Several characters coincide during the Christmas holidays in the winter season of Saint Moritz.
A precocious girl, her nasty parents, two punk-rock losers and a weak-kneed salesman inadvertently become the guests of two ghoulish senior citizens in their dark, haunted mansion. The old couple makes and collects dolls that, when not sitting still like good little mannequins, creep around in the night, offing the guests one by one.
Dr. Pretorius (Ted Sorel) e seus colegas estão trabalhando em uma experiência, por meio da estimulação da glândula pineal, querem abrir a mente humana para dimensões superiores. O experimento é bem-sucedido, no entanto, eles são imediatamente atacados por terríveis formas de vida, que aparentemente estão em torno de nós o tempo todo. Quando o Dr. Pretorius é morto por um deles, o Dr. Tillinghast (Jeffrey Combs) sob suspeita pela morte é considerado louco, devido a sua história. Só a psicóloga ambiciosa Dr.ª McMichaels (Barbara Crampton) acredita nele e quer continuar o experimento.
Francesco forgot billiards because now he lives with Chiara. She is a musician and she would like to become famous. Francesco is different: he found in her the reason of his life. But when she accepts a job far from home, Francesco comes back to billiards.
Piera is a young woman who grows up under the parentage of two extremely original overseers: both her mother and father have incestuous relations with her before they are committed to insane asylums.
A special connection, between a mother and her daughter, full of sensuality and complicity, has allowed to portray a family full of fears, rather unbalanced, but nevertheless searching infinite love.
In Rome a man needing money become a transvestite prostitute.
A factory worker known for his tough attitude and for fighting for workers' rights starts losing credibility when friends and co-workers see him helping a young gay man.
SABATO (first episode): A company receives the visit of a very very important person. This person works for a biggest Japanese society, and this encounter is decisive for the small Italian company.
DOMENICA (second episode): After a hard day of job, a man returns in it's house for sleep. But a series of facts hinder this, and the poor man does not succeed to sleep.
VENERDI (third episode): A famous and rich creator of sexy ballets have various problems with a dancer. She want to leave the theater and marry a Mafia man.
In three vignettes, two exes, a tour guide and a married couple struggle to overcome a series of misadventures during their vacations.
A police commissioner and a political activist join to investigate the suspicious death of a playboy Prince.
After his son is kidnapped, a millionaire industrialist seeks revenge, in spite of the potential danger that his rash actions will bring about for his child and another kidnapped boy, the son of a poor mechanic.
Em uma viagem de uma semana, um cadete do exército acompanha Fausto, um irritado capitão cego, de Turim até Nápoles. Sem paciência para piedade, o capitão não aceita discordâncias e se comporta mal em público, sabendo apenas dar ordens. Em Nápoles, ele encontra um tenente cego com o qual conversa sobre seguir em frente.
Assistant Hairstylist
Este filme retrata a conturbada histórica de vida de Ludwig, rei da Baviera, desde sua coroação em 1864 até sua morte em 1886 como um herói romântico. Fã de Richard Wagner, traído por ele, apaixonado por sua prima Elisabeth da Áustria, abandonada por ela, ele experimentou uma sucessão de derrotas pessoais. E, além disso, foi atormentado por sua homossexualidade e pouco a pouco foi aceitando a loucura.
Duke Philippe married Cristina, daughter of a fisherman. But his brothers, seeing that these after marriage they would miss out inheritance, decide to get rid of the woman by imprisoning her in a tower and making the duke believe she died.
Bertone is a moderately honest homicide cop. Unfortunately, the court system is so inept and corrupt that many more-or-less honest policemen have begun taking the law into their own hands. Between his efforts to thwart the growth of crime and to control his vengeful co-workers, homicide-chief Bertone has his hands full
Início do século XX. Gustav von Aschenbach (Dirk Bogarde) é um compositor austríaco que vai para Veneza buscando repouso, após um período de estresse artístico e pessoal. Porém ele não encontra a paz desejada, pois logo desenvolve uma paixão por um jovem, Tadzio (Björn Andrésen), que está em férias com sua família. Tadzio incorpora o ideal de beleza que von Aschenbach sempre imaginou e pensa em ir embora antes de cometer um ato impensado, mas sua bagagem foi para outra cidade, obrigando-o a permanecer ali. Além disto a cólera asiática começa a chegar em Veneza.
Ciccio loves very much the novel Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter, although his friend Franco does not understand him.
Faustina, the offspring of a black G.I. and a Roman woman who met during the conflict of World War II, must choose between two Italian men who desperately vie for her attention.