Valeria Sarmiento

Valeria Sarmiento

Nascimento : 1948-10-29, Valparaíso, Chile


Valeria Sarmiento (born 29 October 1948) is a film editor, director and screenwriter best known for her work in France, Portugal and her native Chile. She has worked both in film and television, directing 20 feature films, documentaries and television series'. She is the widow of Chilean film director Raúl Ruiz (1941-2011) with whom she collaborated for decades as regular editor and co-writer. She has also edited films for Luc Moullet, Robert Kramer and Ventura Pons . From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Valeria Sarmiento


Socialist Realism
Documentário abordando o debate interno do partido socialista chileno no início dos anos 1970; a passagem/transformação de um homem de direita em fervoroso ativista de esquerda, e o fenômeno oposto que ocorre com um operário.
O Tango do Viúvo e Seu Espelho Deformador
O primeiro longa-metragem de Raúl Ruiz foi considerado perdido por décadas, até que seus rolos mudos incompletos foram encontrados em um cinema de Santiago. O trabalho do autor chileno foi continuado por sua viúva e editora de longa data, Valeria Sarmiento, também uma cineasta subversiva e brilhante. Tal como o tango, o filme avança para a frente e para trás, com rostos de 1967 e vozes de 2019 se unindo para moldar a história de um homem assombrado pelo fantasma nômade de sua esposa. Documentário e ficção combinam-se de forma bela, engraçada e gloriosamente desconcertante para formar a apoteose de um cinema eternamente sorrindo para a morte.
O Tango do Viúvo e Seu Espelho Deformador
O primeiro longa-metragem de Raúl Ruiz foi considerado perdido por décadas, até que seus rolos mudos incompletos foram encontrados em um cinema de Santiago. O trabalho do autor chileno foi continuado por sua viúva e editora de longa data, Valeria Sarmiento, também uma cineasta subversiva e brilhante. Tal como o tango, o filme avança para a frente e para trás, com rostos de 1967 e vozes de 2019 se unindo para moldar a história de um homem assombrado pelo fantasma nômade de sua esposa. Documentário e ficção combinam-se de forma bela, engraçada e gloriosamente desconcertante para formar a apoteose de um cinema eternamente sorrindo para a morte.
O Caderno Negro
O relato das aventuras, no crepúsculo do século XVIII, de um singular par formado por um pequeno órfão de origens misteriosas e pela sua jovem ama italiana, de nascimento igualmente incerto. Eles levam-nos na sua peugada, de Roma a Paris, de Lisboa a Londres, de Parma a Veneza. Sempre seguidos na sombra, por razões obscuras, por um sinistro Calabrês e um inquietante cardeal, fazem-nos testemunhar tenebrosas intrigas no Vaticano, a angústia de uma paixão fatal, um funesto duelo, a galanteria na corte de Versalhes, as convulsões da Revolução francesa e a ascensão do general Bonaparte.
The Wandering Soap Opera
Uma série de vinhetas interligadas cujos personagens se encontram em todos os tipos de situações absurdas, em uma mistura de melodrama e fantasia. Os estereótipos de novelas como adultério e femme fatales são tratados com ironia, resultando em alguns comentários satíricos sobre a política chilena.
The Wandering Soap Opera
Uma série de vinhetas interligadas cujos personagens se encontram em todos os tipos de situações absurdas, em uma mistura de melodrama e fantasia. Os estereótipos de novelas como adultério e femme fatales são tratados com ironia, resultando em alguns comentários satíricos sobre a política chilena.
Linhas de Wellington
Após a derrota na Batalha do Bussaco, as tropas francesas do Marechal Massena forçam as forças anglo-portuguesas a retirar para Lisboa. Para defender a capital, bem como a eventual retirada dos ingleses, Wellington fez erguer, num ano e meio e no maior segredo, o maior sistema de defesa que Portugal já viu: as Linhas de Torres Vedras. A retirada, acompanhada de uma operação de "terra-queimada", é o pano de fundo para uma história de dramas pessoais, em que as vidas de várias pessoas diferentes são profundamente afectadas pela guerra e pela devastação.
