mas isso requer compromissos desconfortáveis tanto no nível político quanto no matrimonial.
Kay Thordyke adora Grant Matthews e ajuda-o a se tornar o candidato republicano para a presidência dos EUA. A máquina do partido começa a se preocupar quando Grant começa a colocar suas próprias ideias. Em um importante jantar importante, sua esposa Mary condena os políticos corruptos, o que incentiva Grant a começar a falar com mais coragem.
Director of Photography
Sophie loved Edmund, but he left town when her parents forced her to marry wealthy Octavius. Years later, Edmund returns with his son, William. Sophie's daughter, Marguerite, and William fall in love. Marguerite's sister, Marianne, also loves William. Timothy, a lowly carpenter, secretly loves Marianne. He kills a man in a fight, and Edmund helps him flee to New Zealand. William deserts inadvertently from the navy, and also flees in disgrace to New Zealand, where he and Timothy start a profitable business. One night, drunk, William writes Octavius, demanding his daughter's hand; but, being drunk, he asks for the wrong sister.
Director of Photography
Penny Addams lives in a constant state of depression stemming from the trauma of her father's death when she was just a young girl. Her brother, Chase, and stepmother, Lee, work to help Penny process her grief through psychotherapy and revisiting their past, but only the revelation of long-buried family secrets -- including her mother's secret lover and the true nature of her father's death -- can bring Penny out of her intense despair.
Director of Photography
An orphaned young boy is guided by his great-grandfather and strives to go to university to become a doctor. However, the boy's harsh grandfather stands in his way.
Director of Photography
Ao desembarcar no Novo México, Susan Bradley descobre que seu futuro marido é o bêbado da cidade. Ao invés de sentar e chorar, ela arranja um emprego no restaurante Harvey House, um estabelecimento empenhado em levar um pouco de civilidade e classe àquele fim de mundo. As atividades de Harvey encontram a oposição de Ned Trent, dono do saloon, de Sam Purvis, um juiz corrupto, e de Em, dançarina apaixonada por Ned. Com o auxílio do inexperiente Chris Maule, Susan e demais colegas de trabalho lutam para frustrar os planos dos escroques.
Director of Photography
O falecido grande empresário Florenz Ziegfeld olha dos céus e ordena um novo espetáculo em seu antigo grande estilo. No céu, Florenz Ziegfeld Jr. showman carinhosamente recorda seu primeiro musical da Broadway, o Ziegfeld Follies de 1907. Mesmo do céu, ele acha que pode, por uma última vez, criar essa mesma magia com a montagem de uma de suas últimas loucuras. Assim como ele pensa sobre quem ele gostaria de aparecer nessas loucuras, ele é auxiliado na realização de sua fantasia, pelo menos em sua própria mente, por luminares como Fred Astaire, Edward Arnold, "Lucille Ball ', Marion Bell, Lucille Bremer, Fanny Brice, Cyd Charisse, Judy Garland, Kathryn Grayson, Lena Horne, Gene Kelly, James Melton, Victor Moore, Virginia O'Brien, Red Skelton, Esther Williams, Keenan Wynn, e, é claro, um bando de garotas bonitas.
Director of Photography
A G.I. en route to Europe falls in love during a whirlwind two-day leave in New York City.
Director of Photography
No ano que antecedeu a Feira Mundial de St. Louis de 1904, as quatro filhas dos Smith aprendem lições de vida e amor, mesmo que se preparem para uma mudança relutante para Nova York. Agora Seremos Felizes é muito mais que um musical. É a encantadora história de uma família na virada do século, repleta de magias e recordações. Judy Garland é Esther Smith, uma garota da agitada cidade de St. Louis que, junto com sua família, tem que se mudar para Nova York. Como se não bastasse deixar todos os seus amigos para trás, ela ainda irá perder a sensacional Feira Mundial de St. Louis de 1904. Esther precisa fazer alguma coisa para evitar essa tragédia!
Director of Photography
American Susan travels with her father to England for a vacation. Invited to a society ball, Susan meets Sir John Ashwood and marries him after a whirlwind romance. However, she never quite adjusts to life as a new member of the British gentry. At the outbreak of World War I, John is sent to the trenches and never returns. When her son goes off to fight in World War II, Susan fears the same tragic fate may befall him too.
