Kim Kang-hyun

Kim Kang-hyun

Nascimento : 1977-02-15,


Kim Kang-hyun


Two men, one recently out of the army, walk a trail to a mountain. Uphill and downhill, cool breezes in the shadows of the trees, shouts from the mountaintop. They go hiking and share their regretful love stories.
대통령 정약용
Lee Jun Beom
Jueun and Taehoon, who lost their 6-year-old daughter Heesoo in a car accident, I live day by day without being able to escape the sense of loss. Taehoon, who couldn't see Jooeun getting ruined, At the recommendation of my friend, Junbeom, who is a program developer, I restored my daughter Heesoo to VR. The family that seemed to be looking for happiness again. Due to Jueun's strong obsession with AI Heesoo, It's getting worse.
The Gossip
'Jeong-seok', a public official who started a big-gaining part-time VVIP care service that costs a whopping 2 million won a week, visits a mansion in a deserted mountainous village. 'I-ppal', a senior part-timer who has the greatest idea ever, is constantly talking about it as soon as he meets him, and in the meantime, a legendary girl named 'Se-na' appears in front of him. The B-class war of the crazy people begins!
Young Adult Matters
Real Estate Agent
Se Jin encontra uma gangue de adolescentes. Jae Pil e Sin Ji acidentalmente ajudam Se Jin e Ju Yeong a saírem de uma situação perigosa. No entanto, Se Jin não aprecia a ajuda deles e grita com eles. Os quatro adolescentes fogem para uma montanha onde ninguém consegue encontrá-los. Se Jin pede a eles para ajudá-la a interromper sua gravidez, já que eles arruinaram sua primeira tentativa de salvá-la. Seu sangue congela quando túmulos aparecem na escuridão.
police substation chief
Set in the near future, SF8 tells the story of people who dream of a perfect society through technological advancements. This project is a Korean original sci-fi anthology series about an array of subjects including artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), robots, gaming, fantasy, horror, superpowers, and disasters.
The Singer
In the era of corruption, Hak-gyu sings songs and tells stories on the street with his band. One day, Hak-gyu's wife Gan-nan is kidnapped by gangsters and his daughter Cheong loses her eyesight after the incident. He decides to travel in search of his missing wife and learns that corrupted noblemen are behind the mob.
Remarriage Skills
Saída: Fuga em Seul
Um alpinista tenta salvar o dia em que um misterioso gás branco envolve um distrito inteiro em Seul, na Coréia do Sul.
Extreme Job
Product Director Heo
Depois de anos trabalhando duro no combate a criminosos, a “Equipe de Drogas” ainda falha em prender muitos de seus alvos. Liderados pelo capitão Ko (Ryu Seung-ryong, de “Miracle in Cell No. 7”, “Masquerade”), eles agora estão à beira da dissolução. A captura de uma quadrilha internacional responsável pelo tráfico de drogas na Coreia do Sul é a única chance que eles têm de sobreviver. A equipe passa então a frequentar assiduamente um restaurante de frango localizado em frente ao ponto de encontro dos criminosos, tanto que acabam até comprando o estabelecimento para melhor espionar os traficantes. Mas algo imprevisto acontece: sob nova administração, os frangos vendidos pelo restaurante se tornam um estrondoso sucesso, ameaçando a operação e causando muita confusão.
Esta é a história de um pai e um filho que se aproximam através do wrestling. No entanto, a amada namorada do filho tem uma queda por seu pai.
Guest House
Jungwoo is an aspiring actor who moves from Gangneung to Seoul. With the arrival of Japanese curling athlete Hiroko to the guest house that he manages in Gangneung, a sweet romance begins! With the backdrop of the beautiful city of Gangneung, and the fragrances of the sea and coffee, this special encounter begins along with the hosting of the Pyeongchang Olympics.
My Annoying Brother
A jailed swindler leaps at the chance to earn parole in return for taking care of his estranged brother, an athlete who recently lost his sight.
How to Break up with My Cat
‘Nabi’ is a sushi chef trainee. One day, Nabi moves next to Ejung’s house and her cat ‘Yamma’ catches Nabi’s attention. Due to Nabi’s secret ability, he can see and even talk to the soul in the cat. Since Nabi takes care of Yamma with Ejung’s favors. Then, it causes them to close to each other.
A Matter of Interpretation
Shin Woo-Yeon
One winter day, nobody comes to see a play. One of the drama’s actresses becomes angry and leaves the theater. She goes to a park, drinks and meets people.
Slow Video
Jang-bu was an ordinary boy except his special talent; To see every moving thing like a slow motion video. As friends teased him by calling ‘monster eyes’, he decided to stick at home and not to go out. Television has been his only friend. Time passes by, and now grown-up Jang-bu works at the CCTV control center which is the best job for him. When he sees people’s life through camera, he feels he’s sharing their ordinary life that he’s never had. This new job opens his heart to the world and Jang-bu starts to make some friends out of the control center. With his dear friends he receives sense of himself and finally decides to propose a girl that he loved for long from CCTV…
The Whistleblower
Lee Do-hyeong
Lee Jang-hwan receives widespread acclaim and media attention after successfully cloning human embryo stem cells. A TV news program PD, Yoon Min-cheol, receives a phone call from an anonymous source who says he has worked with Dr. Lee on the stem cell project. The source blows the whistle on Lee's work, revealing how Lee fabricated research results and engaged in unethical practices.
Um Dia Difícil
Voltando do enterro de sua mãe, Gun-su (Lee Sun-kyun), detetive da polícia criminal, mata um homem em um acidente de carro. Para encobrir o caso, ele decide esconder o corpo do homem no caixão de sua mãe. Quando o caso ganha importância na polícia, seu parceiro de trabalho é nomeado para fazer a investigação. Gun-su acompanha o desenvolvimento do caso, conforme os detalhes do acidente vão sendo revelados. As coisas ficam ainda pior quando uma testemunha do acidente ameaça Gun-su.
O Leitor de Rosto
Murder Suspect (uncredited)
Nae-kyung, o leitor de rostos mais habilidoso da dinastia Joseon, vivia em reclusão quando lhe foi oferecida uma parceria lucrativa por Yeon-hong, uma gueixa coreana. Nae-kyung aceita a proposta de ler os rostos dos convidados de Yeon-hong apenas para se envolver em um caso de assassinato. Com suas habilidades de leitura de rosto, Nae-kyung identifica com sucesso o assassino e suas habilidades são logo reconhecidas pelo rei Moonjong, que o ordena a identificar os possíveis traidores que ameaçam seu reinado. No entanto, após a morte inesperada de Moonjong, Nae-kyung é cortejada pelo Grande Príncipe Sooyang, que anseia por se tornar rei, matando o jovem sucessor Danjong. Nae-kyung decide manter sua lealdade ao falecido rei e ajudar KIM Jong-seo a proteger o jovem rei, o que o obriga à maior luta pelo poder na história da dinastia Joseon.
Very Ordinary Couple
Mr. Park
The probability of a couple that had broken up getting back together and having a successful relationship is just 3%. Dong-hee and Young, who had broken up over a minor tiff, later realize their love for each other and end up getting back together. But will they be able to fit into the 3% bracket?