Benjamin Noble

Benjamin Noble


Benjamin Noble


Britisk marineoffiser
Com a primeira derrota de Hitler na Segunda Guerra como pano de fundo, um soldado norueguês volta para casa e descobre uma verdade chocante sobre a esposa.
The Hanging Sun
Police Agent
On the run from his former employer, a reluctant hitman seeks refuge in an isolated village where he is faced with events that test the true nature of his conscience.
Oslo Copenhagen
A Norwegian couple invites their Danish friends on a ferry trip between Norway and Denmark. On the journey, something catastrophic happens and they ask them a question that puts everyone's relationship in jeopardy.
The Station Master
A lonely Station Master at a remote, rural outpost encounters a woman stranded overnight at his station, and after some hesitation, invites her to spend the night in the warmth of his humble home. This unexpected encounter reawakens the Station Master's enthusiasm for life as the two talk long into the night, but in the morning, when her train arrives, will she leave along with his heart?
The Station Master
Train Driver
A lonely Station Master at a remote, rural outpost encounters a woman stranded overnight at his station, and after some hesitation, invites her to spend the night in the warmth of his humble home. This unexpected encounter reawakens the Station Master's enthusiasm for life as the two talk long into the night, but in the morning, when her train arrives, will she leave along with his heart?
A Duquesa
Lord Ambrose (as Ben Garlick)
Georgiana Spencer casou-se aos 18 anos com o Duque de Devonshire, que queria a todo custo ter um filho. Possuindo o título de Duquesa de Devonshire, logo Georgiana demonstrou sua inteligência e perspicácia perante a corte inglesa. Entretanto, ela não conseguia dar ao duque um filho, com todas as suas tentativas de ficar grávida resultando em abortos ou em filhas. Isto faz com que o relacionamento entre eles se deteriore, pouco a pouco.