Paul Mederow

Nascimento : 1887-06-30, Stralsund, Germany

Morte : 1974-12-17


Der Zauberer Gottes
Der gelbe Pullover
Antonio 'Maestro' Perugino
Vati macht Dummheiten
The Kaiser's Lackey
Dr. Heuteufel
Diederich Heßling is scared of everything and everyone. But as he grows up, he comes to realize that he has to offer his services to the powers-that-be if he wants to wield power himself. His life motto now runs: bow to those at the top and tread on those below. In this way, he always succeeds: as a student in a duel-fighting student fraternity and as a businessman in a paper factory. He cajoles the obese district administrative president Von Wulkow and wins his favor. He slanders his financial rivals and hatches a plot with the social democrats in the town council. On his honeymoon with his rich wife Guste, he finally finds a chance to do his beloved Kaiser a favor. And when a memorial to the Kaiser is unveiled in the town where Diederich lives and works, he delivers the address. He stands behind the lectern in the pouring rain, saluting his Kaiser. The crowd is dispersed. Everything is laid in ruins...
Melodie des Schicksals
Frauenarzt Dr. Prätorius
In the face of two world wars, Professor Prätorius, a philanthropist and a surgeon, wants to exterminate the one danger to mankind, the microbe of stupidity, as he states in a spontaneous lecture to his male and female students. When he tries to help a pregnant girl he gets involved more and more in her life and is forced to marry her.
Die goldene Spinne
Sein Sohn
Der Gefängnisdirektor
Hochzeit auf Bärenhof
Tomaselli, Kunstsammler
O Judeu Süss
Richter Ratner
Nessa notória propaganda anti-semita, Suess Oppenheimer, um ambicioso negociante judeu, ascende como o tesoureiro do duque, o qual lhe corrompe com riquezas e promessas sempre grandiosas. Com a crescente atuação do judeu, cada vez mais descarada e elaborada, o duque acaba quase que estourando uma guerra civil. Quando o Duque acaba por morrer de um ataque cardíaco, o judeu sofre represália e é sentenciado à morte pela Assembléia dos Anciãos, que o acusa de "manter relações carnais com uma mulher cristã".
Der Feuerteufel
Weißer Flieder
Dr. Jensen, Arzt
Im Namen des Volkes
Gewitterflug zu Claudia
Maxwell - Notar
Talking About Jacqueline
Since her father died, rich and carefree Jacqueline Topelius makes magazine covers and causes social gossip with her flirtatious adventures around Europe, leaving a string of admirers behind without much concern. Her sister June, living in Paris, is all the contrary but they love each other just the same. Everything changes when Jacqueline meets Dr. Michael Thomas, who rejects her at first. Now she must choose, and also face the consequences her past life may have on their future together.
If We All Were Angels
August der Starke
Anschlag auf Schweda
Der Sanatoriumsarzt in Davos
Professor Bergland
Hundert Tage
A Prince's Young Love
Oberst Hall
Period romance set in Bismarck's Second Empire about a nobleman who wants to marry the daughter of a lowly pharmacist.
The Growing Youth
Dr. Stahnke, Lehrer
A psychological study of three girls who enter a boys' school to prepare for their final examination.
Polizeiakte 909
Goethe memorial film - 1. The career
In the Employ of the Secret Service
During WWI a German agent receives an order to find out when the Russian army will carry out its expected attack against the German lines.
M, o Vampiro de Dusseldorf
Assassino em série na cidade alemã de Düsseldorf põe a polícia e a população em estado de alerta máximo. Obra-prima do Expressionismo Alemão, M já serviu de inspiração para inúmeros outros cineastas, que veem em sua fotografia uma maneira própria de fazer cinema, seguindo os passos de outras obras do Expressionismo, como Nosferatu, este de 1922.
Die Tophar-Mumie
Vicomte de la Roche
A vengeful antique dealer targets a dancer.
Der siebente Tag
Panic in the House of Ardon
Alfons Ardon
A silent movie by Rober Wiene.
Der verführte Heilige
a slient movie by Robert Wiene