Emma Bortignon


The Rooster
Sound Designer
When the body of his oldest friend is found buried in a shallow grave, Dan, a small-town cop, seeks answers from a volatile hermit who was the last person to see his friend alive. As Dan gets closer to the truth, he must confront his own personal demons and he discovers that hope can be found in unlikely places.
Fale Comigo
Supervising Sound Editor
Quando um grupo de amigos descobre como conjurar espíritos usando uma antiga mão embalsamada, eles ficam viciados na nova emoção. Até que um deles vai longe demais e abre a porta para o mundo espiritual.
Fale Comigo
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Quando um grupo de amigos descobre como conjurar espíritos usando uma antiga mão embalsamada, eles ficam viciados na nova emoção. Até que um deles vai longe demais e abre a porta para o mundo espiritual.
Em Outros Tempos
Sound Designer
Durante o verão de 1999, o imigrante sérvio Kol está se preparando para a final do concurso australiano de dança quando recebe uma ligação de emergência de Ebony, sua parceira na dança. Com a ajuda de Adam, o irmão mais velho de Ebony, ele tenta chegar a tempo de se apresentar na final, mas quando Kol e Adam ficam presos num congestionamento a caminho do resgate de Ebony, ambos acabam descobrindo que têm muito mais em comum do que imaginavam e no curso das próximas 24 horas um romance intenso e inesperado acontece.
Em Outros Tempos
Supervising Sound Editor
Durante o verão de 1999, o imigrante sérvio Kol está se preparando para a final do concurso australiano de dança quando recebe uma ligação de emergência de Ebony, sua parceira na dança. Com a ajuda de Adam, o irmão mais velho de Ebony, ele tenta chegar a tempo de se apresentar na final, mas quando Kol e Adam ficam presos num congestionamento a caminho do resgate de Ebony, ambos acabam descobrindo que têm muito mais em comum do que imaginavam e no curso das próximas 24 horas um romance intenso e inesperado acontece.
When Tasmania’s Hydro-Electric Commission planned to build a dam on the Franklin River, Launceston’s Wilderness Society mobilised to protect it, sparking a now-infamous, and ultimately victorious, campaign of blockades, protests, lawsuits and political wrangling – a campaign that was a key part of the development of the Australian Greens movement. Franklin recounts this seminal environmental protest through the eyes of Oliver Cassidy, who retraces the journey on the World Heritage–listed river taken some 40 years before by his late activist father.
Você Não Estará Só!
Supervising Sound Editor
Uma jovem muda que é sequestrada e depois transformada em bruxa por um espírito antigo. Curiosa sobre a vida como humana, a jovem bruxa acidentalmente mata um camponês na aldeia vizinha e depois assume a forma de sua vítima para viver a vida em sua pele. Sua curiosidade aumentou; ela continua a exercer esse poder horrível ao tentar entender o que significa ser humano.
Paper City
Sound Designer
Just after midnight on 10 March 1945, the US launched an air-based attack on eastern Tokyo; continuing until morning, the raid left more than 100,000 people dead and a quarter of the city eradicated. Unlike their loved ones, Hiroshi Hoshino, Michiko Kiyooka and Minoru Tsukiyama managed to emerge from the bombings. Now in their twilight years, they wish for nothing more than recognition and reparations for those who, like them, had been indelibly harmed by the war – but the Japanese government and even their fellow citizens seem disinclined to acknowledge the past.
Brazen Hussies
Sound Designer
BRAZEN HUSSIES reveals for the first time, an exciting and revolutionary chapter in Australian history, the Women’s Liberation Movement (1965 -1975). Interweaving freshly uncovered archival footage, personal photographs, memorabilia and lively personal accounts from activists all around Australia, BRAZEN HUSSIES shows us how a daring and diverse group of women joined forces to defy the status quo, demand equality and create profound social change. These women defined one of the greatest social movements of the 20th Century, at times at great personal cost. This documentary is full of the raw energy and determination that fueled feminism for the next 50 years.
Suzi Q
Sound Designer
Pioneira como líder da banda num gênero infestado de machões, o rock pesado, Suzy Quatro se transformou em um ícone. Com seu rock simples e cheio de atitude, ela apontou o caminho para Joan Jett, Kathleen Hanna entre tantas outras que a reverenciam até hoje.
Sound Designer
Laura and Tyler are best friends and drinking buddies whose hedonistic existence falls under the creeping horror of adulthood when Laura gets engaged to Jim – an ambitious pianist who surprisingly decides to go teetotal.
The Leunig Fragments
Sound Designer
With an anarchic and life-affirming heart, this documentary feature celebrates self-expression, friendship, life and death, and the power of the imagination to ignite, enrage, heal and inspire. With exclusive, intimate access to Michael Leunig - one of Australia’s most renowned artists - we reveal the man behind the household name.
