Jeff Bailey


Thomas & Friends: Hero of the Rails
One summer, Thomas comes across an old abandoned engine called Hiro. Desperately in need of repair, Hiro faces the Smelters Yard, so Thomas and his friends must work together to save poor Hiro from this fate.
Sugar Creek
Abe McGovern
Sugar Creek is a low budget film, unlike anything you have ever seen. Part fairy tale/morality tale. Part Horror/ Western. The story of Adam, as he is hunted by a mysterious Horseman through a valley where men do hateful things because they've had hateful things done to them, is the story of revenge and redemption, and the irony in between.
Johnny & June
El Paso Taxi Driver
A história do cantor Johnny Cash (Joaquin Phoenix), desde sua juventude em uma fazenda de algodão até o início do sucesso em Memphis, onde gravou com Elvis Presley, Johnny Lee Lewis e Carl Perkins. Sua personalidade marginal e a infância tumultuada fazem com que Johnny entre em um caminho de auto-destruição, do qual apenas June Carter (Reese Whiterspoon), o grande amor de sua vida, pode salvar.
Tudo em Família
J.C. Montgomery
Ruby and her husband Claude are a working-class couple who live in suburban Arkansas. As crazy as they are for each other, their relationship is far from harmonious. (The lack of money doesn't help matters, either.) In fact, their whole family is fraught with unresolved conflicts. Then Claude's uncle is arrested on a felony charge, and everyone rallies round. Ruby's mother Jewel and flirtatious sister Rose (Claude's ex-girlfriend) even fly in from Tennessee; but, far from being a source of support, Jewel seems only to want to break up Ruby and Claude.
One False Move
Harlan Childress
Following a series of drug deals and murders, three criminals -- Fantasia, Ray Malcolm and Pluto -- travel from Los Angeles to Houston, finally arriving in a small Arkansas town to go into hiding. Two detectives from the LAPD, who are already on the case, contact the town's sheriff, Dale Dixon, to alert him of the fugitives' presence in the area. Underestimating Dixon, the criminals have no idea what they are about to face.
Metido em Encrencas
Mess Hall Corporal
Adaptado de uma famosa comédia da Broadway, "Metido em Encrencas" tem no papel prioncipal o jovem astro do cinema Matthew Broderick. Ele passa bons e maus momentos na pele de Eugene Morris, um jovem nova-iorquiano. Recrutado para o serviço militar no Mississipi no ano de 1943, o garoto do Broklyn deixa Nova York sonhando com prazeres e diversão. Porém, o que Eugene encontra de fato são um sangrento sádico (Christopher Walken) e um pelotão de recrutas pouco adepto da camaradagem. Tendo como arma apenas seu afiado senso de humor e uma poportuna sagacidade, Eugene enfrenta a dura vida do exército. Ele está disposto a sair de lá com tudo o que tinha quando chegou. Exceto uma coisa: a virgindade. Narrando as viagens e aventuras de Eugene da adolescencia à idade adulta, esta brilhante comédia justifica o sucesso que teve no teatro e no cinema.