Carl Biddiscombe


Encontro às Escuras
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Walter Davis convida Nadia para um jantar da sua empresa, esperando impressionar os sócios com a beleza da moça. Mas quando Nadia bebe um copo a mais, deita por terra a noite e a própria carreira de Walter. As coisas se complicam ainda mais quando David, o ciumento ex-namorado de Nadia, os descobre juntos e decide acabar com Walter.
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Based on the shocking true story of Olympic medalist Kari Swenson who was abducted by two "Mountain Men" while jogging in the foothills of the Rockies in Montana.
Toque de Recolher
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O anúncio de que uma venerada academia militar será destruída para dar lugar a um condomínio provoca uma revolta entre os alunos. Liderados pelo jovem cadete Brian Moreland (Timothy Hutton), os estudantes decidem tomar o campus para impedir sua derrubada. Mas um incidente pode colocar todo o plano por água abaixo.
Touro Indomável
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O pugilista peso-médio Jake LaMotta (Robert De Niro), chamado de "o touro do Bronx", sobe na carreira com a mesma rapidez com que sua vida particular se degrada, graças ao seu temperamento violento e possessivo. Todos ao seu redor são afetados por seu comportamento auto-destrutivo, como seu irmão e empresário Joey LaMotta (Joe Pesci) e sua esposa Vickie (Cathy Moriarty).
Dan August: Once Is Never Enough
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Lt. Dan August is a homicide detective in his hometown of Santa Luisa, California. In this reediting of two episodes of Burt Reynolds' "Dan August" TV series, August and his partner Wilentz investigate the slayings of two winos who died after drinking poisoned whiskey and the rape and murder of a young woman.
The Darker Side of Terror
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A psychological thriller about a research biologist who, angered when an associate is given a position over him based on stolen research findings, agrees to assist his former professor in a cloning experiment in which a duplicate of himself is created -- and which then, with a mind and will of its own, falls in love with the biologist's wife.
Um Herói de Verdade
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Mulheres de uma pequena cidade se juntam contra uma prostituta, e um xerife precisa intervir antes que uma tragedia ocorra.
The Magic of Lassie
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Lassie is claimed from his family by a "former owner" and then braves a cross country trip to rejoin the ones that love her.
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Karen marries Arnold at his funeral and continues to get his money as long as she stays by his coffin. Meanwhile, various oddball relatives after Arnold's wealth are being killed in a creative variety of ways.
Terror in the Wax Museum
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Terrifying wax figures of renowned personalities, such as Attila the Hun and Jack the Ripper, surround the sale of a London museum.