Linhas de Wellington
Após a derrota na Batalha do Bussaco, as tropas francesas do Marechal Massena forçam as forças anglo-portuguesas a retirar para Lisboa. Para defender a capital, bem como a eventual retirada dos ingleses, Wellington fez erguer, num ano e meio e no maior segredo, o maior sistema de defesa que Portugal já viu: as Linhas de Torres Vedras. A retirada, acompanhada de uma operação de "terra-queimada", é o pano de fundo para uma história de dramas pessoais, em que as vidas de várias pessoas diferentes são profundamente afectadas pela guerra e pela devastação.
Paul, um importante autor e critico de arte, cego por causa de acidente de automovel, contrata um assistente para ajudá-lo com seu próximo livro. Ele emprega a amável Jane Ryder para ser seus olhos. A principio Jane parece ser ideal: atraente, inteligente e principalmente tolerante, pelas excentricidades de seu empregador. Mas, aos poucos, a bela vai se revelando e situações estranhas acontecem ao redor da casa. Jane joga jogos cada vez mais sádicos e sem dó pretende matar Paul. Porém quando ele percebe, pode ser tarde demais.
Night Across the Street
A drama centered on an office worker on the verge of retirement who begins to relive both real and imagined memories.
Mistérios de Lisboa
A trágica história das muitas vidas do Padre Dinis, das suas origens sombrias e das suas obras piedosas, e dos diferentes destinos de todos aqueles que, presos numa sinistra teia de amor, ódio e crime, se cruzam com ele ao longo de anos de aventuras e infortúnios na convulsa Europa do final do século 18.
After long decades of exile, a leftist former activist returns to Chile to settle accounts with his conscience, related to the death of a colleague and political hero . The task of Atalibar is to reveal his secret. But his view clashes with the current country, godless, far from the old ideologies and where all his old colleagues have changed.
After long decades of exile, a leftist former activist returns to Chile to settle accounts with his conscience, related to the death of a colleague and political hero . The task of Atalibar is to reveal his secret. But his view clashes with the current country, godless, far from the old ideologies and where all his old colleagues have changed.
Nucingen House
Costume Design
Surreal gothic comedy about a gambler who wins a strange Chilean mansion and takes his frail wife there.
La Recta Provincia
This was a man. He lived with his mother. He cared a manor house in the countryside of Chile. One day the man found a bone in the garden. The bone was bored. That was a bone flute. The man with the flute music play. And music song became. The voice of the song begging to seek the other bones of his scattered body. The man and his mother were in those ways of God and hell, looking for the bones that make up the skeleton of that Christian. And give him a Christian burial. And they saw what they saw, they lived what they lived. Many stories lived. And although they did not tell anyone, others told them.
A portrait of Austrian artist Gustav Klimt whose lavish, sexual paintings came to symbolize the art nouveau style of the late 19th and early 20th century.
The Lost Domain
Set in 1973 during the coup d'etat in Chile, Max recalls his encounters in London during World War II with French aviator Antoine, a childhood hero he first met in his native country one morning in 1932 and who initiated him to the wonders of aviation.
A Place Among the Living
A mediocre pulp novelist is approached by a stranger claiming to be a serial killer with a proposition to chronicle his crimes.
That Day
A father is scheming to have his slightly mental daughter from an earlier marriage killed by allowing a murderous psychopath to be released from the asylum and led to his house. However, the psychopath and the daughter fall for each other.
Rosa la China
Chilean director Valeria Sarmiento weaves a tale of love, betrayal, and civil unrest centering around a nightclub in 1950s pre-Communist Cuba in her 2002 romantic drama Rosa La China. Notorious businessman Santiago Ordenez (Juan Luis Galiardo), who primarily goes by the nickname Dulzara, operates a high-profile club/casino with the protection of some local politicians with whom he has dubious relationships. A large portion of the club's success is due to its star singer, Rosa (Luisa Maria Jiminez), who also happens to be Dulzara's lover. Rosa, however, has recently started into another affair with a somewhat younger womanizer named Marcos (Abel Rodriguez).
Savage Souls
At a wake one night in 1945, a group of aged women recall the life of one of their number. Sixty years before, Thérèse was barely 20 years old when she eloped with her boyfriend, Firmin, a blacksmith, to Châtillon, a town in Provence. Here, she makes the acquaintance of the wealthy Madame Numance, who is known for her good deeds. Realising that Thérèse is pregnant and unemployed, Madame Numance insists that she moves into a house on her estate. Whilst Firmin resents the arrangement, Thérèse soon finds that she can exploit the situation, using her benefactor's naivety and generosity for her own gain..
