Russell Metty

Russell Metty

Nascimento : 1906-09-20, Los Angeles, California, USA

Morte : 1978-04-28


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Russell Metty, A.S.C. (September 20, 1906 – April 28, 1978) was an American cinematographer who won the Academy Award for Best Cinematography, Color, for the 1960 film Spartacus. Metty's career began around 1925 as an assistant with Standard Film Laboratory, who was then was hired by Paramount Pictures working in the camera department. He left for RKO in 1929. He became a regular cameraman at Universal Studios, and was a regular collaborator with the German film director Douglas Sirk, making eleven films all together with Sirk.


Russell Metty


Making 'The Misfits'
Self (archive footage)
A behind-the-scenes and in-depth look at the making of John Huston's The Misfits (1961).
Mallory: Circumstantial Evidence
Director of Photography
In this pilot film, Mallory is a prominent lawyer with a tarnished reputation who defends a young man charged with committing homicide against a sexual predator in prison.
The Runaways
Director of Photography
A story about a teenage boy who runs away from his foster home after wrongly being accused of theft and soon crosses paths with a young leopard which has escaped from a wild-animal compound during a lightning storm.
Brock's Last Case
Director of Photography
A New York City cop who has retired to a small Western town is drawn into the local case of an Indian who is accused of murdering a sheriff.
Ben, O Rato Assassino
Director of Photography
Danny (Lee Montgomery) é um jovem e solitário garoto que começa uma estranha e inusitada amizade com um ratinho chamado Ben. Mas ele não sabe que Ben é o líder de um grupo de ratos assassinos que foi responsável pela morte de várias pessoas. A direção é de responsabilidade de Phil Karlson.
The Harness
Director of Photography
A gentle John Steinbeck tale from 1938 about a farmer who is dominated by his ailing wife until a free-minded young woman turns up at his ranch with her eight-year-old son.
A Última Esperança da Terra
Director of Photography
O início de um guerra com armas biológicas faz com que o planeta fique próximo da aniquilação. O médico Robert Neville, que havia tomado uma vacina experimental, é o único a sobreviver, pelo menos na forma humana comum, uma vez que a praga biológica deixou os demais sobreviventes totalmente deformados. Estes crêem que a humanidade, por meio desenvolvimento da ciência e da tecnologia, causou a guerra e agora querem punir o único homem que sobrou, o Dr. Neville.
Maybe I'll Come Home in the Spring
Director of Photography
Dennie has returned from a year among the hippies to her superficial, image-conscious suburban family. She must face their disapproval of her actions. They refuse to even try to understand. She must also deal with an ex-lover, and a beloved young sister who is following in her footsteps, wanting the idealistic hippie life but making some rash decisions in the process.
A Marine Corps drill instructor who is disgusted by the fact that the Corps now accepts draftees finds himself pitted against a hippie who has been drafted but refuses to accept the military's way of doing things.
Director of Photography
A Marine Corps drill instructor who is disgusted by the fact that the Corps now accepts draftees finds himself pitted against a hippie who has been drafted but refuses to accept the military's way of doing things.
How Do I Love Thee?
Director of Photography
A professor recalls his atheistic father, his devoted mother and his father's blousy mistress.
Ele e as Três Noviças
Director of Photography
John Carpenter (Elvis) é um médico de um bairro pobre que conhece três moças dispostas a ajuda-lo. Michele, Barbara e Irene. Sem saber que são freiras, John se apaixona por Michele. Pode ele mudar sua vida? Pode ela esquecer seus votos e seguir seu coração? Será o amor mais forte que a fé ? Ultimo filme com a atuação do Rei do Rock. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Os Felinos
Director of Photography
Um jovem ambicioso e sem dinheiro planeja matar a tia para ficar com sua fortuna.
Marcus Welby, M.D.
Director of Photography
The pilot film for the long-run series introduced the kindly small-town general practitioner who, following a mild coronary, grudgingly brings in an independent, motorcycling young associate to help share his workload. Welby's lady friend and his family, part of the plot of this movie, were written out of the subsequent series, with only his medical sidekick, Steven Kiley, and their secretary/nurse, Consuelo, remaining as regulars.
Os Impiedosos
Director of Photography
Os policiais Bonaro e Madigan perdem suas armas para o fugitivo Barney Benesch. Como recompensa, os dois detetives de Nova York tem um fim de semana inteiro para achar e levar Benesch pra cadeia.
Que Delícia de Guerra
Camera Operator
When 5 allied generals are captured in Italy in WWII, it is a propaganda nightmare for the allies. The generals are all 1 star and refuse to take orders from each other in order to plan an escape. Harry Frigg is a private who has escaped from the guard house dozens of times. He is promoted to Major General and ordered to get the generals out once he is captured. Harry is willing to escape, but then he meets the countess...
Os Heróis Não Se Entregam
Director of Photography
Lionel Evans (Charlton Heston), um famoso maestro de uma orquestra sinfônica na década de 1940, nem imagina os horrores que está prestes a sofrer. Ele e todos os membros do grupo são sequestrados por soldados nazistas, com a ordem de serem todos mortos em um castelo. Mas o general alemão Schiller (Maximilian Schell) desacata a ordem e faz um pedido ousado: que ele faça um concerto final dedicado aos nazistas.
A noite dos pistoleiros
Director of Photography
Uma mulher e um ex-comissário enfrentarão o malvado chefe do povoado.
