John Lennon é um jovem que não aceita bem as regras impostas na escola e dentro de casa. Abandonado pela mãe quando tinha cinco anos, ele vive com seus tios George e Mimi. Quando George morre, Lennon é obrigado a viver com Mimi, extremamente austera e sisuda. No funeral do tio, ele vê sua mãe, que se mantém afastada. Seu primo consegue o endereço dela, o que faz com que Lennon resolva visitá-la. O reencontro do o filho é a realização de um sonho para Julia, que passa cada vez mais seu tempo com ele. Animada e um tanto quanto inconsequente, ela apresenta ao filho o rock’n’roll. Logo, desperta nele a vontade de montar uma banda de rock.
Thirty-something single father Mike meets attractive younger Christine at a dance lesson. She likes him as much as he likes her. But are things too good to be true.
Diana and Deric have an ideal marriage: they thrive in each other's company, they're funny, and they enjoy their two grown children and Deric's dotty mother; the trouble is, Diana can no longer walk and her malady defies medical diagnosis. To care for Diana, Deric is letting his business slide, but at a civic luncheon, he is seated next to Aileen Armitage, a novelist who is blind. They have a nice time, and on the sly, Diana contacts Aileen to made an odd request. Diana's declining health and her resolve bring this triangle of unlikely friends to a surprising place.
Mrs Cruikshank
A woman attempts to escape her domestic problems by fleeing to New York in search of her father. She finds him, and also new problems, some friendship, a romance, and an unexpected career as pro-boxer, to make ends meet.
After losing his job and realizing that he is alone in the world, a businessman opts to voluntarily end his life. Lacking courage, he hires a contract killer to do the job. Then, while awaiting his demise, he meets a woman and promptly falls in love.
Angry Mother
Needle paints a harrowing picture of a Liverpool overrun by drugs, charting a young man's nightmarish descent into intravenous heroin use and AIDS and a police and political leadership incapable of the imagination or courage necessary to respond to the drug problem.
Intertwined story of the lives of two women; an Englishwoman suffering abuse from her violent husband, and a Russian poet serving hard labour because of her subversive work.
Na Liverpool dos anos 40, três irmãos se envolvem com a música como vávula de escape de seus problemas familiares: um pai cruel e autoritário e uma mãe amargurada e sofredora.