Combate de Amor em Sonho
A serious young man of free spirit is forced by his surroundings to become rich at all costs. A group of blind children tries to open the eyes of the unbelievers to the Christian faith. Retired nuns who open a brothel, to pay the running costs of the convent. These rather ironic paradoxes turn this fairytale into a philosophical fable.
L'Inconnu de Strasbourg
Madeleine is with her lover, Jean-Paul, when her husband arrives home and catches the two together. Madeleine kills her husband and tells Jean-Paul to flee before the police arrive. After Jean-Paul drives away, he picks up a hitchhiker. When the car, stolen by the hitchhiker, explodes, police believe the dead hitchhiker is Jean-Paul. Madeleine takes up with Jean-Paul's brother, Bastien, while Jean-Paul, arriving in Strasbourg, is mistaken for the heir to a fortune. The detective on the case spends more time writing crime novels than investigating real-life crimes.
L'Inconnu de Strasbourg
Madeleine is with her lover, Jean-Paul, when her husband arrives home and catches the two together. Madeleine kills her husband and tells Jean-Paul to flee before the police arrive. After Jean-Paul drives away, he picks up a hitchhiker. When the car, stolen by the hitchhiker, explodes, police believe the dead hitchhiker is Jean-Paul. Madeleine takes up with Jean-Paul's brother, Bastien, while Jean-Paul, arriving in Strasbourg, is mistaken for the heir to a fortune. The detective on the case spends more time writing crime novels than investigating real-life crimes.
Genealogias de um Crime
René, o criminoso, é defendido por Solange, a advogada, cujo seu objectivo será demonstrar a complicada teia de relações de um jogo subtil entre a vítima e o sobrinho durante mais de dez anos. Pouco a pouco, vai descobrindo uma teoria controversa que irá ter que provar: o jovem não só terá castigado a tia devido ao interesse doentio que aquela demonstrava por ele, mas também devido à sua clara predisposição para matar. Mas, à medida que a investigação prossegue, algo inesperado acontece e vai mudar o rumo da história: o jovem começa a identificar Solange com a falecida tia, enquanto que a advogada reconhece em René a imagem do seu filho, morte num acidente de viação. O fantasma da tia Jeanne encarna Solange, dando ao jovem criminoso uma nova oportunidade. A defesa de Solange conhece um grande sucesso, pese embora a oposição da ordem dos psiquiatras: René é absolvido. Solange e seu cliente apaixonam-se e vão viver juntos.
The Film to Come
If any single piece can act as a key to Ruiz, it may be the 1997 short Le Film à Venir (The Film to Come). The titular film is a holy fragment of celluloid that can only be seen by a secret society known as the Philokinetes. They watch it on a loop, somnambulating through a life that is unreal by comparison. It is the belief of the Philokinetes that film has an existence “independent from humans. Cinema, they said, is the primeval soup of a new life form. There from were to emerge pure screening creatures. Which is to say, non-topical beings.” - n+1
The story of a neurotic bachelor who, after marrying a beautiful woman, submits her to increasingly deranged accusations of infidelity and pleas for forgiveness.
The story of a neurotic bachelor who, after marrying a beautiful woman, submits her to increasingly deranged accusations of infidelity and pleas for forgiveness.
Wind Water
In Wind Water, Ruiz stages a three-way dialogue between three great cultures: the West, China and Arabia. He imagines what might occur if Shih-T’ao’s six poetic procedures for attaining the primal respiration or cosmic breath in painting were applied to one of the flagships of Western art, Velazquez’s Las Meninas. Ruiz wants the three cultures to interact and test each other like the paper, stone and scissors of the children’s game. The result is an insoluble dispute, a différend. No reconciliation or compromise is possible between these cultural outlooks.
The Clandestine Journey: Lives of Saints and Sinners
A surreal travel drama, shot on Sicility with Italian actors. IlViaggio Clandestino is a film about saints and sinners. Whether you areblessed or doomed is often dependent on someone's soul that on whether theypray or suffer. The kindred spirit of San Gil ! the Holy Gil ! is CiccioBavaria who, unilke the former, continues to seek sin. For Bavaria sin isliberating and dynamic. The film tells the story of the journey made by thesetwo protagonists; a journey that leads to the demise of San Gil, while Bavariais reincarnated as Buddha. There is another traveller, a clandestinetraveller. Christ, always fleeing the angels. This Christ does not helphumanity with miracles, but by keeping himself alive as best he can givingweather forecasts.In this strange sainty story, Ruiz allowed himself ot be inspired byapocryphal books about saints of flesh and blood.