Positivamente Millie
Director of Photography
Millie é uma inocente garota do campo que vai à cidade esperando achar um marido. Durante sua estada ela se emprega como secretária do rico e famoso Trevor Graydon, torna-se amiga da doce Srta. Dorothy, enfrenta a Sra. Meers e flerta com Jimmy, um apaixonado vendedor. E ela ainda vai conhecer a esfuziante e espevitada Muzzy, que vai "organizar" toda essa confusão, dar uma grande festa e fazer as vezes de cupido entre os casais apaixonados.
Dois Contra o Oeste
Director of Photography
The Louisiana wedding of debutante Phoebe Ann Naylor to Don Andrea de Baldasar, El Duce de la Casala is stopped by the Cavalry over a matter of honor. Don Andrea flees across the river to Texas, where he meets up with Sam Hollis and his Indian sidekick, Kronk, who are carrying rifles to the town of Moccasin Flats. Don Andrea rescues an Indian maiden, Lonetta, tames some longhorns, competes with Sam for Phoebe's affections, eludes a Comanche war party and the cavalry and ultimately saves the town and gets his girl.
Sangue em Sonora
Director of Photography
Matt Fletcher acaba de chegar em Ojo Prieto, cansado de sua vida arriscada, e vai à igreja se confessar. Mas em pouquíssimo tempo, consegue uma desavença com Chuy Medina, um perigoso mexicano, graças a sua mulher Trini, que lhe joga em uma enrascada, tentando fugir do marido. Recapturando a mulher mas disposto a não passar vergonha, ele exige comprar o magnífico cavalo do estranho, que logo recusa. E a tranquilidade que Matt esperava fica cada vez mais longe, pois Chuy está decidido a roubar o cavalo, a qualquer custo.
O Senhor da Guerra
Director of Photography
A knight in the service of a duke goes to a coastal village where an earlier attempt to build a defensive castle has failed. He begins to rebuild the duke's authority in the face of the barbarians at the border and is making progress until he falls in love with one of the local women.
Artistas do Amor
Director of Photography
O pintor Paul Sloan (Dick Van Dyke) sente-se um fracasso, já que ninguém vai comprar seus quadros. Seu marchand o informa que as obras de um artista se tornam muito mais desejadas e valiosas se o artista morrer. Portanto, Paul, junto com seu amigo Casey Barnett (James Garner), planeja fingir seu próprio suicídio. No entanto, começa a parecer que Casey assassinou Paul e quando Casey começa a se interessarr por Laurie (Angie Dickinson) noiva de Paul, ele decide se vingar. No entanto, Paul se apaixona por Nikki (Elke Sommer), que também tentou suicídio.
Bus Riley's Back in Town
Director of Photography
Bus Riley returns to his small town after time in the army. On his return, his ex-girlfriend wants to resume their relationship. The only problem is she has married in the mean time. Searching for fulfilment in his life, Bus decides to get a job with his gay friend who is a mortician. When the mortician makes a pass at him, Bus quickly gets out.
Pavilhão 7
Director of Photography
Em 1944, o capitão. Josiah J. Newman é o médico responsável pelo Pavilhão 7, a ala neuropsiquiátrica, em um hospital da Força Aérea Americana, no Arizona. O hospital está com poucos recursos e Newman surrupia o que precisa com a ajuda de sua equipe criativa, especialmente o Cabo Jake Leibowitz. Os militares, em geral, estão apenas começando a aceitar transtornos psiquiátricos como uma doença legítima e Newman geralmente tem 6 semanas para curá-los ou enviá-los para outra unidade. Há muitos pacientes na enfermaria e seus mais recentes incluem o coronel Norville Bliss que está dissociado do seu passado; o Cap. Paul Winston, que ficou quase catatônico depois de passar 13 meses escondidos em um porão por trás das linhas inimigas; e o Cabo de 20 anos de idade. Jim Tompkins que ficou severamente traumatizado após seu avião ser abatido.
Tempero do Amor
Director of Photography
Em um jantar, Beverly Boyer (Doris Day), esposa de um obstetra e mãe de dois filhos, conta ao fabricante do sabão Happy sobre sua experiência com o seu produto. Encantado com sua espontaneidade, ele oferece a ela a chance de contar sua história em seus comerciais. Depois de alguma hesitação, Beverly aceita e muda rapidamente de uma dona de casa para uma personalidade famosa de televisão, irritando muito seu marido Gerald (James Garner). (e 10)
Tammy and the Doctor
Director of Photography
Tammy becomes a nurse's aide, works in a hospital, cares for an old rich woman, and causes romantic commotion in the life of Dr. Mark Cheswick.
Se o Marido Atender, Desligue
Director of Photography
Rica socialite que vivia em Boston onde manipulava seus namorados, se muda para Nova York e acaba conhecendo e se casando com um fotógrafo de moda . Uma de suas amigas de Boston, vai para Nova York e a procura para se enturmar na cidade. O marido quando conhece a amiga vê o seu sonho de conseguir uma nova conta publicitária com fotos suas para o calendário da empresa , iniciando assim um processo de ciúmes e inveja entre as amigas.
Viver, Amar e Sofrer
Director of Photography
Amores e problemas de jovens médicos internos em um grande hospital.
Carícias de Luxo
Director of Photography
Cathy Timberlake (Doris Day) é uma garota do velho estilo do interior que encontra o homem dos seus sonhos, Philip Shayne (Cary Grant), depois que seu Rolls Royce respingou com lama a sua roupa quando estava a caminho de uma entrevista de emprego. Philip é um homem de negócios que fica caidinho pelo coração honesto de Cathy. Há um problema, ele não está interessado em casamento. Enquanto Cathy... nunca pensou em outra coisa. (e 10)
Flower Drum Song
Director of Photography
A young woman arrives in San Francisco's Chinatown from Hong Kong with the intention of marrying a rakish nightclub owner, unaware he is involved with one of his singers.
