Marc Barbé

Marc Barbé

Nascimento : 1961-05-06, Nancy, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France


Marc Barbé


Les Poussières
The Three Musketeers: Milady
Le Capitaine de Tréville
Second half of a two-film adaptation of Alexandre Dumas' novel.
The Other Laurens
Gabriel Laurens, fifty years old, is a «private investigator». When his fifteen-year-old niece Jade comes into his life and asks him to investigate her father’s death, the detective is confronted with memories he thought were buried forever. Confronted with the ghosts of his past, Gabriel Laurens finds himself caught up in a strange investigation involving pretense, fantasy and drug trafficking.
The Three Musketeers: D'Artagnan
Le Capitaine de Tréville
First half of a two-film adaptation of Alexandre Dumas' novel.
Grand Expectations
Summer 2019. Just graduated from Sciences Po, Madeleine leaves to prepare the orals of the ENA in Corsica with Antoine, her lover with whom she shares very left-wing political convictions. On a small deserted road, an unexpected encounter will seal their fate.
Edouard and Charles
Paris, at the beginning of the 21st century. Edouard is a painter, Charles is a poet. The two artists are friends, but their adverse circumstances begin to weigh on them. Gulcan, a foreigner, suddenly appears. He has an idea.
Dino (Voice)
After an earthquake in Naples bay, the body of a man is found. While Dino and his daughter, Victoria, travel to Italy for a DNA test, the past catches up with them.
Hold Your Tears
A father, his son's girlfriend and a journey to pay their respects to the son who died in an accident and to his motorbike.
Adeus, Senhor Wong
À beira do lago Nam Ngum, no norte do Laos, France é uma jovem desejada por dois homens diametralmente opostos. Seu destino a leva a cruzar o caminho de Hugo, um francês, em busca da mulher que o deixou há um ano. Lançamento inédito.
Thomas and Francis kidnap Wilfrid, the owner of a carwash. Surprisingly, he is delighted with being kidnapped, this company that imposes itself on him comes to brighten his own lonely life.
Inimigos Íntimos
Marc, narcotics squad
Manuel e Driss são amigos de infância que acabaram seguindo caminhos opostos: o primeiro adotou a vida do crime, enquanto o segundo se tornou policial. Quando um dos trabalhos mais importantes de Manuel vai por água abaixo, os dois homens se reencontram e acabam precisando um do outro para sobreviver.
Georges Martin
A playwright encounters a mysterious woman when he takes shelter in a chalet during a violent snowstorm and becomes obsessed with her.
Mélancolie ouvrière
Long live the strike! Lucie Baud, one of the pioneers of the women's movement, went with creativity, fighting spirit and the power of singing against the weapons of male-dominated capitalist society in nineteenth-century France. The film, based on true events, describes the ambitious fight of a silk moth. She stood up for the rights of the female working class to end maltreatment and oppression once and for all. For the revolution in women's rights, she even put her family back and fought to the end for their beliefs.
Os Cadáveres Bronzeados
Max Bernier
Todo verão, Luce, uma excêntrica pintora com seus 50 anos, gasta seu tempo em um pequeno e isolado município, que está em ruínas no sul da França, rodeado por convidados. Este verão em particular, os seus convidados são Max Bernier (uma antiga paixão e um autor alcoólatra), seu amante atual (um advogado chamado Bisorgueil), e três amigos dele que ela ainda não conhece: Rhino, Gros e Alex. Depois de terminar as suas compras na cidade, estes três incógnitas atacam um caminhão blindado e fogem com 250 kg de ouro. Eles, então, voltam para a casa de Luce, contando com ela para ocultá-los até o fim do verão…
Gauguin: Voyage to Tahiti
Stéphane Mallarmé
No ano de 1891, Gauguin se exila no Taiti. Ele quer reencontrar sua pintura livre, selvagem, longe dos códigos morais, políticos e estéticos da Europa civilizada. Ele se infiltra na selva, encarando a solidão, a pobreza, a doença. Lá, Gauguin conhece Tehura, que se tornará sua esposa e tema das suas telas mais importantes.
7 Days
Ivan and Chiara meet on a Sicilian island to prepare the wedding for Ivan’s brother and Chiara’s best friend. Despite the fact that Ivan is determined not to repeat the failure of his last relationship and Chiara does not want to jeopardise her marriage, the two fall in love with each other. They resolve to live their relationship for only a few days and then break it off when the wedding guests arrive on the island. But can love be controlled? Or is it love that controls us?