The Solitudes
Chile is seen through the eyes of a Chinese painter - a traditional painter who uses the concepts of XVIII century Shih-T'ao.
Amelia Lópes O'Neill
A well-bred young woman who prizes the virtue of fidelity remains faithful to the doctor who deflowers her, even after he marries her invalid sister.
Amelia Lópes O'Neill
A well-bred young woman who prizes the virtue of fidelity remains faithful to the doctor who deflowers her, even after he marries her invalid sister.
Amelia Lópes O'Neill
A well-bred young woman who prizes the virtue of fidelity remains faithful to the doctor who deflowers her, even after he marries her invalid sister.
Planet of the Children
Documentary about Cuban education. El planeta de los niños is not a documentary and not a feature film. Sarmiento actually filmed a documentary subject with the mise-en-scène and the cutting of a feature film. Without further ado, she takes the viewer into a world where adults would appear to have died out ; a society within which all functions and professions are held by children with deadly seriousness as if things have always been this way. Only right at the end does Sarmiento reveal that she shot the film at the 'Escuele de Pioneros' set up in Cuba in 1979, an institution which Fidel Castro gave to the children of his people to prepare themselves for a later working life. The film opens with an as-good-as-real wedding ceremony and progresses via a birth to a simulated battle ; from birth to death. The subtle irony with which Sarmiento portrays this 'Utopian' world was not understood by all German critics.
Collaborative experimental project on which three director made different films about the Swedish icebreaker "Frej".
L'Autel de l'amitié
A series of philosophical dialogues on friendship, architecture, electricity, cannibalism and human rights.
The Blind Owl
H., 35, an Arabian immigrant, works as projectionist in an old cinema. One day, drawn by the music, he looks through the window of the booth and is fascinated: the dancer he sees on the screen seems to be looking straight into his eyes. He falls in love with her, but the vision last only a moment. Shortly afterwards, an elderly man storms into the projection booth and claims he is his uncle.
 H. wants to prepare a meal for him and reaches for the oil bottle: he sees the same dancer on the label…. H begins to find echoes of his own life in the images he projects. Everything changes when fiction and reality merge...
Brise-Glace: Histoires de glace
Third and final part of collaborative project Brise Glace. Directed by Raúl Ruíz.
Boucherie fine
A butcher whose meat is most tender, surrounded successively by ephemeral and delightful cashiers.
Dans un miroir
A man comes to visit an acquaintance who is supposed to be sick and talks to his sister while he is waiting.
Treasure Island
Jim is a small child who lives in an inn run by his parents. The arrival of a strange captain to the Island they live will trouble his existence and tip him into an universe of adventures.
Notre mariage
A sickly young girl is given away by her father to a childless couple. Twenty years later, she marries her adopted father.
Notre mariage
A sickly young girl is given away by her father to a childless couple. Twenty years later, she marries her adopted father.
Voyage of a Hand
In Voyage of a Hand, Ruiz constructs another of his concentric labyrinths that hits us right in the multifaceted center of our confusion. We might decide that what we receive was a story full of intentions; or we might decide that it was a spineless joke empty of sense or direction. In any case, it will be difficult to deny the acid sense of humor that animates the film.
Voyage of a Hand
In Voyage of a Hand, Ruiz constructs another of his concentric labyrinths that hits us right in the multifaceted center of our confusion. We might decide that what we receive was a story full of intentions; or we might decide that it was a spineless joke empty of sense or direction. In any case, it will be difficult to deny the acid sense of humor that animates the film.
A Cidade dos Piratas
A surreal odyssey in which a melancholic maidservant crosses paths with a homicidal little boy, travels to a tiny island of pirates and encounters a man with multiple personalities.
As Três Coroas do Marinheiro
Um marinheiro bêbado conta a odisseia surrealista da história de sua vida a um estudante assassino.
On Top of the Whale
A parody of anthropology, linguistics, and cultural imperialism. The film follows an unlikely team of linguists into the wilds of an ersatz Patagonia to study the last speakers of a dying language. That language apparently consists of a single word, which therefore means everything.
A Man, When He Is a Man
What are the social climate and cultural traditions in Costa Rica which nurture "machismo" and allow the domination of women to continue in Latin America?