By Love Possessed
Director of Photography
An unhappily married woman engages in an affair with her husband's law partner.
Os Desajustados
Director of Photography
Roslyn é uma mulher muito bonita que acabou de se divorciar. Ela conhece dois amigos, Guido e Gay, que a levam para a casa de campo de Guido em Nevada para relaxar e esquecer as dificuldades das últimas semanas. Tudo está bem no início, mas logo os dois homens se apaixonam por Roslyn e começam a mostrar alguns aspectos ruins de caráter. Em seguida eles encontram um outro amigo do Gay, e os quatro vão caçar alguns cavalos selvagens (Misfits). O objetivo é serem abatidos e transformados em comida de cachorro. É nessa hora que as coisas simplesmente... Explodem!
A Teia de Renda Negra
Director of Photography
Em Londres, a dona de casa americana Katherine "Kit" Preston (Doris Day) está casada há três meses com o executivo americano Anthony "Tony" Preston. Em um dia nublado, enquanto caminhava em um parque, Kit é ameaçada por uma voz que lhe diz que ela vai ser assassinada no final do mês. No dia seguinte, Kit recebe um telefonema do assediador e então ela vai com Tony até a Scotland Yard, mas Inspector Byrnes acredita que Kit está inventando história para receber mais atenção de Tony. Kit hospeda sua tia Bea que veio visita-la, mas só Kit atende as chamadas telefônicas do assediador. Será que Kit está ficando louca?
Director of Photography
Spartacus, um homem que nasceu escravo, labuta para o Império Romano enquanto sonha com o fim da escravidão. Ele foi condenado à morte por morder um guarda em uma mina na Líbia. Mas seu destino foi mudado por um lanista (negociante e treinador de gladiadores), que o comprou para ser treinado nas artes de combate e se tornar um gladiador. Até que um dia, dois poderosos patrícios chegam de Roma, um com a esposa e o outro com a noiva. As mulheres pedem para serem entretidas com dois combates até à morte e Spartacus, é escolhido para enfrentar um gladiador negro, que vence a luta mas se recusa a matar seu opositor, atirando seu tridente contra a tribuna onde estavam os romanos. Este nobre gesto custa a vida do gladiador negro e enfurece Spartacus, de tal maneira que ele acaba liderando uma revolta de escravos, que atinge metade da Itália.
Retrato em Negro
Director of Photography
A pair of lovers plot to kill the woman's rich husband.
Platinum High School
Director of Photography
At an exclusive military academy on Sabre Island, rich young delinquents think money puts them above the law. Enter Steve Conway - there to investigate the death of his son, who he had been told died in an accident.
Imitação da Vida
Director of Photography
O ano é 1947 e Lora Meredith (Lana Turner) é uma aspirante a atriz, viúva, que mora com sua sua única filha, Susie (Sandra Dee), e vive ignorando-a, enquanto busca construir uma carreira. Quando ela conhece Annie Johnson (Juanita Moore), uma afrodescendente também viúva e mãe solteira, convida-a a trabalhar na sua casa e criar as filhas das duas juntas. No momento em que Annie e sua filha Sarah Jane (Susan Kohner) se mudam para a casa de Lora, a menina passa a renegar as suas origens: por ter a pele bem mais clara que sua mãe, ela se declara branca para todos. Já Susie se sente rejeitada pela mãe e acaba encontrando conforto nos braços de um homem mais velho (John Gavin).
O Vale das Paixões
Director of Photography
Set during the Prohibition era, when wine makers were financially challenged and had to decide whether or not they wanted to cooperate with bootleggers to survive.
O Monstro Sanguinário
Director of Photography
A college paleontology professor acquires a newly discovered specimen of a coelecanth, but while examining it, he is accidentally exposed to its blood, and finds himself periodically turning into a murderous Neanderthal man.
As Duas Faces do Crime
Director of Photography
Pursued by detectives, Johnny Walters leaves the city to visit his family in a small California town. Among the household: his dead brother's luscious widow Helen, who soon is attracted to him. Ominous events and conflicting evidence leave Helen suspicious, but uncertain about her brother-in-law as tension builds...
Amar e Morrer
Director of Photography
Em 1944, uma companhia de soldados alemães na frente russa está entorpecida pelos horrores e dificuldades da guerra quando chega o período de licença esperado pelo soldado Ernst Graeber (John Gavin). Na volta para a Alemanha, ele encontra sua casa bombardeada. Enquanto busca desesperadamente por seus pais, ele conhece a adorável Elizabeth Kruse (Lilo Pulver), filha de um prisioneiro político; Juntos, eles tentam resgatar alguma sanidade e chance de sobrevivência desse mundo cheio de ódio.
The Thing That Couldn't Die
Director of Photography
A 400 year old disembodied head hypnotizes a female psychic, who recovered it using a dowsing rod, to search for the rest of its body.
A Marca da Maldade
Director of Photography
Quando um carro-bomba explode no lado norte-americano da fronteira entre os EUA e o México, Miguel Vargas, o agente antidrogas mexicano, inicia sua investigação, junto com o capitão da polícia americana Hank Quinlan. Quando Vargas começa a suspeitar que Quinlan e seu parceiro obscuro, Menzies, estão plantando provas para enquadrar um homem inocente, suas investigações sobre sua possível corrupção rapidamente colocaram em risco a si e sua nova esposa, Susie.
