Ivan Marković


Jogo Justo
Location Manager
Uma promoção inesperada em um fundo de investimentos competitivo leva o relacionamento de um jovem casal ao limite, ameaçando muito mais do que o recente noivado deles.
Director of Photography
A boy who grows up with his step-parents in Greece and who, at the age of 20, unwittingly murders his father. While serving his sentence, he falls in love and has a child with a woman who works in the prison. They are both unaware of the fact that she is his biological mother. Twenty years later, he lives in London with his daughter and is beginning to lose his eyesight.
Director of Photography
Marko spends time in the abandoned apartment of his childhood in Belgrade. Traces of the past are being drawn and memories, both idyllic and traumatic, are combined. The family VHS archive shows his universe during 1998 and 1999: gatherings, pets, videogames, and moments of uncertainty reveal a common life embraced by an historical event.
Landscapes of Resistance
Director of Photography
Landscapes of Resistance traces a journey through the memories of antifascist fighter Sonja (97), the first Partisan woman in Serbia, who was also one of the leaders of the Resistance movement at Auschwitz. We make her story travel through time towards the bodies of the new generation of antifascists, bespeaking that it is always possible to think and practice resistance.
Soon It Will Be Dark
What does it mean to inhabit or occupy a landscape or a frame? To conjure up time? These are deceptively simple questions that the artist Isabell Heimerdinger gives us an opportunity to ponder in her film SOON IT WILL BE DARK. The context is a stretch of coast, a tropical place where, dotted in the background, a few old, dilapidated colonial buildings survive. A patch of countryside, half-village, half-forest, bordering the sea, and where our gaze falls on a man as the days go by, while he busies himself with his task – from one spot to another, conscientiously clearing the land around the buildings with a machete in the luxuriant undergrowth of a dense forest of majestic trees. Measured, considered, precise and respectful movements…
Soon It Will Be Dark
What does it mean to inhabit or occupy a landscape or a frame? To conjure up time? These are deceptively simple questions that the artist Isabell Heimerdinger gives us an opportunity to ponder in her film SOON IT WILL BE DARK. The context is a stretch of coast, a tropical place where, dotted in the background, a few old, dilapidated colonial buildings survive. A patch of countryside, half-village, half-forest, bordering the sea, and where our gaze falls on a man as the days go by, while he busies himself with his task – from one spot to another, conscientiously clearing the land around the buildings with a machete in the luxuriant undergrowth of a dense forest of majestic trees. Measured, considered, precise and respectful movements…
Color Grading
The first attempts to map the Mississippi Delta date back to the early 18th century. An uncontrollable, fragile and shifting environment in itself, it has since been constantly transformed by the exploitation of its resources. Navigating between times and spaces, the real and the speculative, Sweat gradually immerses us between the lines of the maps, in the fluctuating and insubordinate part of this territory, by following the living beings that inhabit it.
Sava Centar is a congress space built in 1978 in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, whose architecture reflects an idea of the future. Made to host thousands, it now stands almost abandoned. The maintenance workers shoulder the duty of restoring the space.
Sava Centar is a congress space built in 1978 in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, whose architecture reflects an idea of the future. Made to host thousands, it now stands almost abandoned. The maintenance workers shoulder the duty of restoring the space.
Eu Estava em Casa, Mas...
Director of Photography
Um garoto de 13 anos desaparece, sem deixar vestígios. Após uma semana, ele reaparece no pátio da escola, sujo e diferente. Sua mãe e seus professores podem apenas tentar adivinhar o que ele procurava: uma extrema proximidade com a natureza ou a morte, por causa da recente perda de seu pai. O comportamento do garoto invalida tudo aquilo que, até então, eles tomavam como certo.
From Tomorrow on, I Will
One sleeps by day, the other by night, as the city around them expands in all directions.
Você tem a Noite
Director of Photography
Sanja trabalha em um estaleiro. Quando o lugar vai à falência e ela fica sem emprego, a mulher se sente perdida em uma cidade repleta de barcos cobertos por lonas. Uma tempestade chega e uma vida se vai. Em uma noite, tudo pode mudar.
All the Cities of the North
Director of Photography
It’s like almost all is lost. Yet still they are here – abandoned bungalows, an artificial lake, dirty plastic bottles, lost donkeys and stray dogs, draining pipes running over fields of salt, deserted factories, statues of revolutionaries, concrete playgrounds covered with weeds, rotten fruit, folded T-shirts, pop songs, decades of forgetting, a single room with a blue tent inside. And it felt like a kiss.
White Bird
It is a hot summer in the Chinese south - Luo is HIV positive and lonely. Until he finds a companion at a family dinner, a distant cousin.
White Bird
Director of Photography
It is a hot summer in the Chinese south - Luo is HIV positive and lonely. Until he finds a companion at a family dinner, a distant cousin.
Director of Photography
Andrej lives in a small industrial coastal town. The only escape from his bleak everyday reality is his affection for his friend Ana, which he is unable to express. His situation suddenly changes as various events lead him to a misfortune final encounter with her. The movie is set in the nineties, and through Andrejs story, it pays homage to a lost generation of children and youth growing up during the violent breakup of Yugoslavia.