Director of Photography
Uma sentimental, patriótica (se não propagandística) fantasia de Hollywood sobre um piloto de bombardeiro morto na Segunda Guerra Mundial, Maj. Pete Sandidge que se torna anjo da guarda para outro piloto, o capitão. Ted Randall, orientando Randall através de batalhas e ajudando-o no romance de sua ex-namorada, apesar de sua devoção excessiva a memória do Sandidge.
Director of Photography
Acrobat Eddie Marsh is in the army now. His first act is to become friendly with Kathryn Jones, the colonel's pretty daughter. Their romance hits a few snags, including disapproval from her father. Eddie's also plagued by fear of having an accident during his family's trapeze act in the army variety show, which also features a gallery of MGM stars.
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Andy (Mickey Rooney), ligado à faculdade, deixa escapar propostas de casamento para sua namorada Polly (Ann Rutherford) e sua amiga Sheila (Esther Williams).
Director of Photography
Little Delft, Michigan follows the customs of old-world Holland and is known for its Tulip Festival. The owner of the hotel insists that his seven daughters marry in order, from eldest to youngest.
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The doctor (Lionel Barrymore) has a Kansan (Van Johnson), an Australian and an Asian from Brooklyn to choose from.
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Sailors and spies mingle in between the acts at Hattie's nightclub in the Canal Zone.
Director of Photography
Conniving Broadway starlet Mida King has plenty of enemies, so when she's found murdered at Grand Central Station, Inspector Gunther calls together a slew of suspects for questioning. Mida's shady ex-flame, Turk, seems the most likely culprit, but when smart-mouthed private eye Rocky Custer -- also a suspect himself -- begins to piece together the crime, a few clues that Gunther has overlooked come to light.
Director of Photography
Doc and Wishey run into some Nazi-agents, who want to smuggle bombs into the USA from a Mexican border hotel.
Director of Photography
A man's marriage suffers when he pretends to be a bachelor while promoting "his" best-selling book about married life (actually written by an eccentric professor) in order to pay off a debt to a gangster.
Director of Photography
Married songwriters almost split up while putting on a big show.
Director of Photography
A variety of predicaments arise to distract Dr. Kildare from his wedding to Nurse Mary Lamont.
Director of Photography
Mary Dugan is a young woman accused of murdering her billionaire lover. In the process, his defense lawyer acts wrongly against them, and is replaced by a young lawyer, the brother of the accused
Director of Photography
Seeking US citizenship, a Viennese refugee arranges a marriage of convenience with a struggling writer.
Director of Photography
Sky and Linda meet on vacation and become engaged. When Sky introduces Linda to his best friend, Jeff, Linda and Jeff fall in love and marry. But Jeff's work puts a strain on the marriage and a divorce is planned. Sky uses an experimental memory loss drug to make Linda and Jeff forget their rough times (and the fact that they were married) and they fall in love all over again.
Director of Photography
A nightclub dancer shakes the foundations of a wealthy farming family after she marries into it.
Director of Photography
Maria Antonieta (Norma Shearer) é uma linda princesa austríaca com casamento marcado com o herdeiro do trono francês Luís Augusto (Robert Morley), casamento este arranjado por motivos políticos. Já no palácio francês, Maria encontra-se caída entre as intrigas da família real, principalmente entre o Rei Luís XV e seu maléfico primo, o Conde de Orleans (Joseph Schidkraut). Para alívio de Maria, Luís só poderia casar-se com ela caso ele se tornasse Rei. Certo dia, em um cassino, Maria conhece o Conde Axel de Fersen (Tyrone Power), e ambos se sentem atraídos imediatamente um pelo outro. Sentindo-se realizada com seu amante, Maria recebe uma notícia que não esperava tão logo, o Rei Luís XV havia morrido. Sabendo então que o Conde poderia manter um caso com a noiva do príncipe, mas não com a Rainha da França, Maria teria então que decidir entre seu coração e a realeza.
Director of Photography
Two young people meet at a wedding and begin dating, each thinking the other is extremely wealthy. Comedy.