The Female Animal
Director of Photography
Jaded movie star Vanessa Windsor, saved from a studio accident by handsome extra Chris Farley, pursues him, and soon he's the 'caretaker' of her beach house. Vanessa's sexy, alcoholic adult daughter Penny accidentally meets Chris, who rescues her from an 'octopus' boyfriend. Before you know it, Chris is involved with both mother and daughter, and his only way out is to take a job in a Mexican picture about man-eating orchids...
O Homem das Mil Caras
Director of Photography
A turbulenta vida e carreira profissional do ator de vaudeville e estrela do cinema mudo de horror Lon Chaney (1883-1930), o homem das mil caras; homem de muitos infortúnios pessoais que nem mesmo seu grande sucesso conseguiu mitigar. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Os Olhos do Padre Tomasino
Director of Photography
Beloved priest Father Thomasino is murdered in a San Francisco alley, and the police have few clues. But traffic cop Joe Martini becomes obsessed with finding the killer; he suspects Sylvio Malatesta. Ordered off the case, Joe turns in his badge and investigates alone. Soon he is a close friend of the Malatesta family, all delightful people, especially lovely cousin Anna. Uncertain whether Sylvio is guilty or innocent, Joe is now torn between old and new loyalties.
Man Afraid
Director of Photography
A preacher (George Nader) fears for his family (Phyllis Thaxter, Tim Hovey) after killing a teenage burglar whose father seeks revenge.
Hienas do Pano Verde
Director of Photography
An opportunistic young man from the slums gambles his way to wealth, power and high society.
Hino de uma Consciência
Director of Photography
Battle Hymn was inspired by the true story of American minister Dean Hess, played here with rare sensitivity by Rock Hudson. A bomber pilot during World War II, Hess inadvertently releases a bomb which destroys a German orphanage. Tortured by guilt, Hess relocates in Korea after the war to offer his services as a missionary. Combining the best elements of Christianity and Eastern spiritualism, Hess establishes a large home for orphans. The preacher's efforts are threatened when the Korean "police action" breaks out in 1950.
Palavras ao Vento
Director of Photography
Mitch Wayne e Kyle Hadley são amigos desde criança. A irmã de Kyle, Marylee, pretende se casar com Mitch. Mas este considera a jovem praticamente uma irmã e na verdade está apaioxonado por Lucy. O problema é que Kyle também está e é ele quem acaba se casando com Lucy, antes mesmo que Mitch pudesse expressar seus sentimentos. Kyle, antes um playboy e bebedor, com o tempo passa a ter mais responsabilidade. Mas então descobre que é estéril e mergulha com tudo na bebida. Marylee, movida pelo ódio de ter sido rejeitada, sugere ao irmão que Mitch e Lucy são amantes. E quando Lucy revela estar grávida, Kyle acusa o amigo Mitch de ser o pai.
Congotanga, Refúgio de Proscritos
Director of Photography
Congotanga, West Africa, has no extradition laws; the government is controlled by foreign gangsters, headed by Carl Rittner. The latest plane from Europe carries lovely Louise Whitman, fleeing a French murder charge, and Mannering, who pays resident hit man O'Connell to kill her. Through a chain of circumstances Louise, O'Connell, and heroic surveyor David Carr end up alone in the jungle on Carr's mission to determine the true border of Congotanga... in which Rittner is keenly interested.
Miracle in the Rain
Director of Photography
Wartime romance about a lonely man and woman who meet one rainy afternoon in New York.
Chamas Que Não Se Apagam
Director of Photography
When a toy manufacturer feels ignored and unappreciated by his wife and children, he begins to rekindle a past love when a former employee comes back into his life.
Tudo que o Céu Permite
Director of Photography
Cary Scott é uma respeitável viúva da alta classe média, que sente-se frustrada, mas reencontra o amor ao se apaixonar por Ron Kirby, seu jardineiro. Apesar de ser 15 anos mais velha e ter um casal de filhos já crescidos, ela decide assumir esta paixão. Entretanto Cary encontra preconceito em vários de seus amigos íntimos e até mesmo nos filhos, que não aceitam que a mãe tenha tal relação.
A Caravana da Morte
Director of Photography
Jeff Carr, investigador especial, chega a Tomahawk. Sua missão é descobrir que é o responsável por uma série de assassinatos que está aterrorizando a cidade. O vaqueiro Alec Black é o suspeito apontado pela população local, mas não demora muito para Jeff chegar a conclusão de que ele é inocente. E agora quem será o assassino?
Maldição da Serpente
Director of Photography
While stationed in Asia, six American G.I.'s witness the secret ritual of Lamians (worshipers of women who can change into serpents). When discovered by the cult, the High Lamian Priest vows that "the Cobra Goddess will avenge herself". Once back in the United States, a mysterious woman enters into their lives and accidents begin to happen. The shadow of a cobra is seen just before each death.
Homem sem Rumo
Director of Photography
O caubói Dempsey Rae chega, depois de uma temporada perdido pela vida, ao rancho da bela rancheira Reed Bowman (Jeanne Crain). Junto com o seu jovem e às vezes inapto amigo e "braço-direito" Jeff Jimson (William campbell), ele resolve ficar no rancho e aceitar a proposta de trabalho de Redd - muito mais fascinado pela linda e desbocada chefe do que pelo trabalho em si. Mas quando Rae descobre que ele e seu colega foram contratados, na verdade, para cercar terrenos ilegalmente, ele resolve abandonar seu emprego e voltar-se para o lado dos pequenos e lezados rancheiros que foram roubados. Mas o testa-de-ferro da rancheira Reed Steve Miles (Richard Boone), que gosta de enrolar seus inimigos em arame farpado, está disposto a dar a Dempsey Rae muito mais trabalho do que ele imaginaria...
