A strange new virus has appeared, which only attacks strains of grasses such as wheat and rice, and the world is descending into famine and chaos. Architect John, along with his family and friends, is making his way from London to his brother's farm in northern England where there will hopefully be food and safety for all of them.
Three sailors on leave turn a British town upside down.
Miss Polly decides to spend a few months with her wealthy spinster aunt as a traveling companion. While in India her aunt's demise leaves her alone to pursue her freedom and explore an arm's length romance with a local boy.
Em Londres, o fotógrafo Thomas está indo trabalhar quando decide fotografar um casal no parque. Mais tarde, a mulher fotografada bate em sua porta e exige os negativos das imagens, mas Thomas não dá. Para sua surpresa, ao revelar o material, ele descobre que pode estar diante das provas de um crime.
Filme antológico sobre três diferentes proprietários de um Rolls-Royce amarelo. Começando nos anos 20 com Lord Charles, um diplomata britânico, que compra o carro para sua esposa francesa como um presente de aniversário. Nos anos 30 outro proprietário é Paolo Maltese, um mafioso que compra o carro durante uma viagem à Itália e o deixa com a namorada enquanto volta para Chicago. Então nos anos 40 o carro pertence à viúva americana Gerda, que leva um guerrilheiro iugoslavo a Ljubljana na véspera da invasão nazista.
Wealthy passengers fogged in at London's Heathrow Airport fight to survive a variety of personal trials.
After mercifully killing her terminally ill lover, Dr. Christine Allison loses her medical license and spends two years in prison. Once she has completed her sentence, the lawyer who prosecuted Christine, Stephen Dane, hires her to care for his emotionally unstable wife, Liane. Christine takes the job, but when Liane's allegedly dead father reappears, Christine sets out to reveal the family's dark secrets.
A young American woman traveling in Italy with her mother is slender, blonde, beautiful and there is something charmingly naive about her. Fabrizio Naccarelli seems to always know where the mother and daughter will sightsee next. Signor Naccarelli is just as concerned about where this will lead as Mrs. Johnson is. Then she starts thinking that perhaps her daughter can be a wife of a wealthy young man in a society where all she has to do is look beautiful. What happens if Signor Naccarelli finds out who his prospective daughter-in-law really is?
Health officials from the World Health Organization link a smallpox outbreak in Europe to oil drilling in the Middle East.
Na Londres de 1901, três homens em missão pelo IRA planejam roubar todo o ouro contido nos depósitos do Banco da Inglaterra.
A California commercial pilot sees a telecast in London of an interview with Sir Mark Lodden at his home. The Canadian is convinced that the baronet is a fraud, and he is actually a look-alike actor named Frank Welney.
Uma comédia musical adaptada do clássico conto dos irmãos Grimm, onde um certo dia um lenhados poupa uma árvore especial e a Rainha da Floresta, em sinal de agradecimento concede-lhe uma preciosa dádiva: um filho, uma vez que o casal de lenhadores há muito ansiavam ter mas sem resultados. Esse filho, porém, era tão pequenino tão pequenino que tinha o tamanho de um polegar! O protagonista (Russ Tamlyn, um bailarino que já havia atuado em 'Sete Noivas Para Sete Irmãos' com 24 anos interpreta uma criança. Gorge Pal, com o grande sucesso deste filme, conseguiu realizar a produção considerado o melhor filme de sua carreira: 'A Máquina do Tempo - The Time Machine' (1960), adaptação da obra de H.G. Wells. Agora remasterizado direto do negativo original e dublado em português, O Pequeno Polegar, é uma raridade inédita, é imprescindível à história do cinema e para os fãs do gênero.
Alfred Dreyfus, a German-Jewish captain serving in the French Army, is falsely accused of treason and made a scapegoat for military espionage in an act of institutional anti-Semitism. Sent to prison, he becomes a cause célèbre for the novelist Émile Zola, who dubs it the "Dreyfus Affair." Eventually, Dreyfus is pardoned when the military cover-up is made public, and he returns to France. But his name is forever tarnished by the accusations of treason.
A woman hires soldier-of-fortune Carson to smuggle her into Albania by way of Greece. Their trouble is just beginning when they get there.
Anglo-Indian Victoria Jones seeks her true identity amid the chaos of the British withdrawal from India.
Lavishly told story of George Bryan Brummel, a commoner born in the era of Napoleon who uses wit, brilliance and sartorial flair to align himself with the future King George IV. Lush settings in authentic locations and Taylor in Regency …
O recém coroado rei da Inglaterra, Arthur Pendragon dedica seu reinado e a irmandade dos Cavaleiros da Távola Redonda aos ideais de paz e justiça. Apoiando o Rei Arthur em seus objetivos está a sua amada Rainha Guinevere, o nobre Sir Lancelot e o misterioso Merlin. Lancelot e Guinevere estão divididos entre a secreta paixão que os envolve e a lealdade e respeito que nutrem por Arthur. Mas essa traição não é nada se comparada ao ódio que a feiticeira Morgana, meia irmã de Arthur, e seu filho Mordred sentem pelo Rei de Camelot.
Victor Marswell runs a big game trapping company in Kenya. Eloise Kelly is ditched there, and an immediate attraction happens between them. Then Mr. and Mrs. Nordley show up for their gorilla documenting safari. Mrs. Nordley is not infatuated with her husband any more, and takes a liking to Marswell. The two men and two women have some difficulty arranging these emotions to their mutual satisfaction, but eventually succeed.
An American reporter falls in love with a Russian ballet dancer.
When a saboteur places an explosive device on a train full of sea mines, the authorities call for bomb expert Peter Lyncort to diffuse the situation, unaware that he has explosive problems of his own.
O leal cavaleiro britânico Wilfred de Ivanhoe sai em uma missão para libertar o rei sequestrado da Inglaterra, Ricardo Coração de Leão, nesta aventura empolgante. O bravo Ivanhoe deve, eventualmente, enfrentar o perverso príncipe John e o feroz guerreiro normando Brian de Bois-Guilbert, além das afeições das lindas donzelas Rowena e Rebecca.
Bulldog Drummond leaves retirement to help a Scotland Yard Sergeant catch thieves armed with radar.
The Second World War is over, and the Miniver family is trying to keep themselves together in post-War Britain, among continuing shortages and growing tensions within the family.
Jovem mulher entra em crise quando percebe que seu marido, um oficial do Exército britânico, está colaborando com os comunistas.
Four generations of a British family live through their experiences in the Crimean War, Boer War, WWI and WWII.
Life in the normally tranquil high society home of Joshua Howard is disrupted by the arrival of a mysterious footman in this sparkling British romantic comedy hit. Richard (Michael Wilding) acts like anything but a servant. He has aristocratic airs and graces, an expert knowledge of fine art and can play classical music and boogie-woogie on a grand piano with equal aplomb. And is that an Old Etonian tie he's wearing? Judy (Anna Neagle), is determined to discover Richard's true identity and the reason he's posing as a lowly footman. Bored with the attentions of vain movie stars and eccentric minor nobility, she's captivated by his easy-going charm and ready to fall. But will his scandalous secret come between them and true happiness?
Documentary made by the U.S. Army Signal Corps after the North African campaign.