Vinte anos depois de três adolescentes terem desaparecido na sequência de misteriosas luzes no Arizona, imagens nunca vistas antes daquela noite são descobertas, relatando as últimas horas daquela expedição fatídica.
Vinte anos depois de três adolescentes terem desaparecido na sequência de misteriosas luzes no Arizona, imagens nunca vistas antes daquela noite são descobertas, relatando as últimas horas daquela expedição fatídica.
Associate Producer
Em meio às longas estradas, quarteirões, fábricas abandonadas e lagos que formam a área metropolitana de Detroit, quatro jovens procuram por amor e aventura na última noite do verão. Maggie, Rob, Claudia e Scott exploram as maravilhas da vida suburbana e correm atrás dos primeiros beijos, paqueras, festas e da popularidade. Ao procurarem pela experiência adolescente ideal, eles descobrem os momentos mais simples que se tornarão parte de sua juventude.
Visual Effects
Oliver Fields (Ewan McGregor) é um sujeito de vida pacata como artista gráfico que perdeu a mãe há cinco anos. Ele sofre um novo abalo ao receber duas notícias vindas de seu pai, Hal (Christopher Plummer), que anuncia ter câncer e ser homossexual. Oliver embarca em um relacionamento com a atriz francesa Anna (Mélanie Laurent) e espera que as experiências passadas em seu núcleo familiar, ainda que inusitadas, o auxiliem na construção de sua vida amorosa.
Upon returning to their countryside cabin one day, Kaya, his wife Helen, and their daughter Naomi are confronted by two suited men: representatives of the San Francisco Remigration Program. The men explain that San Francisco is now occupied entirely by the wealthy class. But stoplights still burn out and trains occasionally jump their rails. Blue-collar labor isn't obsolete, but it's scarce. The city has created a program to "remigrate" long-gone working class families from their inland homes back to the city that once pushed them out. Kaya, Helen, and Naomi return to San Francisco and join a handful of other potential remigrants for a tour of what can be expected in their new lives. But can they learn to trust their old home once again?
Waking from a one-night stand that neither remembers, Micah and Joanne find themselves wandering the streets of San Francisco, sharing coffee and conversation and searching for a deeper connection.
Visual Effects
Heists do not solely exist in the movies. These high profile schemes are elaborately planned, artful in their Machiavellian plotting, and so meticulously coordinated that they are often referred to as "the masterpieces of the confidence game". Often aimed at impossibly ambitious targets - casinos, jewelry stores, or famous museums - the masterminds behind these crimes are often heralded as the ingenious magicians of the underworld. The mystery and magnitude of these real crime stories sparks an undeniable interest for us innocent onlookers - a sense of seduction, spectacle and entertainment.
Short film written and directed by Lauren Miller.
Sound Designer
A little brown boy gets caught up in a violent shooting and must come to terms with the incident and the part he has played.