Liberdade Sangrenta
Director of Photography
O condenado Van Duff organiza uma fuga em grande escala de prisão; os seis sobreviventes se escondem numa mina perto da prisão, depois partem em uma longa e perigosa jornada a pé, de carro, trem e caminhão para recuperar o monte de dinheiro de Duff. No caminho, enquanto interferem na vida de pessoas comuns, cada um tem seu próprio encontro com o destino. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Sign of the Pagan
Director of Photography
Roman centurion Marcian is captured by Attila the Hun en route to Constantinople, but escapes. On arrival, he finds the eastern Roman emperor Theodosius plotting with Attila to look the other way while the latter marches against Rome. But Marcian gains the favor of Pulcheria, lovely sister of Theodosius, who favors a united Empire.
O Derradeiro Assalto
Director of Photography
Outlaws on the lam battle attacking Apaches.
Fúria Assassina
Director of Photography
Questioned as a murder suspect, solid (but drunk) citizen Al Willis attacks his police questioners, is beaten, and swears vengeance against them. Next night, Lieut. Parks is murdered; Willis is the only suspect in the eyes of tough Chief Conroy, who pursues him doggedly despite lack of evidence. The obsessed Conroy is dismissed from the force, but continues to harass Willis, who flees to a sleazy town on the Mexican border. Of course, Conroy follows. But which is crazy, Conroy or Willis?
Sublime Obsessão
Director of Photography
Um playboy egoísta apaixonado por uma mulher que parece magoar mais do que ele pretende começa a entender um significado mais profundo do relacionamento deles. Quando o rico e mimado Bob Merrick, tolamente, destrói sua lancha, a equipe de resgate o ressuscita com equipamentos que não estão disponíveis para ajudar um herói local, o Dr. Wayne Phillips, que morre como resultado. O Dr. Phillips havia ajudado muitas pessoas e, quando Merrick descobre o segredo de Phillips, que é doar desinteressadamente e em segredo, ele tenta de maneira desonesta. O resultado aliena ainda mais a viúva de Phillips, Helen, por quem Merrick se apaixonou. A persistência de Merrick causa outra tragédia, e ele deve refazer sua vida, inclusive voltando à faculdade de medicina, na tentativa de fazer as pazes e conquistar seu amor.
Herança Sagrada
Director of Photography
Três anos após o final das Guerras Apache, o chefe pacificador Cochise vem a falecer. O seu filho mais velho, Taza (Rock Hudson), também divide com o pai as mesmas idéias sobre a paz entre os povos, mas seu irmão Naiche (Bart Roberts) anseia pela guerra... e também por destronar seu irmão e conseguir o amor de Oona (Barbara Rush). Naiche não perde tempo para começar uma nova briga com o homem branco, e graças ao orgulho desmedido do oficial da cavalaria local, o estopim da guerra finalmente explode. O renegado capturado Gerônimo (Ian MacDonald) logo se junta a eles nessa nova batalha, e ninguém sabe ao certo quem poderá vencer essa guerra que parece nunca ter fim...
Director of Photography
Um guia se torna vítima de uma emboscada, e tem a sua caravana dizimada por índios yaquis, quando ele consegue chegar cidade, todos pensam que se trata de um covarde que abandonou a caravana guiada por ele. Sendo assim, todos querem que ele seja enforcado, exceto uma moça, que fazia parte da caravana, e graças à ele, não foi morta, junto com sua irmã e sobrinho, e consequentemente se apaixona por ele, e confia na sua inocência. Agora, ele terá que provar que ela tem razão.
Sangue Por Sangue
Director of Photography
Em 1836, John Stroud, um dos rebeldes do Texas que estão cercados no Forte Álamo, recebe a notícia de que a sua região foi atacada pelos mexicanos. Ele ganha um sorteio com outros homens e sai do forte para tentar ajudar sua família e as de seus companheiros. Ao chegar lá só encontra o filho mexicano de um de seus empregados. Seu racho está queimado e sua esposa e filhos estão mortos. O garoto lhe diz que os responsáveis pelo ataque foram milicianos americanos que se aliaram aos mexicanos contra os rebeldes. Stroud leva o garoto até a cidade de Franklin, onde é preso como desertor e covarde. Na cadeia encontra um dos homens que atacaram sua família e que foi reconhecido pelo garoto mexicano. Quando o miliciano foge da cadeia com a ajuda de seu grupo, Stroud vai com ele, tentando se vingar na primeira chance.
Take Me to Town
Director of Photography
Saloon entertainer Vermilion O'Toole and her former partner in crime Newt Cole escape from a train ride to prison and hide out in logging town Timberline. Meanwhile, the three sons of widower Will Hall come to town in search of a wife for their dad. Vermilion needs to lay low to escape the marshal, so she accepts the boys' offer to visit pioneer community Pine Grove. Once there, she annoys local Mrs. Grundys but eventually starts to fit in.
It Happens Every Thursday
Director of Photography
New York reporter Bob MacAvoy is persuaded by pregnant wife Jane to buy a broken-down weekly newspaper in Eden, California. They have humorous problems with small town mores and eccentric citizens. But their schemes to increase circulation get them in over their heads.