Director of Photography
Uma mulher e um homem competindo pelo afeto de uma mulher: o trio amoroso de sempre? Não é bem assim, já que a bela em questão é Lorraine de Grissac, uma mulher muito rica e atraente da sociedade, enquanto uma das duas rivais não é outra senão Arsène Lupin, a famosa ladra de joias que todos pensavam estar morta, agora vivendo sob o nome falso de René Farrand. Quanto ao outro pretendente, é um americano, ex-F.B.I. O detetive virou detetive particular com o nome de Steve Emerson. Steve não apenas suspeita que Farrand seja Lupin, mas quando alguém tenta roubar um precioso colar de esmeraldas do tio de Lorraine, o Conde de Brissac, ele é persuadido que Lupin é o culpado. Emerson está certo ou errado? Qual dos dois homens conquistará o coração de Lorraine?
Director of Photography
Jessie, a young working class woman, seeks to improve her life by marrying her boyfriend, only to find out that he is no better than what she left behind.
Director of Photography
A poor singer in a bar masquerades as a rich society woman thanks to a rich benefactor.
Director of Photography
A chic jewel thief in England falls in love with one of her marks.
Director of Photography
It's the early nineteenth century Washington. Young adult Margaret O'Neal, Peggy to most that know her, is the daughter of Major William O'Neal, who is the innkeeper of the establishment where most out-of-town politicians and military men stay when they're in Washington. Peggy is pretty and politically aware. She is courted by several of those politicians and military men who all want to marry her, except for the one with who she is truly in love.
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Napoleon Bonaparte's younger brother, visiting the United States, falls madly in love with a young woman he meets in Baltimore.
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O filme retrata a vida de Florenz Ziegfeld (William Powell), um dos maiores empresários do showbusiness norte-americano no começo do século XX. Incluindo seus casos com artistas de seus espetáculo, seu casamento com Anna Held (Luise Rainer) e a crise da década de 30.
Director of Photography
Mary, a woman with good intentions, takes pity on Henry, an artist with no home. What begins as a simple offer to come inside from the cold for tea gradually turns into more. Before the unsuspecting woman knows it, Henry, his family, and his friends con their way into her home. Eventually, Mary creates a ruse to rid herself of the parasites, but they have a different plan.
Director of Photography
A society girl tries to make a go of her marriage to an archaeologist.
Director of Photography
A country girl goes to the city and gets a job in a posh hotel, and winds up becoming an instant celebrity thanks to an ambitious photographer.
Director of Photography
A theatrical star, born on the wrong side of the tracks, marries a drunken blue-blood millionaire.
Director of Photography
A socialite only realises that her friend is in love with her when she falls for the wrong man.
Director of Photography
Richard, a millionaire in love with his secretary, Diane, is dispirited when his wife refuses to divorce him. Concerned that Diane will now lose interest, Richard offers her an all-expense-paid cruise to Argentina so that she can think it over. While traveling, however, Diane falls in love with fellow traveler Mike. She resolves to come clean to Richard, but upon return she becomes conflicted when she finds out he was able to get divorced after all.
Director of Photography
American Civil War, 1862. After the disaster of the Second Battle of Bull Run, Major Allen, chief of the Secret Service of the Union, asks actress Gail Loveless to become one of his operators and infiltrate enemy territory.
Director of Photography
A dedicated young doctor places his patients above everyone else in his life. Unfortunately, his social register fianceé can't accept the fact that he considers an appointment in the operating room more important than attending a cocktail party. He soon drifts into an affair with a pretty nurse who shares his passion for healing.
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The film tells the story of Sylvia, a French teacher at an all-girl school, who wants to find love. When she hears Bill Williams on the radio, she decides to go visit and thank him. However, difficult problems lay ahead when Lili gets in the way.
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Kitty Lorraine has one purpose in life: turning her daughter Shirley into a star. Kitty controls every aspect of the girl's nascent career -- even blackmailing a stage manager so that Shirley can take a more prestigious gig. But Kitty goes too far when she breaks up her daughter's budding relationship with sweet artist Warren Foster. Heartbroken, Shirley sets off on a series of disastrous but profitable relationships.
