Antonio Martínez


Adventure Force 5
Set Dresser
Quando sua tranquila cidade litorânea é invadida por uma ameaça misteriosa, cinco garotos – um jogador, nerd de quadrinhos, inventor, skatista e artista marcial – devem se unir e usar um arsenal de acessórios caseiros para revidar.
Homem Larva
Art Direction
Um cientista inescrupuloso trabalha num projeto secreto para achar a cura para o mal da “vaca louca”. Em suas pesquisas ele descobre que as larvas expostas ao seu remédio conseguem multiplicar as forças e fortalecer o seu organismo.
Set Decoration
Art Direction
Red Dawn
Art Department Assistant
On October 2, 1968, a student uprising descends into violence after the Mexican government begins to use lethal force against the protesters.
Extraña ternura
The young and inexperienced godson of a millionaire falls for a singer who is married. The millionaire opposes the relationship because he feels a "strange tenderness" for the boy.
Streetcar for Sale
Víctima de la estafa
This excellent short film written by the magnificent filmmaker duo of Luis García Berlanga and screenwriter Rafael Azcona was to be part of a series entitled Los Pícaros (The Rogues) which was never continued. These two artists were responsible for such masterpieces of Spanish cinema as Plácido and El verdugo (The Executioner). Here, Berlanga and Azcona collaborated for the first time, setting the stage for the post-war "Berlanguiana" vision that would develop. José Luis López Vázquez plays Julián, a seedy swindler, who with his cronies tries to sell a streetcar to a rich but naive farmer, a newcomer to the city. High jinx ensue. With this film begins the great stage of Berlanga's filmmaking in which he mixes a little social criticism and notes of anti-clericalism with a great deal of farce.