Claude Joseph

Claude Joseph


Claude Joseph


Planeta Fantástico
Additional Voices (voice)
No planeta Ygam vivem humanóides chamados de Oms, que são escravos (ou animais de estimação) dos Draggs, uma raça de gigantes com mais de dez metros de altura, olhos vermelhos e pele azul. O planeta é um lugar indefinido onde os homens parecem insetos aos olhos dos Draggs.
Charlots Go to Spain
Le promoteur immobilier (voice) (uncredited)
Four friends from Paris are living misadventures of all sorts in Spain when their group of travelers is forced to split due to a travel scam.
Le Mariage de Figaro ou La Folle Journée
La veuve et l'innocent
Nicole, a spirited lawyer, must defend, for her debut in the courtroom, the accused Panoyau. It is a failure, the death sentence. Furious, Nicole proclaims to Claude, her fiance, that the marriage is canceled as long as Panoyau is threatened. Claude manages to steal the guillotine and the couple go on a trip and discover the real assassin.
The Hell of Lost Pilots
A plane flying to Dakar is caught in a storm and has to land in the desert. Deprived of a radio, he is unable to give his position and the water reserves are limited to two days. Each, among the military crew and the civilian passengers, experiences the ordeal according to his character.
Dawn Devils
A lieutenant, at the head of a commando ready to land in France, finds among his men a maquisard who had tried to kill him in the past.
Une femme coupée en morceaux
Four men in love with the same woman put on a music-hall show and travel the world in search of the beauty. They will find success and fortune, but their sentimental quest will be a failure.
Hoboes in Paradise
In a Provençal village, two jolly good fellows, Boule and Pons, decide to dress as Saint Anthony and Saint Nicholas for the distribution of presents to the children on the feast of Saint Nicholas. They unfortunately get killed by a cart and find themselves in Hell where Lucifer and his demons duly torment them. They are saved by a prayer which helps them to climb the stairway to Paradise. Saint Peter, taken in by the applicants' disguise, lets them in. When the two true Saints show up, trouble follows. Luckily, thanks to the intervention of the Virgin Mary, the two friends are acquitted at their celestial trial and allowed to return to Earth.