Adam Masnyk


Sempre ao Seu Lado
Awkward Reacting Boy (uncredited)
Quando Hachiko, um filhote de cachorro da raça akita, é encontrado perdido em uma estação de trem por Parker, ambos se identificam rapidamente. O filhote acaba conquistando todos na casa de Parker, mas é com ele que acaba criando um profundo laço de lealdade.
Os Infiltrados
Southie Teen / Soccer Player (uncredited)
Billy Costigan, um jovem policial, recebe a missão de se infiltrar na máfia, mais especificamente no grupo comandado por Frank Costello. Billy conquista sua confiança ao mesmo tempo em que Colin Sullivan, um criminoso que atuou na polícia como informante de Costello, também ascende dentro da corporação. Tanto Billy quanto Colin se sentem aflitos devido à vida dupla que levam. Mas quando a máfia e a polícia descobrem que há um espião entre eles, a vida de ambos passa a correr perigo.
Facing Life
After communication ceases, Kevin breaks out of prison to find his lifelong girlfriend, but is met with some unfortunate news.
Facing Life
After communication ceases, Kevin breaks out of prison to find his lifelong girlfriend, but is met with some unfortunate news.
Facing Life
After communication ceases, Kevin breaks out of prison to find his lifelong girlfriend, but is met with some unfortunate news.
Odd Men Out
Executive Producer
After a heist goes wrong, a professional team of thieves hide out at an isolated motel and try to figure out what went wrong, and their next move. Tensions rise throughout the night but they must learn to come together in order to withstand those who seek to destroy them.
Odd Men Out
After a heist goes wrong, a professional team of thieves hide out at an isolated motel and try to figure out what went wrong, and their next move. Tensions rise throughout the night but they must learn to come together in order to withstand those who seek to destroy them.
Odd Men Out
After a heist goes wrong, a professional team of thieves hide out at an isolated motel and try to figure out what went wrong, and their next move. Tensions rise throughout the night but they must learn to come together in order to withstand those who seek to destroy them.