Neil McCarthy

Neil McCarthy

Nascimento : , South Africa


Neil McCarthy


Hotel Ruanda
Jean Jacques
O conflito ruandês entre tutsis e hutus marcou um dos capítulos mais sangrentos da história africana recente. Em meio à horrenda violência e caos surgiu Paul Rusesabagina, um homem que ofereceu abrigo a mais de mil refugiados tutsis em seu hotel, apesar do perigo para si mesmo e sua família.
Sherlock Holmes: Incident at Victoria Falls
Captain James Morrison
King Edward asks Sherlock Holmes to perform one more task before his retirement: to safeguard the Star of Africa on a trip to Cape Town. Soon the fabled jewel is stolen and several people end up being murdered.
The Incredible Sarah
The legendary actress Sarah Bernhardt's unconventional life and career are examined in this biopic. At an audition in 1860, the teenage Bernhardt proclaims herself the greatest actress of her time. Her career blossoms, as does her private life. But art and life don't stay balanced, much to the frustration of her lovers. The eccentric Bernhardt eventually does marry another actor, but it's her life on stage that ultimately gives her the most satisfaction.
De Olho na Esposa
A strait-laced British banker hires an eccentric private detective to follow his free-spirited American wife, whom he suspects is cheating on him.