Marichi Palacios


La mirada incendiada
Art Direction
Film inspired by the real story of Rodrigo Rojas de Negri. Killed on July 2, 1986 during the first national protest against the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.
Kill Pinochet
Production Design
Chile, September 1986. Tamara, commander of the communist guerrilla group Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front, and her comrades-in-arms set out to overthrow the military regime installed in 1973 by assassinating the dictator Augusto Pinochet.
Cosas de hombres
Production Design
Santiago comes out of the closet to his 2 long life friends at the age of 50. The reaction is not very positive from one of them, Raul. Who tries by all means, to convince Santiago that he is only going through a moment of sexual confusion, and there's no way he is gay.
Art Direction
A pregnant woman, who is taking care of her son with development problems, is at her breaking point when a caregiver from the Philippines steps into her life. Diana suspects that she’s using voodoo against her after the quick improvements of her son.
No Filter
When a woman visits a Chinese doctor, she discovers her pain is due to pent-up rage, and the only cure is to fully express herself, whatever may come.
No Filter
Chinese Restaurant Receptionist 1
When a woman visits a Chinese doctor, she discovers her pain is due to pent-up rage, and the only cure is to fully express herself, whatever may come.
Dos Besos
Art Direction
The linking of three characters in a kind of mutual deceit. Different points of view, attitudes and a look at relationships marked by social and cultural differences.
Bata Antes de Entrar
Production Design
Em uma noite chuvosa, duas belas mulheres batem à porta de Evan Webber (Keanu Reeves). Ele está sozinho em casa, já que a esposa e filho estão viajando. Não demora muito para que ambas o seduzam, tendo uma noite de amor com ele. Só que, no dia seguinte, elas passam a persegui-lo implacavelmente.
Santiago Violenta
Art Direction
Mauro, Noel and Broco have been an inseparable group of friends since grade school. All grown up, their lives are not what they hoped they would be. Life has become so routine that they do nothing more than wait for the weekends to drink themselves into oblivion. One night, a chance encounter leads the group on a wild and deadly chase from Santiago's most dangerous crime boss... Forced to make increasingly risky decisions, their frantic, adrenaline fueled desperation brings them closer to a violent, life-changing end where the friendship will be changed forever.
Production Design
Um grupo de ativistas americanos decidem ir até a Amazônia para tentar proteger uma tribo que está desaparecendo. Durante o percurso, o avião sofre problemas e eles caem no meio da selva. Eles são resgatados e presos como reféns da tribo que desejavam salvar.
O ABC da Morte
Production Design
Vinte e seis cineastas dão vida a 26 histórias de morte. A cada uma foi atribuída uma letra e com ela devem iniciar a produção de um curta-metragem banhado a sangue. Engraçados e assustadores, eles fazem uma mostra colorida do gênero terror.
O ABC da Morte
Art Direction
Vinte e seis cineastas dão vida a 26 histórias de morte. A cada uma foi atribuída uma letra e com ela devem iniciar a produção de um curta-metragem banhado a sangue. Engraçados e assustadores, eles fazem uma mostra colorida do gênero terror.
Production Design
No Chile, um grupo de turistas se diverte em um clube noturno subterrâneo quando um terremoto afeta a região. Para eles, a maior dificuldade seria sair dos escombros, mas logo vão descobrir que algo muito pior espera por eles na superfície.
Set Decoration
Three theater students, influenced by a professor and French theorist Antonin Artaud's acting technique, begin to experiment with their own lives, searching for real emotions and situations to bring onto the stage. Their obsession with becoming better actors leads them to their darkest sides, surpassing boundaries that neither they nor their teachers could ever imagine.