Alison Valence


Emmanuel is in his twenties and studies at the dance conservatory. Between his administrative and financial setbacks and the fiasco of an audition that could have simplified everything, Emmanuel goes through a difficult day. But, by confronting some obstacles, he confronts himself and realizes how far he has come. Emmanuel has become a young adult.
The Geneva Convention
As Hakim is waiting for the bus after class, he is caught in a vendetta between teenagers. He is not exactly keen to get into a fight, but how can he possibly avoid an awaited confrontation?
3 Dias para Matar
Ethan Renner (Kevin Costner), veterano agente secreto, está à beira da morte. Seu último desejo é reatar com sua filha, com quem perdeu contato há muito tempo. Temendo não ter tempo hábil para salvar seus relacionamentos com a menina e com a ex-esposa, este homem descobre a existência de uma potente droga que pode salvá-lo, contanto que ele aceite um derradeiro trabalho.