Le Mali (en Afrique)
M. Déloyal
Uma companhia francesa de teatro itinerante viaja de cidade em cidade com sua tenda de circo. Eles levam fantasia e desordem às pessoas. Orgulhosamente excêntricos, vivem como uma tribo, misturando família, trabalho, amor e amizade, sem ressalvas. Mas o retorno de uma antiga paixão e uma criança que está para nascer reabrirão feridas que eles pensavam estar curadas.
French Cuisine
François and Charlotte directed together a gourmet hotel and restaurant on the edge of the sea, but their marital relationship is not fixed beauty: obsessive hard, Francis wants his first star in the Michelin Guide while Charlotte, at the dawn of the quarantine, dreams of a first child. This already complicated situation will literally explode the day where Charlotte's first husband, Alex, disembarked in their lives while everyone believed him dead in the terrible tsunami of 2004...
O Homem Ideal
O suspense dirigido por Yann Gozlan, acompanha um jovem escritor (Pierre Niney) que ganha fama de forma antiética ao escrever um livro a partir da obra de outra pessoa. A enorme ambição do rapaz o leva a um caminho de destruição.
Les fleurs bleues
Le Prochain film
Le deuxième chirurgien
At fifty Louis Gravet, a serious actor, would like to become a comedian. His brother Peter, a film director, has the idea of hiring him for the lead role of a comedy. Family circumstances, their wives, their children, niece, lead him to make another film, new and unexpected.
A Religiosa
Père Castella
No século XVII, a jovem Suzanne (Pauline Étienne) sonha em ter uma vida livre, mas seus pais têm outros planos para ela: colocá-la em um convento. Embora resista aos planos, Suzanne é forçada a seguir a preparação para a vida religiosa, entre madres superiores tirânicas, e outras carinhosas em excesso... Aos poucos, a jovem começa a preparar seu plano de fuga.
Arrest Me
One evening, a woman enters a police station and confesses to having killed her violent husband several years ago. As she listens to her fantastic story, the policewoman is increasingly less inclined to arrest her. Just why is the woman so eager to confess her crime, and why is the policewoman so reluctant to take her into custody?
Little Lion
A Senegalese teenager is recruited to pursue his dream of playing professional soccer in Europe.
I Am Kombi
Seen by many as a cool and friendly camper van, a lost and confused Kombi VW bus decides to take a trip around the globe in search of his true identity. Seen through the eyes of several different owners of this iconic bus, Kombi stumbles across some engrossing facts that illustrate startling revelations concerning his past and present reputation. Guided by a secretive storyteller, we are taken on an informative adventure that is both entertaining and mysterious. - Written by ian simpson
Berlin Telegram
Leila is a singer-songwriter who lives in Brussels. When Antoine, the man she is in love with, suddenly walks out on her for another woman, she leaves for Berlin to start a new life.
Les cinq parties du monde
The story of 2 sailors on July 21 1969
O Mar ao Amanhecer
Jean Pierre Thimbaud
Nantes, França. Em 21 de outubro de 1941, três integrantes do batalhão da juventude do Partido Comunista atiraram no tenente-coronel Karl Hotz no centro da cidade. Como retaliação, Adolf Hitler ordenou a execução de 150 franceses, que eram mantidos prisioneiros. Preocupado com a situação, o comandante von Stülpnagem tenta de todas as formas reduzir o número de mortes exigido. Entre os condenados está o jovem Guy Môquet (Léo-Paul Salmain), que escreveu uma carta de despedida tão impactante que passou a ser estudada nas escolas francesas.
My Way
Aimé françois
A biopic of French pop star Claude Francois, most famous for co-writing the song 'My Way'. Tracing his life from his childhood in Egypt through his success in France to his untimely death in Paris in 1978.
Almayer's Folly
Capt. Lingard
A tale of an occidental merchant, Kaspar Almayer, whose dreams of riches for his beloved daughter, Nina, collapse under the weight of his own greed and prejudice.
Mission sacrée
On April 15, 1912, Jack L., radio operator on a military vessel, reported an SOS signal from the Titanic. He was ordered by command control not to reveal this information. Later in classified military archives Jack L. found information that radio messages from the Titanic appeared on the airwaves every 6 years in 1918, 1924, 1930, 1942... 1996, and 2002. Ever since Jack L. went on air for radio contact with the Titanic every 6 years. Saving the Titanic became the purpose and the goal of his life.
