Sura Dohnke

Sura Dohnke

Nascimento : , Belgium


Sura Dohnke is a Belgian actress best known for her performance in the critically acclaimed ANY WAY THE WIND BLOWS and for Ben Wheatley's 2018 film HAPPY NEW YEAR, COLIN BURSTEAD in which she played the titular character's wife.


Sura Dohnke


Christmas Carole
Commercial Mum
Carole Mackay is an unashamedly outspoken and wealthy entrepreneur. Her online business selling all things festive has earned her a fortune, as well as the nickname 'Christmas Carole'. But her success hasn't made her a better human being. In fact, it's made her worse. The truth is that Carole is a monumentally mean person. Positively Scrooge-like. And, just like Ebeneezer, she doesn't love Christmas at all. But this Christmas Eve, Carole's past, present and future are about to collide. Will some rather familiar Christmas spirits help her discover the true spirit of Christmas?
A darkly comic, character-driven thriller following Ewan, a government whistleblower, and Silke, his forthright Flemish wife, as they are sent to a remote country house in west Belgium. Joined by two close protection officers, they await the arrival of a British journalist.
Happy New Year, Colin Burstead
Val Burstead
Colin alugou uma casa de campo imponente para as celebrações de Ano Novo de sua família. Ele é o centro das atenções até que seu irmão distante David chega inesperadamente, jogando a dinâmica familiar para longe da órbita.
The Co(te)lette Film
A cinematographic adaptation of the dance performance by Ann Van den Broek.
Any Way the Wind Blows
Antwerp, at the beginning of June. On a sunny Friday, eight people dream of having a different life. There's wind and music, police and paranoia, gossip and fighting. There's an old virus, an astrayed frisbee, a dead horse, and a mysterious person called Windman. In the evening there's a party …