A Man, When He Is a Man
What are the social climate and cultural traditions in Costa Rica which nurture "machismo" and allow the domination of women to continue in Latin America?
O Território
A small group of well-to-do vacationers go on a hiking trip into the woods. Foolishly unprepared to deal with Mother Nature and their situation, they wander around lost for days and weeks, becoming more and more fatigued, hungry, and desperate. A brief encounter with a pair of epicureans on a bridge fails to garner them any of the gluttons' feast due to a language barrier. Eventually their party begins to die, and the survivors ration their meat among them, attaching a religious-type ritual to its dispensation.
The film concerns a group of disparate types who support themselves by running guns to the Arabs. On the surface, it would seem that these characters are bad guys. In fact, the guns are to be used by a resistance group who hope to continue shipping oil to the West, despite the despotic curbs imposed upon fuel shipments by their leaders.
Of Great Events and Ordinary People
In 1978, Ruiz was commissioned to make a television documentary about the French elections from the viewpoint of a Chilean exile in Paris’ eleventh arrondissement. But, contrary to the producers’ expectation, the Left lost. Ruiz seized on this anti-climax to make a documentary about nothing except itself – a film whose central subject is forever lost in digression and ‘dispersal’, harking back to his Chilean experiments of the ‘60s. Its political content is deliberately left negligible: it’s hard to tell at the end who did actually win the election, let alone why.
The One-Eyed Man
With his body now devoid of substance and able to fly, N. wanders looking for a way to return to life and reintegrate into the world.
Dog's Dialogue
A charming tale of murder, perversity and narrative echoes told through shots of barking dogs and a La jetée-like series of stills.
Origins of a Meal
Bananas, eggs, and tuna: three basic foodstuffs with three wildly different points of origin. Moullet begins with these on his plate but constructs his film by working backwards and finding the sources for these items and how they reach our plates. As Moullet’s investigation deepens, however, the film moves beyond the confines of a simple exploration of food origins into more political and social realms, not only relating to food but also to the medium of film.
The Suspended Vocation
The film centers on a Dominican monk named Jérôme (played by one actor in colour and another actor in black-and-white) and his interactions with various higher-ups within the French Catholic Church. Ruiz's intention was to reflect the ideological arguments that plagued Latin American left-wing political parties.
Ocaña: An Intermittent Portrait
The confession, sincere and shamelessly, of the painter's life Ocaña and the reconstruction of his world, his provocations and his experiences. Ocaña, with joy and from his creative marginalization challenges: cross-dressing as a provocation, religion and fetishism, repression of machismo, lawlessness, homosexuality ... Marginal life that was hidden under the Franco dictatorship is openly displayed against the backdrop of a unique artist. A legendary and cult film.
Utopia: The Scattered Body and the World Upside Down
Two salesmen in Honduras are looking everywhere for their lost pal.
Dialogues of the Exiles
Chilean exiles in Paris discuss the problems facing them. They kidnap and attempt to re-educate a touring singer from their fatherland.
La Femme au foyer
The life of a right-wing housewife in Chile during the prior days to Salvador Allende's military overthrow.
La Femme au foyer
The life of a right-wing housewife in Chile during the prior days to Salvador Allende's military overthrow.
La Femme au foyer
The life of a right-wing housewife in Chile during the prior days to Salvador Allende's military overthrow.
Les transplantés
A right-wing family decides to exile themselves to Europe after Salvador Allende's victory during the presidential elections of 1970; only to find themselves losing their comfortable socio-economic status and be subjected to a dramatic proletarianization that will lead them to all kinds of struggles.
The Expropriation
The film captures the activities of the inhabitants in the countryside, in southern Chile, and the CORA (Corporation for Agrarian Reform). Although the action was filmed in four days and four nights in 1971, the movie was only finished in France in 1973, after the military coup.
Un sueño como de colores
Sarmiento made her directorial debut with the documentary with this short about a group of Chilean women dedicated to striptease.
Detrás de la lluvia
A brutal sexual murder of a minor revolts the anger of the town. On the other hand, a psychologist, Sofia Belmar is not only shocked by the event, but this also brings back some of her more gruesome memories.
Detrás de la lluvia
A brutal sexual murder of a minor revolts the anger of the town. On the other hand, a psychologist, Sofia Belmar is not only shocked by the event, but this also brings back some of her more gruesome memories.