Michel Fano

Michel Fano

Nascimento : 1929-12-09, Paris, France


French musician, composer, writer, filmmaker, and sound designer. He developed the concept of continuum sonore to describe the potential for a film's soundtrack to interact with its visual content. During the early 1950s, he was part of a generation of composers associated with the Darmstadt School, and was a lifelong friend of Pierre Boulez. From 1962 until 1975, he regularly collaborated with Alain Robbe-Grillet on cinematic projects, creating partitions sonores (or "sound-scores") for five of Robbe-Grillet's films. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Michel Fano


L'Escalier chimérique
A César award winning animation where the steps of a staircase change shape and size as someone tries to use them.
Circle of Passions
Sound Designer
An aristocratic Sicilian family living in the 1950s. Count Villafratti has sex one night with his nymphomaniac daughter because he thinks she is his wife.
The Claw and the Tooth
Original Music Composer
Without narration, this wildlife documentary explores the behavior of African animals by day and by night, and is especially vivid in its depiction of the hunting behavior of large predators.
Brincando com o Fogo
Music Consultant
Philippe Noiret plays a rich, Parisian banker whose daughter, Carolina, is kidnapped by a ruthless organization. They threaten to have her abused by the sadistic clients of a brothel they run if Father doesn’t pay the ransom on time.
Deslizamentos Progressivos do Prazer
Sound Designer
Uma jovem é suspeita do assassinato de sua amiga, uma mulher mais velha com quem mantinha uma relação conturbada. Confinada numa prisão dirigida por freiras, ela recebe a visita de um juiz, um pastor, e de uma jovem advogada que se assemelha estranhamente à sua amiga morta. Por meio de sua fértil imaginação, a jovem garota mistura suas fantasias pueris a uma sensualidade já muito desperta, operando sobre os adultos ao seu redor uma insidiosa transformação do espírito e da carne...
Deslizamentos Progressivos do Prazer
Uma jovem é suspeita do assassinato de sua amiga, uma mulher mais velha com quem mantinha uma relação conturbada. Confinada numa prisão dirigida por freiras, ela recebe a visita de um juiz, um pastor, e de uma jovem advogada que se assemelha estranhamente à sua amiga morta. Por meio de sua fértil imaginação, a jovem garota mistura suas fantasias pueris a uma sensualidade já muito desperta, operando sobre os adultos ao seu redor uma insidiosa transformação do espírito e da carne...
Olivier Messiaen and the Birds
"A renowned composer and organist, Olivier Messiaen was also a great teacher. Michel Fano, who took his composition class at the Paris Conservatory, films some of the privileged moments of his teaching. This film, co-directed with Denise Tual, also shows Messiaen as a devotee, an ornithologist, and a synaesthete, evoking the fundamental concepts of his inspiration with an often sparkling ease (the musician imitating certain bird songs in a manner reminiscent of Rouch recreating the cries of wizards for certain films). In this way, the film boldly collides sequences with visual or sound correspondences, the directors succeeding in dragging us into the world of mystery and dreams dear to the musician." (François Waledisch)
The Year 01
The film narrates a utopian abandonment, consensual and festive of the market economy and high productivity. The population decides on a number of resolutions beginning with "We stop everything" and the second "After a total downtime will be revived-reluctantly-that the services and products including lack will prove intolerable. Probably: water to drink, electricity for reading at night, the TSF to say "This is not the end of the world, this is an 01, and now a page of Celestial Mechanics". The implementation of these resolutions is the first day of a new era, Year 01. The Year 01 is emblematic of the challenge of the 1970s and covers such diverse topics as ecology, negation of authority, free love, communal living, rejection of private property and labor.
Les rendez-vous en forêt
French experimental film by Alain Fleischer.
N. Took the Dice
N Took the Dice is essentially a reworking of Eden and After made possible by the roll of a dice (scenes from the 1970 film were combined with outtakes and additional footage in an aleatory way). Robbe-Grillet was always interested in music and since he perceived Eden and After to be serial in nature, it only made sense that its sister film would stand in opposition to that.
The Territory of Others
This colorful wildlife documentary follows the flight birds and expresses the need for conservation and sanctuaries. Baby seals are shown being clubbed to death for their pelts. The creatures of nature face the biggest enemy in humans who pollute and show callous disregard for the sanctity of wildlife and conservation.
Eden and After
Sound Director
A group of French students are drawn into the psychological and sexual games of a mysterious Dutchman. Once they sample his "fear powder" the students experience a series of hallucinations.