Upgrade: Atualização
Sound Effects Editor
No futuro próximo, a tecnologia controla quase todos os aspectos da vida. Mas quando Gray, um tecnofóbico, tem seu mundo virado de cabeça para baixo, sua única esperança de vingança é um implante experimental de chips de computador chamado Stem.
Os Garotos nas Árvores
Sound Designer
É Halloween em 1997, e também a última noite na escola para dois adolescentes skatistas, que vão deixar para trás a fase escolar e adentrar na famosa fase adulta. Mas, para um deles, Corey, alguns assuntos do passado ainda precisam ser resolvidos envolvendo um velho conhecido da infância. Para isso, os dois vão embarcar em uma viagem apavorante através de suas memórias, sonhos e medos.
Pelo Rio Abaixo
Sound Designer
James has served time for drowning a little boy when he was a child, although the body was never found in the river. A visit from his victim's mother upon parole sends him on a quest to find the truth. With little time and danger at every turn, James risks his freedom and his life to uncover the trail of sins that might give closure to the grieving mother.
Sound Effects Editor
When Chinese-Australian teenager Lawrence cheats at and fails his high-school exams, destroying his dreams of a medical degree, he's banished to the country for the summer. There, he meets wily old conman the Professor and his cynical daughter Sarah, and learns that even the sneakiest scam can't conjure up love. Is it a true story? That might be another of Leung's tricks.
As Horas Finais
Sound Designer
A doze horas do fim do mundo, antes que um evento terrível erradique a vida na terra, James (Nathan Phillips) atravessa uma cidade altamente criminosa para chegar a uma festa fenomenal, a festa final. No caminho, ele acaba salvando a vida de uma menina chamada Rose (Angourie Rice), que busca seu pai a todo custo. Enquanto o momento fatal se aproxima, James, agora imbuído de uma nova responsabilidade, se vê obrigado a repensar suas prioridades.
Dialogue Editor
Viktor Kahdem is a man who has almost given up on life, sentenced to a low-security prison farm, a completely non-threatening environment where it is still felt that some individuals can be reformed. At Won Wron, Case Worker Matt Perry has established a unique program to rehabilitate broken men through giving them the responsibility for the rehabilitation of injured raptors - beautiful, fearsome proud eagles, falcons and owls. Against all odds, Matt takes on Viktor as his number one test case, introducing him to Yasmine, the majestic wedge tailed eagle with a 2 metre wingspan. If these two can tame each other, anything is possible.
The Last Time I Saw Richard
Sound Designer
Jonah is proud to be the loner at the teenage mental health clinic, taking pleasure in making the other patients uncomfortable. But when he is forced to share a room with the newly admitted Richard, the boys become locked in a battle of wills.
Sound Designer
When a mysterious letter tips Lois over the edge, she is driven to wild lengths to address some unfinished business.
The Wilding
Sound Designer
When juvenile inmate Malcolm is offered a chance at parole, he is torn between his chance for freedom and protecting the one he loves.
Sound Designer
Max and Cate meet and straight away it's on with no restraint. But are they fooling around or falling in love?
Sound Designer
As Indonesia prepares to invade the tiny nation of East Timor, five Australian based journalists go missing. Four weeks later, veteran foreign correspondent Roger East is lured to East Timor by the young and charismatic José Ramos-Horta to tell the story of his country and investigate the fate of the missing men. As East's determination to uncover the truth grows, the threat of invasion intensifie
Raça Selvagem
Sound Designer
Nina e seus amigos partem para uma expedição pelos lugares mais remotos da Austrália, com o objetivo de provar a existência do Tigre da Tasmânia. Especialistas já deram essa espécie como extinta, mas a irmã de Nina descobre evidencias de que eles ainda existem. O que nenhum deles sabia é que, décadas atrás, o mais brutal assassino e canibal Alexander Pearce escapou da prisão e se escondeu nesta mesma região. Agora essa expedição descobrirá que enquanto uma espécie pode realmente ter desaparecido da face da terra, uma nova raça selvagem, pode ter surgido.
The Society Murders
Sound Effects Editor
The Society Murders was the name given to the April 4, 2002 murders of husband and wife millionaire socialites Margaret Mary Wales-King, 69, and husband, Paul Aloysius King, 75 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, by their son, Matthew Wales. The crime and subsequent trial received widespread media coverage throughout Australia and later became the subject of both a book and a television film.
The Brush-Off
Sound Effects Editor
The political adviser to Australia's Minister of the Arts investigates the suspicious death of a disgruntled artist.
Sound Effects Editor
An amusing and entertaining film, "Stiff" showcases David Wenham as Murray Whelan, political fixer and amateur investigator. An adaption of a Shane Moloney book it provides a view into the political workings (or lack thereof) of a Brunswick (Melbourne, Australia) Local Member's office.
Sound Designer
Cate is a smart, working class girl under the thumb of her best friend Maddie, but Cate is having trouble conforming to what Maddie and high school society demand of her. Both girls are preoccupied with the same boy, but only one of them is being sent poetry.