Pavel Yesikovsky


House on the Volcano
Russian worker
An old, boring technician remembers a cruelly suppressed strike of oil industry workers in Baku.
Ilan Dili
After demobilization from the Red Army, the former “red devils” decide to settle in Baku. They go to work in the chemical laboratory of one of the oil industry enterprises. Here, young heroes come to grips with the fraudster Usseinov - and soon, as hostages, find themselves on the uninhabited island of Illan Dilly...
At a military demonstration Red Imps: Misha, Duniasha and Tom Jackson bring a captured enemy, dangerous Makhno.
The Crime of Shirvanskaya
Princess Shirvanskaya is from Baku. She lives in Paris and wants to get back her father’s property who before the revolution owned big oil fields.
The Lost Treasure
During the Civil War, a long time friends Ilya, Tanya and Tevdore decide to find the treasure, which is hidden by the counter revolutionists. After many precarious efforts the disguised friends manage somehow to penetrate the enemy’s camp and attend their leadership’s party. Tanya enchants the enemy Commander Kleshchuk and gets hold of the key of his apartment. The friends steal the treasure, baffle Kleshchuk’s pursuit and return the treasure to the government.
In the Pillory
Nunu and Iago are in love with each other. The married guard Girgola wants to get hold of the woman. Girgola gets Iago arrested and makes Nunu marry his retarded brother. On one occasion he finds the woman alone and rapes her. Nunu jumps in the river to commit suicide but gets saved by Iago’s friends. Iago escapes from jail, but Girgola attacks his hideout and haves him killed together with his friends. Girgola also kills Nunu’s old father and accuses Nunu of the murder. Nunu is tied to a pole and dies in the exile.
Os Demônios Vermelhos
Crianças atuam como heroínas lutando na cavalaria e Exército Vermelho durante a Guerra Civil Russa nas proximidades do sul ucraniano. O menino Misha lê livros de James Fenimore Cooper e a menina Dunyasha lê "The Gadfly" de Voynich; ambos juntam-se ao artista de rua, de pele negra e exótico, Tom Jackson para deter a invasão de sua vila pelo bando de Makhnó. Nestor Makhnó [Makhno] foi "líder anarco-comunista ucraniano, se negou a se submeter ao governo bolchevique após a Revolução de Outubro, sendo um dos principais figurantes da Revolução Ucraniana. Constituiu o Exército Insurgente Makhnovista, de princípios anarquistas, que combateu o Exército Branco que tentou invadir a Ucrânia durante a Guerra Civil Russa, tendo eventualmente se aliado ao Exército Vermelho dos bolcheviques para tanto. Finda a guerra civil, sua milícia foi declarada ilegal e seus membros foram presos, deportados ou executados"
Arsena, the Brigand
Following an order of the landowner, the bride of Arsena’s fellow villager gets kidnapped and the bride’s father is relentlessly flogged. Arsena tries to rescue the woman but fails and goes to the mountains with his newly married wife. Above all, Arsena learns that his wife is impregnated by the landowner and burns down his house. Arsena gets arrested, but manages to escape and joins the rebel peasants. Arsena feels that with the passage of time the rebels turn into criminals and continues to fight with the oppressors alone.