Richard Champagne

Richard Champagne


Richard Champagne


Agent de sécurité
David is travelling. He's on a unique trip that doesn't take him from one place to another but from one moment in time to another. Seeking to understand the strange power he has to move around in his own timeline, David will eventually have to confront the disassembled chronology of his own life as well as his repressed past.
1:54 minutos
Policier périmètre
Tim é um pouco solitário. Na escola, ele gravita em direção a outro garoto tímido e eles se tornam amigos. Mas o bullying verbal e físico de uma gangue de crianças, bem como o uso agressivo das mídias sociais, perturbam o novo companheiro de Tim e ele se afasta dele - um ato de covardia que terá sérias repercussões. Como resultado da relutância de Tim em denunciar, os agressores parecem se safar de suas ações, tanto quanto o líder da gangue Jeff. Ele é um dos principais atletas da escola, que parece garantido um lugar no campeonato nacional com 800m de tempo de 1,54 minutos. Quando Tim decide começar o treinamento para enfrentar Jeff, mesmo tendo uma namorada como disfarce, seus inimigos parecem dispostos a fazer o possível para detê-lo.
Policier 1
In 1987, Ricardo is 17 years old. This summer, Ricardo has a busy schedule: loose his virginity, find a way to get into bars, have a car, spend time with his friends. In order to rapidly make money, Ricardo decides to use his italian inheritance and take a shortcut in the medium of crime. But things will go wrong...
Amor durante a Guerra Civil
Alex é um jovem viciado que vende seu corpo em Montreal. Ele é ladeado por Bruno, Simon, Jeanne, Eric e Velma, todos presos na mesma espiral de compulsão. Reféns da lógica do mercado da sociedade, eles são os anjos caídos de um tempo sombrio e violento.
A teenage Quebecer in the 1960s evolves from pro-independence activist to radical terrorist, in this gripping chronicle of the origins of the FLQ in the decade preceding the 1970 October Crisis.
Vic+Flo Viram um Urso
Victoria Champagne (Pierrette Robitaille) é libertada da prisão. Instalada em uma cabana no meio da mata, ela deve informar suas atividades semanais ao agente da condicional (Marc-André Grondin). Florence Richemont (Valerie Donzelli), sua companheira de cela e de intimidade, é liberada mais tarde e se junta a Victoria na floresta. A partir disto, começa uma estranha dinâmica entre elas, que precisam se proteger dos fantasmas do passado.
Policier civil - Canada
When a worldwide plot to divert gold which was placed in central banks all across North America is investigated, Pierre Gauthier is summoned to lead the inquiry. Gauthier however is soon betrayed, and finds himself going head to head with the "capo" of Montreal Mafia.
Policier #2
Thanks to his wife Madeleine, a social worker who saved him from the street when he was 17-years-old, Pierre Dalpé has become a prosperous entrepreneur, running a garbage-collection business in the Montreal area. His quiet happiness with his wife and their children changes when he crosses paths with Eve, a teenage drug addict/prostitute who belongs to a street gang. At the risk of destroying everything he’s built up, Pierre decides to make it his mission to help Eve get out of her unhealthy situation before she dies of an overdose, like his sister did. But in doing so, he has to confront his old demons, to Madeleine’s despair, as she feels him slipping farther away from her every day.
Meus 533 Filhos
Spécialiste #1
Quando sua namorada Valerie anuncia que está gravida, um preguiçoso de quarentão recebe tambem outras notícias que mudam a vida: 142 pessoas, todas nascidas de inseminação artificial, entraram com uma ação coletiva contra ele, seu pai biológico.
Father and Guns
Agent antigang
To save the life of fellow cop kidnapped by a biker gang, a father and a son who cannot stand the sight of each other infiltrate an outdoor adventure group-therapy for fathers and sons. Their biggest challenge is to survive the therapy without killing each other.
Agent de sécurité
Two men bond as one recovers from an attack and the other deals with the impending death of his grandmother.
O Último Túnel
Michel Talon passou a maior parte da sua vida adulta dentro e fora das grades. Dono de um espírito indomável, se lançou em um golpe que o transformaria em uma “celebridade” internacional, roubar U$ 200 milhões do cofre de um dos bancos mais prestigiados do Canadá. Para este evento, chamou antigos amigos. Vamos nos empolgar com esta história real que abalou a segurança dos bancos no mundo inteiro.
Evil Words
Police Officer
One day, for no apparent reason, a cop kills 11 children. The same day, horror novelist Thomas Roy tries to commit suicide after cutting his fingers. At first glance, nothing seems to link the two events – until Dr. Paul Lacasse, a disillusioned psychiatrist, takes over the case. Prompted by his colleague Jeanne, a fan of Thomas Roy, Dr. Lacasse investigates the writer’s past. Hounded by a gossip columnist, Dr. Lacasse uncovers a series of troubling facts that bolster his convictions about the case. As he tries to reassemble the pieces of the puzzle in order to better treat the famous writer, Dr. Lacasse is dragged further and further into a series of events, with terrifying consequences.
Karmina 2
Police tactique
All the vampires have to take a special potion made by Ghyslain Chabot to be human. Chabot's wife isn't a vampire yet but wishes to become one. Ghyslain doesn't share her desire because of all the rules and responsibilities inherent in being a vampire. As a result, Ghyslain's wife throws him out of the house without the potion.