Biel Montoro

Biel Montoro


Biel Montoro


Quico Sabaté: sense destí
To find his therapy dog, a 17-year-old escapes from juvie and embarks on a journey of reconnection with his brother and grandmother through Cantabria.
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Группа молодых людей подверглась нападению трёх человек. Жестокие игры и пытки будут транслироваться в прямом эфире.
Blue Rai
Чёрный снег
Joven Marcos
Старая трагедия и затяжная вражда вспыхивают снова, когда Маркос возвращается в старый дом, чтобы похоронить прах отца, и заодно убедить своего брата Сальвадора, живущего одиноко в лесу, продать свою землю
Our Father
It is the year of grace of 1950. Ignacio (11) is celebrating his First Communion, a step that, according to catholics, puts him closer to God and opens up a space for him in the believers community. Communion implies, he will have enough grace to go to Paradise one day. It is also the day he is declared as a “conscious” person. However, from long time before, his tutor, sister Josefa, and the priest of the church, have said terrible things about his dead father, a communist that by now, as they say, should be burning in hell’s fire.
Another Frontier
Hannah and her son Leon flee from a war that has isolated their country. Trying to cross the border, they enter No Man’s Land, a refugee camp that provides them with a bed and food, but will subject them to a severely oppressive system forcing them to compete to be able to stay at the camp. Claus, an old acquaintance, claims to know a secret about Hannah and Leon that, if brought to light, would endanger their lives.