Animated short
From a young age, Natsuki knew she was a girl despite her sex assigned at birth. Against the backdrop of conservative Japanese society, this poignant docudrama tells her remarkable story of gender transition. Reflecting on her high school years, Natsuki interviews the supportive friends and family who supported her choices – and also confronts the people those who oppressed her freedom. Tracing Natsumi’s story to the present, this compelling portrait of gender identity in contemporary Japan offers insights of a layered experience in a complex society.
Seven people who committed the seven deadly sins : lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride are locked up in a sealed space by someone. These seven people must play a game which is a matter of life or death.
Production Design
Three men are possessed by the spirits of ancient samurai determined to build their master's castle, even if they must use cardboard.
Three men are possessed by the spirits of ancient samurai determined to build their master's castle, even if they must use cardboard.
Three men are possessed by the spirits of ancient samurai determined to build their master's castle, even if they must use cardboard.
Three men are possessed by the spirits of ancient samurai determined to build their master's castle, even if they must use cardboard.