Hector, de 17 anos, está em um centro de detenção juvenil. Como parte da terapia de reintegração, ele é enviado para um centro de resgate de animais, onde encontra um cão tímido e esquivo como ele. Quando o cachorro desaparece, Hector decide fugir para encontrá-lo, acompanhado por seu irmão mais velho.
A group of young people is attacked by three individuals. Cruel games and tortures will be broadcast in live streaming.
Joven Marcos
Salvador vive isolado do mundo nas colinas geladas da Patagônia. Sozinho há décadas, ele recebe a inesperada visita do irmão Marcos e da cunhada Laura. O objetivo dos dois é que Salvador aceite vender as terras que os irmãos receberam em herança, mas ele não está nem um pouco disposto.
It is the year of grace of 1950. Ignacio (11) is celebrating his First Communion, a step that, according to catholics, puts him closer to God and opens up a space for him in the believers community. Communion implies, he will have enough grace to go to Paradise one day. It is also the day he is declared as a “conscious” person. However, from long time before, his tutor, sister Josefa, and the priest of the church, have said terrible things about his dead father, a communist that by now, as they say, should be burning in hell’s fire.
Hannah and her son Leon flee from a war that has isolated their country. Trying to cross the border, they enter No Man’s Land, a refugee camp that provides them with a bed and food, but will subject them to a severely oppressive system forcing them to compete to be able to stay at the camp. Claus, an old acquaintance, claims to know a secret about Hannah and Leon that, if brought to light, would endanger their lives.