A re-edited Italian-language dubbed version of Godzilla, using as a basis the U.S. version Godzilla, King of the Monsters! (1956), plus WWII newsreel footage and clips from other monster 1950's movies. The re-edited film was then colorized via a process called Spectrorama 70 consisting of applying various colored gels to the black and white footage. The film's opening and ending also features new music composed by musician Vince Tempera (under the pseudonym Magnetic System).
Em 1956 o filme japonês "Gojira", primeiro filme do Godzilla, foi editado e re-lançado nos EUA. Mudanças na história incluem um novo personagem: o repórter Steve Martin, interpretado pelo ator canadense Raymond Burr, que virou protagonista e narrador da história, relatando a invasão do gigantesco monstro a Tóquio.
Soba seller
A husband and wife's pet peeves and minor irritations escalate into major rifts and animosity.
Shinkichi Yamada
Um gigantesco réptil mutante surge em virtude de testes nucleares. A monstruosa criatura cria um rastro de destruição no seu caminho até Tóquio, que corre o risco de ser totalmente destruída se o monstro não for detido.
The story of Kiyoko, a young woman who has successfully managed to make a break with her dysfunctional family who have been trying to arrange a marriage for her with a disagreeable man whom she has rejected.