Erzhan Nurymbet

Erzhan Nurymbet


Erzhan Nurymbet


Karasai's parent Altynai prepares his son for subsequent participation in battles from an early age, teaching the boy various martial arts and skills. The boy willingly listens to his father's recommendations, and already in childhood he confidently uses a whip and a sword. When Karasai turns into an adult youth, a period of famine sets in, from which the relatives of the young man suffer. The guy leads the herds of his fellow tribesmen to fertile arable land, and soon aggressive Dzungars attack the lands of his people.
O Voo do Falcão
O ano é 1241. A horda mongol liderada pelo cruel khan Batu se move para o oeste, destruindo tudo em seu caminho. Chegando às montanhas dos Cárpatos, as tropas acampam logo abaixo. No entanto, à noite, vários caçadores locais, os irmãos Berkut, entram secretamente no acampamento e libertam os reféns. Consumido de raiva, o cã decide se vingar e destruir os assentamentos dos Cárpatos. Um traidor entre os moradores diz aos mongóis sobre uma passagem secreta dentro das montanhas. No entanto, um pequeno grupo de caçadores de montanha liderados por Zakhar Berkut tem seu próprio plano para deter a horda inimiga de uma vez por todas..
A woman is led by her family to her new husband's home, to live with, presumably, his elderly mother and younger brother. Despite being forced into the marriage, she discovers that he is not such a bad catch after all but domestic bliss does not last long.
Baktashy - The Shepherd
A woman is led by her family to her new husband's home, to live with, presumably, his elderly mother and younger brother. Despite being forced into the marriage, she discovers that he is not such a bad catch after all but domestic bliss does not last long.