Petr Korolev


A young Moscow music video maker Grisha blazes his way to fame through the dashing nineties - in the era of careless parties, bandit shooters and grievous bodily harm. His friends are the best music video makers in the country, his clients are its main stars. One dashing adventure follows another - the guys are lucky. And it seems that everything is just beginning.
Ivan sets off on a dangerous mission into Syria to save his ex-commander Grey after his capture by ISIS. With the help of U.S. military patrols, he succeeds in freeing Grey and attempts to escape the country while being hunted by terrorists.
Leave the Group
A teenager, in search of his place in the world, finds himself in a social network group that recruits children into a mysterious brotherhood. After going through a series of tests, teenagers must prove that they are special. The next task is a real murder. Having thought it over, the hero must escape from yesterday's "friends" and expose the real criminals.
22 Minutos
Tanker mechanic
Um fuzileiro tentará salvar a vida de seus companheiros, quando o navio em que se encontram é sequestrado por piratas do norte do Oceano Índico. Para realizar tal feitio, ele trabalhará juntamente com uma equipe das forças armadas, que terá vinte e dois minutos para completar a operação.
Feitiço Negro
Um grupo de estudantes organiza uma expedição a aldeias místicas isoladas. Em uma delas, Marina, uma garota fascinada pelo misticismo, encontra uma tumba antiga e nela um escudo mágico. Quando ela toca o escudo desperta espíritos adormecidos e raivosos sobre si mesma. Os estudantes nem imaginam o que os espera, e para sobreviverem, terão que lutar contra as forças sobrenaturais.
Five short love stories, which become a statement of the directors about love. A shoemaker, a reporter, a pavement hooker-in, a psychiatric patient and a young man released from prison are the main characters of the film, heroes in a time of no heroes. All of them have the important qualities of being openhearted and not afraid of loving.