Director of Photography
Um tenente da cavalaria relata seus esforços para fazer as pazes com a tribo indígena Seminole. Tendo uma experiência estratégica bem-vinda nos pântanos quentes e úmidos da Flórida e na tribo local dos índios Seminole, o brilhante e ético graduado de West Point, Segundo Tenente Lance Caldwell, é transferido para o perigoso posto avançado de Everglades, em 1835. Supostamente impedindo o desenvolvimento da civilização branca, os Seminoles devem ser expulsos de suas terras nativas a todo custo; tudo o que existe entre as aspirações do comandante venenoso e o último dos clãs indianos é Caldwell. Mais cedo ou mais tarde, um sentinela morto e um confronto violento com os homens do poderoso líder Seminole, Chefe Osceola, mancharão os vastos e intransitáveis pântanos com sangue, enquanto uma linda mulher com muita força de vontade fica no meio da disputa. Poderá Caldwell ser a voz da razão e do compromisso?
Contra Todas as Bandeiras
Director of Photography
British Naval Officer fights pirates on Madagascar.
Because of You
Director of Photography
A female ex-con falls in love and hesitates to reveal her past.
O Mundo em Seus Braços
Director of Photography
Gregory Peck é um barulhento capitão do mar na costa do Pacífico, por volta de 1850, que tem planos de comprar o Alasca dos russos... se eles não o matarem primeiro.
Anjo Escarlate
After robbing a sea captain in New Orleans, a beautiful saloon girl flees and assumes a dead woman's identity.
Paixão de Beduíno
Director of Photography
Uma princesa das mil e uma noites e um chefe beduíno lutam pela posse de um garanhão, mas se unem para se opor a um inimigo comum.
Fúria de Paixões
Director of Photography
A San Francisco hood is rubbed out by rival Bruno Felkin, who himself reports the crime to Homicide Lt. Kelsey in an alibi scheme which fails. To escape, he stows away on a fishing boat. At sea, skipper Hamil Linder receives Bruno kindly, teaching him fishing; Bruno enlists Hamil's wayward son Carl to tend his slot machines. Then Carl takes an interest in Bruno's girl Connie. Climax in a storm at sea.
A Princesa e os Bárbaros
Director of Photography
The Princess of Samarkand and an English knight confront the armies of Genghis Khan.
Katie Did It
Director of Photography
Katherine Standish, who has been brought up in a strict manner in a prudish New England town, falls in love with a city slicker commercial artist, Peter Van Arden. The romance blossoms until Katie falls victim of some false information, and becomes convinced that Peter is already married and the father of two children.
Director of Photography
McNally é um detetive que é enviado para descobrir quem está por trás de contínuos roubos do comboio que transporta o correio.
O Gavião do Deserto
Director of Photography
A desert guerilla, with flashing scimitar, opposes a tyrannical prince and marries the caliph's daughter.
Director of Photography
Professor Brookfield along with daughters Peggy and Susan move to small town Pasadena, California. Their new neighbor Mrs. Fielding helps them move in, and urges the girls to participate in the annual Rose Bowl beauty pageant. Meanwhile Mrs. Fielding's son Tom makes eyes at Peggy but she's smitten with a famous football star so she tries to redirect his interest to Susan.
Serras Sangrentas
Director of Photography
Ring Hassard (Audie Murphy) e seu pai Jeff (Dean Jagger) capturam e domam cavalos selvagens. Eles vivem isolados nas montanhas, porque Jeff é procurado por um crime que não cometeu. Quando Ring conhece a advogada Riley Martin (Wanda Hendrix), Jeff é ferido por um cavalo. Ring e Riley partem em busca de socorro, porém Ring acaba preso acusado de roubar cavalos. Riley defende-o, mas a essa altura o juiz está mais interessado é em saber onde seu pai está escondido.
Curtain Call at Cactus Creek
Director of Photography
Traveling entertainer gets mixed up with bank robbers.
Buccaneer's Girl
Director of Photography
A New Orleans performer loves a pirate who robs only from the shipowner who ruined his father.
Director of Photography
An Arab sheik's daughter (Maureen O'Hara) avenges his death, blamed on Hassan (Paul Christian) and his Black Riders.
Director of Photography
When Joan Boothe accompanies husband-reporter David to Las Vegas, she begins gambling to pass the time while he is doing a story. Encouraged by the casino manager, she gets hooked on gambling, to the point where she "borrows" David's expense money to pursue her addiction. This finally breaks up their marriage, but David continues trying to help her.
Resgate de Sangue
Director of Photography
China Valdes joins the Cuban underground after her brother is killed by the chief of the secret police, Ariete. She meets and falls in love with American expatriate Tony Fenner. Tony develops a plan to tunnel under the city's cemetery to a plot owned by a high official, assassinate him, and blow up the whole Cuban hierarchy at the ensuing state funeral. Together with a band of dedicated revolutionaries, they begin digging.
Amei um Assassino
Director of Photography
Bill Saunders, a former prisoner of war living in England, whose experiences have left him unstable and violent, gets into a bar fight in which he in kills a man and then flees. He hides out with the assistance of a nurse, Jane Wharton, who believes his story that the killing was an accident.
You Gotta Stay Happy
Director of Photography
Indecisive heiress Dee Dee Dillwood is pushed into marrying her sixth fiancée, but unable to face the wedding night, she flees into the adjacent hotel room of commercial pilot Marvin Payne, who just wants to sleep. She then persuades him to take her to California.
Ele e a Sereia
Director of Photography
Enquanto está de férias no Caribe com sua esposa, um homem encontra inesperadamente uma sereia e se apaixona por ela.
Resgate de uma Consciência
Director of Photography
During WWII, industrialist Joe Keller commits a crime and frames his business partner Herbert Deever. Years later, his sin comes back to haunt him when Joe's son plans to marry Deever's daughter.