Eden and After
Original Music Composer
A group of French students are drawn into the psychological and sexual games of a mysterious Dutchman. Once they sample his "fear powder" the students experience a series of hallucinations.
The Man Who Lies
Sound Director
A man may or may not have betrayed a resistance fighter during World War II. He has supposedly been shot down by the Nazis and wanders into town. Mourning the death of an unseen comrade, he is taken in by the family of the dead rebel. He engages in a superfluous affair and witnesses the lesbian relationship between the man's sister and a female servant. When passions subside, the family has doubts about the reliability of the man's story.
Wall Engravings
O relacionamento entre uma mulher e um homem que passou a adolescência em um reformatório.
One More Time
A young woman decided to make a show of her death she is going to look at during the whole film. We will see the progressive and long descent of a murderous machine which may pierce her throat.
The Authentic Trial of Carl Emmanuel Jung
Sound Designer
20 years later, the recreation of the trial of a simple man that confesses himself as a war criminal, Carl Emmanuel Jung.
Lamiel, a Mulher Insaciável
Music Editor
Filme Francês.
Lamiel, a Mulher Insaciável
Filme Francês.
A film director, Jean, his producer, Marc, and his assistant, Lucette, board the Trans-Europ-Express in Paris bound for Antwerp. Once in their compartment it occurs to them that the drama of life aboard the train presents possibilities for a film, and they begin to write a script about dope smuggling. Subsequently, they see actor Jean-Louis Trintignant walking through the station. As seen through the eyes of Jean, Marc, and Lucette, Trintignant becomes Elias, the chief character in the script. Elias is going to Antwerp to pick up a suitcase of cocaine for delivery to an international organization based in Paris.
The Picasso Look
On the 1967 huge Picasso exhibition in Paris, celebrating the 85 anniversary of the painter.
Um Homem, Uma Mulher
Sound Engineer
O despertar do amor entre um solitário convicto e uma mulher precocemente viúva. Ele, piloto de corridas. Ela, roteirista de cinema. Os dois tentam conduzir um relacionamento sincero e bem humorado em meio às insistentes demandas familiares e profissionais.
A Religiosa
Sound Designer
Por volta de 1750, uma garota é obrigada a fazer votos de freira. Três madres superioras a tratam de formas radicalmente diferentes, desde preocupação maternal até perseguição sádica e desejo lésbico. Ao pedir para renunciar aos seus votos, ela se vê presa em uma armadilha fatal.
Qui donc a rêvé ?
A little girl named Alice dreams about going through the looking-glass and becoming a queen in the mirror reality.
The Fifteen-Year-Old Widows
Sound Recordist
One of four film sketches on the problems of adolescents facing the adult world in the 1960s. The three other sketches were directed by Michel Brault, Hiroshi Teshigahara, and Gian Vittorio Baldi.
The Immortal One
Original Music Composer
A melancholy man meets a stunning, mysterious woman while he is traveling, and discovers she may or may not be involved in a prostitution ring. She disappears after their relationship lasts a few days, and though he searches for her, those around him pretend not to know who he is speaking of.
Crônica de um Verão
Paris, Verão de 1960. O antropólogo e cineasta Jean Rouch, assim como o sociólogo e crítico de cinema Edgar Morin, ambos ajudados por Marceline e Nadine, perambulam pelas ruas lotadas perguntando às pessoas comuns como elas lidam com as desgraças da vida. Você está feliz? Mas o seu verdadeiro objectivo é descobrir se as pessoas podem dizer a verdade diante de uma câmara e como reagem quando lhes é pedido que analisem o significado das suas respostas.
The Human Pyramid
Sound Recordist
Jean Rouch gives a group of black and white teenagers a "what if" question: what if they socialised with each other? The teenagers then improvise their own characters and situations.
The French Game
Wishing to find an old love that resurfaced, Juan, a Chilean diplomat, Dominique asks his friend François to act as an intermediary.
Le Bel Âge
Steph, Jean-Claude and Jacques work in a Parisian art shop, but they mainly work in the field of eroticism, which they conceive as a wide-ranging field of exercises and experiments.
A Game for Six Lovers
Miléna is living in her grandmother's baroque château when the rich lady dies. The lawyer Miguel, who had a previous relationship with Miléna, insists the other two grandchildren, Fifine and her brother Jean-Paul, visit the château for the reading of the will, even though they have been estranged from the family at an early age. However Robert, who had been living with Fifine in an open relationship, arrives and impersonates Jean-Paul. Robert falls for Fifine's cousin Miléna while Fifine has designs on Miguel. In the meantime, the butler César is focusing his lecherous intentions on Prudence, the maid he had just hired.
Chutes de pierres, danger de mort