Patricia Garza

Patricia Garza


Patricia Garza é uma atriz mexicana.


Patricia Garza


Between Shadows
In an attempt to solve their marriage problems, Eric and Mari take a trip to the Mexican southeast, but she disappears under mysterious circumstances. On his way back to Mexico City, Eric meets Narciso, a mysterious man, and gives him a ride. Eric describes a series of events which finally lead him to a revelation about the time he shared with Mari.
Luisa and Tomas try to save their relationship by avoiding their differences and clinging to the love they have for each other. Everything starts disintegrating when they realize that love is not enough.
Borrar de la Memoria
Licha Joven
Uma história de amor transformou-se em assassinato contra o pano de fundo do massacre estudantil de 1968 cujo status não resolvido é finalmente resolvido em tensas condições de ameaça à vida. A história de um jornalista teimoso que empreende o esclarecimento e a apresentação à justiça do hediondo assassinato de um estudante quarenta anos depois representa um esforço dedicado para forçar um país a se reconciliar e encerrar eventos sociais e políticos trágicos na história de um país. Uma nação não pode permitir encobrimentos oficiais que procurem apagar e apagar os eventos da memória coletiva que impedem a marcha de uma nação em direção à justiça social
Ella – well she has a name too – Luna (Patricia Garza), is actually about her much older husband and painter Alfredo (Paul Vega), and his choice of actions/reactions after she decides to leave him for a lover that he wasn’t aware of. Alberto has been going through a creative crisis and is under pressure to complete a series of paintings for a forthcoming show. It is nevertheless also plain to see that he’d been treating Luna, who’s also his model, largely as an object of desire and obsession – capturing with camera her every movement in the house when she’s not posing for him, and memorising her every physical feature, moles and warts included – he’d apparently counted twenty seven moles on her body. When Alfredo tracks down and entraps the lover she’d wanted to elope with (Rómulo Assereto), he’ll discover that they both have more in common than merely desiring the same woman…