Mozart Sisters
Léopold Mozart
O novo filme do realizador francês René Féret “Mozart’s Sister”, conta a história da irmã do músico clássico, Maria Anna “Nannerl” Mozart (Marie Féret). Embora seja uma compositora e artista de mão cheia, o pai não permite que ela toque e componha pelo simples fato de ela ser mulher. Para piorar, ela será obrigada a casar e terá de deixar o seu irmão Wolfgang Mozart tocar nos concertos dela. Porém, ela consegue fazer amizade com os filhos do rei Louis XV, o que pode lhe pode dar a oportunidade de lutar contra esta opressão masculina.
Antoine Mercier, le père
Lyon, France in 1970s, Sibylle, Corinne, and Georgette are sisters who share everything, as they live with their Italian mother. Sibylle is the only blonde in the family, except for their father who abandoned them, and she feels isolated. She dreams of meeting her French father one day.
Silent Voice
An elderly woman wants to meet her son’s murderer. A sixteen-year-old girl who has crossed paths with a young hoodlum needs an adult to accompany her to the prison visiting room. A young medical supplies delivery man is offered a deal to take the place of a gangster inmate so that the latter may escape. Two women, one man, three destinies that come together in the visiting room of a prison…
Sommeil blanc
Cet été-là
The discovery of a dead young woman in an isolated part of France, goes hand in hand with the forest fires ravaging the countryside. Mysteriously, the body was moved from the place where it was originally found to a place in the nearby town. Alice, a young woman inspector from nearby Marseille is sent to investigate. Nothing prepares her for what she is about to get into.
Blanche's husband
When the dead body of Mr Kaplan is found, a kitchen knife in the back, all eyes turn to the maid. When the widow reveals that her departed husband was incapable of giving her children, all eyes turn to the widow. Beneath this passionate crime, a modern day detective will discover that temptation, devotion, remorse and desire are the best fuels for killing love.
Esta Noite
Estação de Santamaria à noite. Ossorio, homem dos seus quarenta anos, sai de um comboio, por entre uma multidão de refugiados e de soldados derreados. É numa cidade sitiada que este herói de uma resistência em fuga tenta reencontrar os seus antigos aliados e aquela que ama. Mas a situação agora é outra, e os amigos de ontem já não têm o mesmo discurso. Enquanto uma milícia desenfreada aterroriza a cidade, cada um só quer é salvar a própria vida.
Na Mira do Inimigo
No ano de 1954, foi criada a força civil Frente de Libertação Nacional para libertar a Argélia, então colônia francesa há 130 anos. Em resposta às resoluções da FNL, para negociar a independência, a França enviou 500 mil jovens recrutas para lutarem. Em 1959 dentro do proprio ambiente militar, a tendência à loucura e ao mal se expresava neste período obscuro. Ali, franceses tornaram-se torturadores, não importando se eram crianças, adultos ou idosos, deixando de lado seus valores humanos e, muitas vezes, esquecedo de quem eram. Um dos soldados, chamado pelos companheiros de tenente substituto, começa a se questionar até que ponto esta guerra é realmente justa.
Não Toque no Machado
Marquis de Ronquerolles
Narra a conturbada relação entre um general francês e uma dama da alta sociedade parisiense.
Piaf: Um Hino ao Amor
Raymond Asso
A vida de Edith Piaf foi sempre uma batalha. Abandonada pela mãe, foi criada pela avó, dona de um bordel na Normandia. Dos 3 aos 7 anos de idade fica cega, recuperando-se milagrosamente. Mais tarde vive com o pai alcoólatra, a quem abandona aos 15 anos para cantar nas ruas de Paris. Em 1935 é descoberta por um dono de boate e neste mesmo ano grava seu primeiro disco. A vida sofrida é coroada com o sucesso internacional. Fama, dinheiro, amizades, mas também a constante vigilância da opinião pública.
The Untouchable
François, le metteur en scène du film
After learning from her mother that her father lives in India, a young woman goes there to meet him for the first time.
Andrew, an English writer, shares a seedy apartment in Paris with his young French partner Anna. While her friend Justice is due to arrive from London, Anna's friend Bibi tells her that she is pregnant with him.
