Production Design
An Indian family is expelled from Uganda when Idi Amin takes power. They move to Mississippi and time passes. The Indian daughter falls in love with a black man, and the respective families have to come to terms with it.
Production Design
O longa conta a história de um grupo de crianças de rua tentando sobreviver nas ruas de Mumbai, em meio a bicos e problemas com a polícia. O principal deles é o menino Krishna, que foi abandonado por sua mãe no no circo Apollo, só podendo voltar para casa quando conseguir juntar 500 rúpias, para pagar a bicicleta quebrada do irmão. Ao lado de traficantes e prostituas nas ruas de Mumbai, ele tenta de tudo para conseguir o dinheiro e poder voltar para casa.
Director of Photography
India Cabaret (1985) is a documentary by Mira Nair exploring the "respectable" and "immoral" stereotypes of women in Indian society told from the point of view of 2 strip-tease dancers in a cabaret house in Bombay.
Director of Photography
Via the New York Times: " examines the marriage of Ashok Sheth and his wife, Hansa. Ashok moved to New York only days after the wedding, to a woman he barely knew; the match was arranged in the traditional way. Now Ashok sells magazines in a subway station at 116th Street, lives in a cell- sized apartment and cherishes his new freedom. The film follows Ashok through such American activities as a visit to a store that sells running shoes. Then it follows him back to India, where Hansa waits with a baby he has never seen, and with a great many questions as to her future. "