Director of Photography
An exiled archduke (John Barrymore) tries to renew romance with a former lover (Diana Wynyard) now wed to a psychiatrist (Frank Morgan).
Director of Photography
Sarajevo June 28, 1914. Dushan, the Serbian mayor of a Hungarian town, has come to see the parade of Archduke Ferdinand. While there he runs into Geza, an old friend in the Hungarian Army and invites him to come to his house and visit him and his new wife.
Director of Photography
Prophetic tale of a mother in 1940 trying to keep her son out of war.
Director of Photography
Tom Collier has had a great relationship with Daisy, but when he decides to marry, it is not Daisy whom he asks, it is Cecelia. After the marriage, Tom is bored with the social scene and the obligations of his life. He publishes books that will sell, not books that he wants to write. Even worse, he has his old friend working as a butler and Cecelia wants him fired. When Tom tries to get back together with Daisy to renew the feelings that he once felt, Daisy turns the tables on him and leaves to protect both of them.
Director of Photography
The top brass at a radio station believe their popular new star singer is paying more attention to his love life than to his career.
Director of Photography
A scheming socialite meets her match in the out-of-touch wildlife explorer she ventures to ensnare.
Director of Photography
Elsa Carlyle is impulsive and a gambler. Though loved by her husband Jeff, she's spoiled and selfish, concerned with social standing. Meanwhile, Jeff wants to stop spending while he completes business deals that could make them rich. One night, on a hunch, she bets and loses big at a casino, then she doubles her problems with more impulsive decisions. Hardy Livingston, a wealthy Casanova just back from the Orient, makes a play for her. Elsa dallies with Hardy, but soon, his insistence and her dire financial affairs seem destined to lead to adultery. Who's the cheat?
Director of Photography
Society girl becomes a social secretary when her father dies penniless. From a story by Charles Brackett.
Director of Photography
A simple wink, intended by Austrian palace guard Lt. Nikolaus von Preyn for girlfriend, Franzi, is accidentally intercepted -- and misread -- by the visiting Princess Anna. As a result, the soldier has no choice but to marry the royal lady and move with her to the neighboring kingdom of Flausenthurm. His girlfriend follows to continue the romance and, subversively, give Princess Anna tips on how to keep her husband satisfied.
Director of Photography
Jerry Stafford falls for his secretary, Julia Traynor, but instead she marries a shady character who causes trouble for both of them.
Director of Photography
A hooker gets followed home by a man she thinks is drunk, but it turns out he's been wounded in a robbery of a radio factory where he used to work. As the police swarm into the seedy tenement, she decides to help him, and the two form an uneasy alliance culminating in a suicide pact.
Director of Photography
Julie Cavendish comes from a family of great Broadway actors. Her mother Fanny staunchly continues acting. Her boisterous brother Tony is fleeing a breach of promise suit in Hollywood. Her daughter Gwen must decide between going on stage, or settling down in a conventional marriage. Julie is just thinking that it would be nice to retire and get married, when who should turn up but her old beau, Gilmore Marshal, the platinum magnate from South America.
Director of Photography
Zeigfeld Follies beauty Peggy marries an older man, C. Morton Gibson. Although she soon grows tired of their sedate life, she refuses the attentions of her longtime friend, the volatile sculptor Ralph Le Saint. When pianist Paul Lockridge arrives from Paris, he begs Peggy to run away with him to France, where they can share adventure and a full life -- but complications arise for Peggy when Gibson's attractive daughter visits.
Director of Photography
Os Irmãos Marx levam anarquia à festa da alta sociedade em honra do explorador Jeffrey T. Spaulding, que volta da África e onde será exibido quadro caríssimo.
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A singing Frenchman meets an American heiress and gets a job at her father's chewing-gum factory.
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Gertrude Lawrence plays a singer in Paris during World War I. After stealing from Tony (Walter Petrie), an American artist, the two fall in love.
Director of Photography
A young woman, who wants to be in the Follies, is making ends meet by working at a department store's sheet music department, where she sings the latest hits. She is accompanied on piano by her childhood boyfriend, who is in love with her, despite her single-minded interest in her career. When a vaudeville performer asks her to join him as his new partner, she sees it as an opportunity to make her dream come true. Upon arriving in New York City, our heroine finds out that her new partner is only interested in sleeping with her and makes this a condition of making her a star. Soon, however, she is discovered by a representative of Ziegfeld.