A Woman's Vengeance
Director of Photography
A cheating husband is charged in the poisoning death of his invalid wife, in spite of other women and suicide also being suspected.
Arco do Triunfo
Director of Photography
In the winter of 1938, Paris is crowded with refugees from the Nazis, who live in the black shadows of night, trying to evade deportation. One such is Dr. Ravic, who practices medicine illegally and stalks his old Nazi enemy Haake with murder in mind. One rainy night, Ravic meets Joan Madou, a kept woman cast adrift by her lover's sudden death. Against Ravic's better judgment, they become involved in a doomed affair.
Do Lodo Brotou uma Flor
Director of Photography
Um vigarista tenta chantagear um gangster mexicano. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Director of Photography
When Ivy, an Edwardian belle, begins to like Miles, a wealthy gentleman, she is unsure of what to do with her husband, Jervis, and her lover, Dr. Roger. She then hatches a plan to get rid of them both.
The Private Affairs of Bel Ami
Director of Photography
A self-serving journalist uses influential women in late-1800s Paris and denies the one who truly loves him.
O Casamento Perfeito
Director of Photography
A couple celebrate their tenth anniversary by quarreling their way to divorce court.
O Estranho
Director of Photography
Charles Rankin (Orson Welles), um ex-chefe de campo de concentração nazista, vive sob a identidade de um correto professor universitário em uma pequena cidade. Ele deve tomar cuidado, pois toda a verdade está para vir à tona. Dirigido por Orson Welles e indicado ao Oscar de Melhor Roteiro Original.
Por Causa de uma Mulher
Director of Photography
When beautiful Mary returns to her "whistle stop" hometown, long-standing feelings of animosity between two of her old boyfriends leads to robbery and murder.
Pardon My Past
Director of Photography
Eddie York (MacMurray) is mistaken for playboy Francis Pemberton and gets into trouble.
Story of G.I. Joe
Director of Photography
War correspondent Ernie Pyle joins Company C, 18th Infantry as this American army unit fights its way across North Africa in World War II. He comes to know the soldiers and finds much human interest material for his readers back in the States.
Betrayal from the East
Director of Photography
A carnival showman tries to keep Japanese spies from sabotaging the Panama Canal.
It's in the Bag!
Director of Photography
The ringmaster of a flea circus inherits a fortune...if he can find which chair it's hidden in.
Music in Manhattan
Director of Photography
Frankie Foster and Stanley Benson are a pair of small-potatoes performers. Both try to make it to the big-time after winning an amateur talent contest. Though this leads them to a few professional gigs, something is missing from their act and they are not popular. Believing a little cash will boost their career, Frankie heads for Washington, D.C. to see if her wealthy father will help them. En route Frankie is mistaken for the wife of the well-known pilot Johnny Pearson and ends up in his suite having to pretend she is his spouse. When the pilot meets her, romantic sparks fly.
The Master Race
Director of Photography
When allied troops liberate a small battle-scarred Belgium town in 1944 the American and British commanders do all they can to help the war-weary people back on their feet. There are mental and physical wounds to heal, fields to plough, the church to rebuild. But a top Nazi, knowing the War is lost, has infiltrated the town and is fostering dissent and disunity.
Mulheres de Ninguém
Director of Photography
Jo Jones, a young defense plant worker whose husband is in the military during World War II, shares a house with three other women in the same situation.
Seven Days Ashore
Director of Photography
Circumstances force a womanizing playboy on leave from the Merchant Marine to ask two shipmates to help him by dating two surplus girlfriends.
Around the World
Director of Photography
Bandleader Kay Kyser takes his troupe of nutty musicians, goofball comics and pretty girl singers on a tour around the world to entertain the troops during World War II.
Behind the Rising Sun
Director of Photography
A Japanese publisher urges his American-educated son to side with the Axis.
The Sky's the Limit
Director of Photography
Flying Tiger Fred Atwell sneaks away from his famous squadron's personal appearance tour and goes incognito for several days of leave. He quickly falls for photographer Joan Manion, pursuing her in the guise of a carefree drifter.
Hitler's Children
Director of Photography
This lurid exposé of the Hitler Youth follows the woes of an American girl declared legally German by the Nazi government.
The Falcon's Brother
Director of Photography
A gentlemanly detective known as The Falcon calls on his brother to help him stop the Nazis from assassinating a key diplomat.
Rua das Ilusões
Director of Photography
Meek busboy Little Pinks is in love with an extremely selfish showgirl who despises and uses him.
Mexican Spitfire Sees a Ghost
Director of Photography
Carmelita and Uncle Matt find themselves in a haunted house, but the "ghosts" are actually enemy agents who are trying to frighten away visitors in order to develop a nitroglycerin bomb.
Four Jacks and a Jill
Director of Photography
Karanina "Nina" Novak, is befriended by Nifty, the leader of a four-piece orchestra, and in return, secures an engagement for them at the Little Aregal Cafe, with herself as the vocalist, by pretending she once knew the King or Aregal back in the old country. Steve shows up pretending to be the King of Aregal, and complicates the growing romance between Nina and Nifty. When Steve runs off with Opa, the real King of Aregal (also Steve) appears and complicates things again.
Hóspede do Pagode
Director of Photography
Jim is hardly thrilled when his new bride, Ellen, invites an old friend, Randy, over for dinner. Yet Jim turns genuinely dismayed once Randy arrives and turns out to be an insufferable, boorish braggart with bad manners and little self-awareness. That dismay turns to outright annoyance when Jim realizes Randy thinks he has come to stay for the weekend. How much damage to a marriage can one unwanted guest do in the space of one weekend?
