Gano Chittenden


Strike It Rich
Art Direction
When not drinking and fighting, three wildcatters in search of a gusher are enthusiastically drilling for black gold. The trouble begins when one of them grows dissatisfied with their lifestyle and quits so he can be with his new wife. Unfortunately for him, soon after he leaves, the other two find their gusher and become filthy rich. The impoverished quitter is envious and begins looking for an obscure law that will force his pals to share.
Art Direction
Roy Rogers, a Nevada State Ranger Captain in charge of the Rangers Reclamation Service, makes a trip to Las Vegas for the annual Heldorado Frontier Days Festival, as he wants to help his old friend Gabby Whittaker who originated the idea (at least, in this film).In Las Vegas, Roy meets heiress Carol Randall, who has been selected as the Queen of the Heldorado. Roy is informed that the F.B.I. wants an immediate investigation of the counterfeit thousand dollar bills that are being passed over the gambling tables at the casino.
Sioux City Sue
Art Direction
A Hollywood scout (Lynne Roberts) averts disaster for a singing cowboy (Gene Autry) she has misled.
The Plainsman and the Lady
Art Direction
Film about the early days of the Pony Express and the crooked businessman who opposed it.
Rio Grande Raiders
Art Direction
Sunset Carson, ace driver for the Harding Stagecoach Line, persuades his boss Frank Harding (Edmund Cobb) to hire his brother, Jeff (Bob Steele), recently released from the penitentiary. Sunset isn't aware that Jeff owes his release to Marc Redmond (Tristram Coffin), owner of the rival line, and that Redmond is forcing Jeff to give him advance information when the Harding stages are carrying valuable shipments, so that his henchmen can rob the stage and force Harding out of business.
Art Direction
John Waine estrela como Devlin, um jogador, que com sua nova esposa, Sandy (Vera Ralston), se muda para o Dakota do Norte, onde espera tirar um tremendo proveito da terra, graças a expansão da via férrea. Quando viajam para o oeste, eles conhecem dois malfeitores, Bender (Ward Bond) e Collins (Mike Mazurki), que vivem saqueando fazendas e expulsando fazendeiros de suas terras. Os dois trapaceiros roubam numa perigosa perseguição de barca rio abaixo. Os criminosos tentam fugir a qualquer preço. Devlin desesperado, junta um grupo de fazendeiros para tentar recuperar sua poupança e colocar Bender e sua gang na cadeia. Ação do começo até um emocionante e imprevisível final.
Girls of the Big House
Art Direction
A women's prison provides the setting for this drama that centers around a naive small-town woman framed by a man whom she met in a nightclub in the big city. She is not welcomed by the inmates and immediately the prisoners are divided.
The Fatal Witness
Art Direction
A playboy produces an airtight alibi when he is questioned about the murder of his wealthy aunt.
Swingin' on a Rainbow
Art Direction
A young girl goes to New York to find a band leader who has stolen all the songs she wrote and is passing them off as his own.
Oregon Trail
Art Direction
Hoping to find a fortune in stolen gold bullion, railroad detective Sunset Carson (Sunset Carson) goes undercover as an outlaw to infiltrate the gang responsible, but winds up being hired as the sheriff of Gunsight by town founder George Layton (Frank Jaquet).
Steppin' in Society
Art Direction
In this crime comedy, a prominent judge's vacation is interrupted during a sudden storm that forces him to seek refuge in a shady nightclub where he is mistaken by the mobsters for a highly esteemed racketeer.
Um Dia Voltarei
Art Direction
Duke se apaixona por Flaxen, na costa de Barbary, na San Francisco da virada do século. Ele perde dinheiro para o tio jogador Tito, volta para casa e aprende a jogar. E retorna. Depois que faz uma fortuna, ele abre seu próprio lugar com Flaxen como a artista.
Art Direction
A singing ranch foreman (Roy Rogers) and his friend (George "Gabby" Hayes) urge a chorus-girl heiress (Dale Evans) not to sell the property.
San Fernando Valley
Art Direction
A ranch owner fires his ranch hands and brings in women to replace them. The owner's daughter wants the male hands back and comes up with a plan to do it.
Forasteiro da Noite
Art Direction
O sargento Meadows (William Terry) volta da II Guerra e vai até a Califórnia para se encontrar com mulher com quem ele se correspondia, sem conhecê-la nem sequer por fotos. Durante a viagem de trem, conhece a médica Lesley Ross (Virginia Grey) por quem passa a nutrir um grande apreço. Ao chegar na casa onde era esperado, ele não encontra a mulher, somente a mãe dela, a senhora Hilda. Hilda diz ao sargento para ficar e esperar pela filha, que deve retornar dentro de alguns dias. Meadows não sabe mas Hilda esconde um segredo sobre sua filha conhecido também pela empregada que vive com ela. E quando a empregada quer contar o segredo, é ameaçada por Hilda.
Sing, Neighbor, Sing
Art Direction
Country radio singers of the '40s appear in this tale about a lothario who poses as a professor to seduce coeds.
Bordertown Trail
Art Direction
The election to determine if Texas will become a state is near and men opposed are running contraband across the border. Sunset and Frog are Border Patrolmen and have an agent that tips them off by carrier pigeon. The Army arrives and the commander is Sunset's brother. When the agent is found out and murdered, his fake replacement then leads the soldiers astray.
The Girl Who Dared
Art Direction
A group of people are invited to a party at a creepy mansion where legend has it a ghost appears once a year.
Three Little Sisters
Art Direction
The three Scott sisters, Susie, Hallie and Lily, live in the small town of Riverdale with their father Tom, a handyman whose laziness is legendary. The high-spirited sisters relieve the tedium by collaborating on Lily's correspondence with Pvt. Robert Mason, who is stationed in Arizona....
Secrets of Scotland Yard
Art Direction
Secrets of Scotland Yard is Republic's spin on a plotline first elucidated in the old E. Phillips Oppenheim novel The Great Impersonation. After losing WW I, the German high command, with remarkable foresight, prepares for the next war by planting a spy in the British Admiralty. Edgar Barrier plays the dual role of the German spy and his British twin brother. When one twin is killed, the other assumes his identity. The question: is the surviving brother the "good" one or the bad? It is up to C. Aubrey Smith, cast as Scotland Yard inspector Sir Christopher Belt, to sort out the mystery. Though it owes a great deal to the aforementioned Oppenheim yarn, Secrets of Scotland Yard is actually based on a novel by Denison Clift, who also wrote the screenplay.
My Best Gal
Art Direction
A girl from a show-business family seeks a backer for her boyfriend's musical.