Director of Photography
Conta a história de Kitty Darling, uma estrela decadente burlesca que tenta salvar o convento-escola que sua filha April estuda, pois tem medo da filha seguir os passos da mãe.
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During the Florida land boom, the Marx Brothers run a hotel, auction off some land and thwart a jewel robbery.
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Mrs. Ramsey sent Jean Oliver to prison on a false charge. To get even, Jean (disguised as Madame Mystera) plans to kidnap her daughter and turn her into a thief. Love entanglements with a gangster known as "The Fox" and newspaperman Grant complicate her plans.
Director of Photography
A planter's wife shoots a neighbor, but tells conflicting stories of what happened.
Director of Photography
In this feature comedy, silent film star Colleen Moore plays a woman who owns a small lunch wagon and falls for a duke’s son, played by Larry Kent, who is pretending to be his own chauffeur. With her savings, she pursues him to a resort hotel, only to be mistaken for a duchess. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in partnership with Národní filmový archív in 2007.
Director of Photography
Naughty But Nice was based on The Bigamists, a story by Lewis Alen Brown. Gawky country girl Berenice Summers (Colleen Moore) is catapulted head-first into High Society when her Uncle Seth (Burr McIntosh) strikes oil. Shipped off to a fancy boarding school, Berenice suffers at the hands of her snooty classmates, but the last straw comes when she's publicly humiliated by local wise-guy Paul Carroll (Donald Reed).
Director of Photography
Set in New York City, flapper Pink Watson works a telephone operator at a cement factory who dreams of marrying rich. Her constant daydreaming of wealth annoys her fellow workers, and ruins the heart of one of her worshiping colleagues.
Director of Photography
Rivalry between two behavioral scientists gets out of hand...
Director of Photography
Millionaire Robert Broadley, in order to curb his wive's enthusiasm for spending money foolishly, inform her that he is now broke and penniless, which might have been a good plan if a friend of his, with some crooked ways, hadn't gotten involved.
Director of Photography
Heroine Fidele Tridon has grown up with the knowledge that her father has promised her in marriage to Baron Kurt Badeau. When Fidele comes of age, the Baron shows up expecting to claim his young bride. In the interim, however, Fidele has fallen in love with wealthy horseman Philip Collett.
Director of Photography
When a wealthy young lady leaves the US to visit her aunt in France, her husband falls in love with a "flapper". When the wife returns home, she finds out about her husband's affair. In order to make him jealous, she leads him to believe she has fallen for a jazz musician. However, instead of making him jealous it drives him into depression and he takes refuge in booze and even more affairs.
Director of Photography
The Enchanted Cottage stars Richard Barthelmess as Oliver, a physically and emotionally wounded World War I veteran who comes home to a fiancée who promptly leaves him. Licking his wounds in solitude, he meets a young woman named Laura (May McAvoy). They fall in love and agree to marry, but unexpected and magical events occur inside The Enchanted Cottage where they have agreed to spend their wedding night.
Director of Photography
In the war-like times of Oliver Cromwell, in and around 'olde Oxford towne', Dutchman Karl Van Kerstenbrook, Dutch soldier-of-fortune and sword-for-hire, stands ready to defend his lady-love, the fair Thomsine Musgrove, and prove his nettle, and that his blade is made of the finest metal.
Director of Photography
Charles Abbott is implicated in the death of his friend Escobar, brother to the woman he loves.
Director of Photography
An inventor makes contact with Mars via television. The film is notable for using the 3-D process called Teleview, similar to today's alternating frame 3-D systems. Shown in 3-D only at the Selwyn Theater in New York City, it was previewed as Mars Calling at a trade and press screening on 13 October 1922, premiered as M.A.R.S. on 27 December 1922, and ran through 20 January 1923. A 2-D version was distributed as Radio-Mania in 1923–1924.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A woman struggles to overcome a cabal of blackmailers, but learns that the boss of the blackmailers is none other than her own father. -from IMDB