The Dingle family are feeling the pinch, resorting to eating scraps and selling old bric-a-brac to make ends meet. Clutching at straws, Zak sets off with Belle to buy a Eurobillions rollover week ticket. As Zak and Belle make their way to purchase the ticket, we enter two parallel universes and the fun enfolds as fate serves up very different futures with their lucky numbers and potential winning ticket…. We then seamlessly experience the two ever shifting worlds as the most turn of events leads the extended Dingle family into two parallel but polar opposite futures. Will it be the reality of winning the lottery that brings delight, or will the harsher reality of lies and bogus tickets leave the clan counting the cost of nearly winning a fortune? The havoc unfolds with hilarious results as the film asks the question ‘How much would winning the lottery change you?’
William Cutting é o líder de uma gangue violenta na Nova York do século 19 que confronta seus rivais. Um jovem jura se vingar do perverso gângster que matou seu pai, mas fica dividido entre a sede de vingança e o fascínio pelo carismático Cutting.
Maggie has had four children, by four different fathers, removed by social services because of a previous violent relationship. When she meets Jorge, a gentle Latin American refugee, she gradually sees her chance for happiness, but her history still haunts her.