A Girl, a Guy, and a Gob
Director of Photography
Steve is a shy quiet man who is an executive for a shipping firm. He meets Dot at the Opera where she had his seats and the next day she shows up as his temporary secretary. Then Coffee Cup comes to town to see Dot, his gal. When Steven is with Cecilia, everything is boring. When he is with Dot and Coffee Cup, everything is exciting and he falls for Dot. But Coffee is getting out of the Navy in a few days and he plans to marry Dot.
A Vida é uma Dança
Director of Photography
Judy O'Brien é uma bailarina aspirante em um grupo de dança. Também está no grupo Bubbles, uma trambiqueira ousada que sempre deixa a trupe lutando pela carreira no burlesco. Quando o grupo se desfaz, Bubbles dá a Judy uma tarefa ingrata. As duas finalmente se chocam quando ambas se apaixonam pelo mesmo homem.
Director of Photography
Upholsterer's assistant Irene O'Dare meets wealthy Don Marshall while she is measuring chairs for Mrs. Herman Vincent at her Long Island estate. Charmed by her, Don anonymously purchases Madame Lucy's, an exclusive Manhattan boutique, and instructs newly hired manager Mr. Smith to offer Irene a job as a model. She soon catches the eye of socialite Bob Vincent, whose mother is hosting a ball at the family mansion. To promote Madame Lucy's dress line, Mr. Smith arranges for his models to be invited to the ball.
Curtain Call
Director of Photography
Two theatrical producers plan to get even with a demanding actress by tricking her into starring in the worst play they can find.
That's Right - You're Wrong
Director of Photography
J. D. Forbes, head of the almost-bankrupt Four Star Studios in Hollywood contacts band leader Kay Kyser, who puts on a radio and-live theatre program called "The Kollege of Musical Knowledge," to appear in films. When manager Chuck Deems gets the studio offer, he and band members Ginny Simms, Sully Mason, Ish Kabiddle, Harry Babbitt and the others are all fired up at the prospect of going to Hollywood and working in the movies, but band-leader Kay is all against it and says his old grandmother has told him to stay in his own back yard, but he relents. Once there, Stacey Delmore, a Four Star associate producer left in charge of the studio while Forbes is out of town, discovers that the screenplay writers have prepared a script that has Kay Kyser playing a glamorous lover in an exotic European setting.
The Spellbinder
Director of Photography
Jed Marlowe is a brilliant, scheming, unscrupulous criminal lawyer whose specialty is defending criminal he knows is guilty but gets them off through loop-holes or bribery. Then his daughter, misled by her father’s courtroom performance, but unaware of his back-room tactics, marries the killer her father has just unjustly save from the electric chair. What’s a poor father to do?
The Girl and the Gambler
Director of Photography
An outlaw kidnaps a dancer and her lover in order to win a bet.
Sagebrush Serenade
Director of Photography
Ray Whitley and the other Lazy-Q cowhands break up a plot by Mrs. Pierce (Isabel La Mal) to have her son George (Sid Coke) acquire the ranch by marrying the owner's daughter (Jean Joyce).
Quando Me Casar Novamente
Director of Photography
Heiress Nancy Crocker Fleming will only receive her inheritance if she marries a "plain American." Her late father was afraid a foreign gigolo would steal her heart and money. So Nancy pays Tony Anthony, working on a WPA road project, to marry, then divorce her. When Nancy inadvertently drives off with Tony's dog, Tony seemingly kidnaps her to retrieve the pooch, which leads to a cross-country race between the two to reach Reno and the divorce court since neither one wants to be the second to file papers.
Annabel Takes a Tour
Director of Photography
Annabel Allison, star of Wonder Pictures, is irked at her poor publicity, especially when a rival gets engaged to a Marquis; so she makes studio head Webb re-hire disgraced publicity agent Morgan for her personal appearance tour. The trip proceeds with a flurry of Morgan's crazy, slapstick publicity stunts. Then Annabel has her chance to "bag" a real Viscount.
Mr. Doodle Kicks Off
Director of Photography
A wealthy businessman promises to donate a huge endowment to his college alma mater, but there's one condition -- his loser of a son, a student at the school, must become a football hero. Comedy.
Os Apuros de Annabel
Director of Photography
Decadente publicitário Lanny Morgan criou a que ele julga ser a maior estrela que um estúdio já teve, a bela Annabel Allison; porém ela se envolve sem querer com dois fugitivos, tornando tudo uma verdadeira salada mista.
Levada da Breca
Director of Photography
Ao tentar garantir uma doação de US $ 1 milhão para seu museu, um paleontólogo confuso é perseguido por uma herdeira volúvel e muitas vezes irritante e seu animal de estimação o leopardo Baby.
Forty Naughty Girls
Director of Photography
Hildegarde Withers and Inspector Piper try to solve a murder while attending a popular Broadway show.
Annapolis Salute
Director of Photography
The adventures of three disparate cadets at the US Naval Academy--one the son of a Navy enlisted man, the other the scion of a wealthy family, the third decent but somewhat slow-witted--and their struggles with the rigors of the academy, women, and each other.
West of the Pecos
Director of Photography
Richard Dix stars as Pecos Smith, a strong, silent Westerner suspected of cattle rustling.
Penguin Pool Murder
Camera Operator
New York schoolmarm Hildegarde Withers assists a detective when a body of unscrupulous stockbroker Gerald Parker suddenly appears in the penguin tank at the aquarium.