Director Byeon from Daejon barely makes a living by teaching about scenarios. Then one day, Byeon hears that one of his short films has been chosen for the Short Film Corner at the Cannes Film Festival. However, unexpected things happen around Byeon, before he finally goes to France and meets Sara, a mysterious actress.
Professor's Wife
A estória de um motorista de táxi na cidade de Yanji City, uma região situada entre a Coréia do Norte, China e Rússia. Sua esposa parte para Coréia para ganhar a vida mas ele fica seis meses sem ter notícias dela. Ele joga mah-jong para ganhar um dinheiro extra mas isso só torna a vida dele pior; um dia ele encontra um assassino de aluguel que promete mudar sua vida pagando suas dívidas e trazendo sua esposa de volta, tudo por apenas um tiro.
11 members of an internet suicide site gathered in an abandoned school. They included a former baseball player who retired because of his injuries, a cancer patient whose death was declared, and a high school girl being pessimistic of her school score. While having the last supper after completely preparing the equipment and method for their suicide, they listen to each other's stories.