Alain Charell
Near the Bois de Boulogne, Daniel meets Charell by accident. The two men haven't seen each other in twenty years.
Amantes Constantes
Em 1969, um grupo de jovens se dedica ao ópio depois de ter vivido os acontecimentos de 1968. Dentro do grupo nasce um louco amor entre uma garota e um rapaz que se conheceram durante a revolução. O filme levou o Prêmio de Direção e Fotografia no Festival de Veneza 2005.
The Ring Finger
L'homme du laboratoire
When she is slightly hurt in the factory where she works, Iris quits her job and finds a new one as an assistant in a laboratory of a very peculiar kind. Without fully grasping what is at play around her, she gradually engages in a disturbing love affair with her enigmatic employer.
Why (Not) Brazil?
Louis, le mari / Pierre Louis
A film director, whose career is going downhill, reluctantly decides to adapt an inadaptable best selling novel. Will she succeed or will the book adapt her in the process?
Marie et le Loup
The strange relationship of a man and a woman, the latter having surprised the erotic antics of this one with a stranger, missing since.
Ce qu'ils imaginent
"What they imagine" - Bernard chokes to death on a boiled egg while his wife looks on. Juliette watches him suffocate without intervening and, as though waking from a long sleep, she abruptly leaves their house, marching straight ahead. Arriving in Havre by chance, she tries to board a freighter, but must wait 48 hours. In the port, she encounters Santiago, a young man who sells chips from his father's mobile stall.
Après la pluie, le beau temps
Rose Bonbon, a small singer of light variety with a naughty and colorful imagination, is in the glue with Roger, a characterful brute who thinks he is a manager. Between shabby hotels and cheap restaurants, she meets the handsome Dubel, an impresario on the sidelines. He hires Rose at the drop of a hat because he has to replace Hermine Zibeline for a tour in the Paris region with the famous Billie Boys from Broadway.
A New Life
A young American falls obsessively in love with a mysterious courtesan named Melania against the backdrop of a dilapidated Eastern European landscape.
Night Shift
A worker in a bottle factory, Pierre decides to switch from day shift to night shift. In his new team, he runs into Fred, a charismatic and violent guy. Fred says loudly that Pierre is his boyfriend. In fact, he never misses an opportunity to bully or humiliate him. This could only be a bad joke. But the harassment continues in a downward spiral ...
Jean and Paddy haven't recovered from Ben's death. Ben was Paddy's lover but also Jean's. Their threesome filled their existence. Today, while they still love each other, Jean and Paddy are torn apart.
A serial killer stalks a woman he befriended after her car broke down.
Le cri de la soie
l'interne sténotypiste
An illiterate seamstress has a powerful fetish for silk which gets her into trouble. The psychiatrist sent to help her becomes fascinated by her case and when he returns to France from World War One they fall in love, an affair that can only end in tragedy.
Jeunesse sans Dieu
This French-Belgian drama, based on a novel by Odon von Horvath, is set in 1938 in a German city along the banks of the Rhine and Ruhr rivers. It attempts to provide insight as to why certain German youths were so easily lead into becoming Nazis by using two narrators, one a teacher who challenged the movement and another by a student who embraced it. Pabst teaches a group of teenage boys, all of whom seem to be young Nazis. The trouble begins when Pabst and a WW I vet are assigned to take the class to a military camp and a nature outing for urban kids. While there a boy is brutally murdered and they blame one local girl. During her trial, Pabst speaks out against Hitler and becomes pariah. Still he continues investigating the death, at great personal expense until at last he brings the real killer to justice.
My Life and Times with Antonin Artaud
May, 1946, in Paris young poet Jacques Prevel meets Antonin Artaud, the actor, artist, and writer just released from a mental asylum. Over ten months, we follow the mad Artaud from his cruel coaching of an actress in his "theatre of cruelty" to his semi-friendship with Prevel who buys him drugs and hangs on his every word. Meanwhile, Prevel divides his time between Jany, his blond, young, drug-hazed mistress, and Rolande, his dark-haired, long-suffering wife, who has a child during this time. Cruelty, neglect, poverty, egoism, madness, and the pursuit of art mix on the Left Bank.
Planet B
The film follows Julia, one of the activists who mysteriously disappeared after participating in a violent protest. After being shot in the eye by a flash-ball gun, Julia fainted and woke up in an unknown world, known as Planet B.