Robert é professor atordoado por seus problemas pessoais. Separado e alcoólatra, ele tem a coragem de dar nota “F” (a mais baixa) para um aluno, mesmo indo contra a vontade da diretora do colégio. Rapidamente o veterano professor vira alvo de uma fúria incontrolável. Em uma noite, um grupo de estudantes revoltados invade a escola, matando um por um dos que cruzam o caminho deles.
The Disobbedienti emerged from the Tute Bianche during the demonstrations against the G8 summit in Genoa in July 2001. The “Tute Bianche” were the white-clad Italian activists who used their bodies – protected by foam rubber, tires, helmets, gas masks, and homemade shields – in direct acts and demonstrations as weapons of civil disobedience. The Tute Bianche first appeared in Italy in 1994 in the midst of a social setting in which the “mass laborer,” who had played a central role in the 1970s in production and in labor struggles, was gradually replaced in the transition to precarious post-Fordist means of production. “Disobbedienti” thematizes the Disobbedienti’s origins, political bases, and forms of direct action on the basis of conversations with seven members of the movement.