Henry Bemis (segment "Time Enough at Last")
Six episodes of the original series, restored and on the big screen for the first time, and a special retrospective documentary encompass this Fathom Event.
Micky Goldmill (Archive Footage)
Quando sai derrotado de um combate virtual, altamente publicitado, contra o ex-campeão Rocky Balboa, o actual campeão de pesos-pesados Mason Dixon retalia, desafiando o grande italiano para um combate de 10 rounds, transmitido a nível nacional. Para surpresa do seu filho e seus amigos, Rocky aceita sair da sua reforma e enfrentar um adversário mais rápido, mais forte e trinta anos mais novo. Com a estatística contra ele, Rocky acaba por levar Dixon até ao maior, mais violento e agressivo combate na história do boxing.
Himself (archive footage)
The cast of Rocky (1976) pays tribute to actor Burgess Meredith.
Grandpa Gustafson
Dois velhos amigos brigam por vários anos e exceto pelo fato de um deles (Jack Lemmon) ter casado recentemente, parece que nada mais mudou. Mas quando uma bela italiana (Sophia Loren) decide transformar a loja de iscas em um "ristorante" as coisas se complicam, se complicando ainda mais quando ela passa a se interessar pelo solteirão (Walter Matthau) da dupla.
Two young women bond while living together out in the California desert to be close to their boyfriends who are serving time at the nearby state prison.
Old Man (uncredited)
Um menino busca inspiração nos lendários personagens de Western, reunindo forças para lutar contra um terrível dono de terras do Velho Oeste que quer roubar a fazenda de sua família e destruir a sua comunidade.
Morris (Jonathan Jackson) e seus amigos são jovens que não aguentam mais ser obrigados pelos seus pais a passar o verão em acampamentos chatos. Então, eles decidem criar seu próprio acampamento, sem professores, funcionários ou regras. Eles chantageiam o professor de teatro Dennis Van Welker (Christopher Lloyd) para ajudá-los nesta louca missão e convencer seus pais de que é proibido visitas no local, deixando o caminho liberado para que eles tenham o melhor verão de suas vidas.
The Helicopter Man (archive footage)
George Abitbol, the classiest man in the world, dies tragically during a cruise. The director of an American newspaper, wondering about the meaning of these intriguing final words, asks his three best investigators, Dave, Peter and Steven, to solve the mystery. (Sixteen French actors dub scenes from various Warner Bros. films to create a parody of Citizen Kane, 1941.)
Grandpa Gustafson
John (Jack Lemmon) e Max (Walter Matthau) são dois vizinhos que passaram a vida brigando por nada. O principal prazer que eles têm na vida é um provocar o outro e eles não medem esforços para isto. Até que uma bela e extrovertida viúva (Ann-Margret) se muda para perto de suas casas, despertando o amor dos dois e mais uma competição entre John e Max.
Winfield Scott (voice)
Famous actors read testimonies from people close to Lincoln about him and his actions during the Civil War.
Wiley Slaughter
A "play on words" about a fictional political scandal concerning covert arms deals and double-dealing government operatives, satirizing the Watergate hearings of 1972-1973.
This rare two part documentary focuses on Charlie Chaplin's development at Keystone and Essanay. It concludes with a director's cut of the film Police (1916). The series is narrated by none other than Burgess Meredith.
Narrator (voice)
This documentary, hosted by actor Burgess Meredith, explores the life and career of movie director Otto Preminger, whose body of work includes such memorable films as Anatomy of a Murder, Exodus, Laura, Forever Amber, Advise and Consent, In Harm's Way, The Moon Is Blue, The Man with the Golden Arm, and many other movies made from the '30s through the '70s. Interviews with actors Frank Sinatra, Vincent Price, James Stewart, Michael Caine, and others who worked with the flamboyant and sometimes control-obsessed director add information and insight to the story.
A false preacher ingratiates himself with a dead man's family to find where he hid the money from a robbery.
Mickey Goldmill
Na luta com Drago, o lutador russo, Rocky (Sylvester Stallone) acabou recebendo uma lesão permanente. Assim é forçado a se retirar do boxe e, para piorar as coisas, descobre que seu contador roubou sua fortuna. Sem dinheiro e não podendo voltar a lutar, ele começa a treinar um jovem (Tommy Morrison) que promete ser um grande lutador. Mas seu trabalhado não é terminado, pois um empresário atrai o jovem pugilista com um alto salário, mas mestre e aluno ainda vão se reencontrar como rivais.
Hell's Kitchen, Nova Iorque. Terry Noonan volta para casa após uma ausência de dez anos. Ele logo se reconecta com Jackie, um amigo de infância e membro da máfia irlandesa, e reacende seu caso de amor com a irmã de Jackie, Kathleen.
Elderly jewel thieves on the run from the law pass themselves off as wizards to a village of bewildered Africans.
Narrator (voice)
Avarissa, a witch so evil that she was banished to an underground kingdom, attempts to trick a human child into committing a despicable act so that she can switch places with him and escape.
Prologue Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
Biography of risk-taker and raconteur John Huston from his childhood to become one of the most highly respected filmmakers in the world.
The General
Floyd, the owner of a bar on the Texas coast, has been depressed for a year after his wife disappeared in a swimming accident. He lives with his senile father-in-law "The General" and is helped by Jimmy, a former asylum inmate, and the good-natured Louise. The bar is rapidly losing money and Charlie wants to buy it cheaply before it becomes publicly known that a nearby bridge is to be built. Louise offers her savings to go into partnership with Floyd, but Floyd decides to sell when he is forced to pay his back taxes.
Don's Dad
Fred P. Chaney receives as inheritance after the death of his mother a speaking horse that also has good knowledge about the stock-market. With the help of this horse Fred gains a lot at the stock-market of Chicago.
Mad Tom
Mr Corbett is a cruel employer to Ben Partridge. One night on New Years Eve Ben is sent out to deliver some medicine. Along the way he wishes his master was dead, little knowing that the man he is delivering to is the Collector of Souls.
Golobulus (voice)
Os G.I. Joe enfrentam um novo inimigo, uma sociedade antiga de homens serpentes conhecidas como Cobras, que tentam forçadamente retomar a Terra daqueles que os comandavam tempos atrás. O líder dos Cobras, Golobulus, manda um comandante Cobra e suas forças para roubar o transmissor de energia dos G.I. Joe, mas falham na missão. Golobulus e os Cobras necessitam do transmissor porque é a única fonte de energia que é quente o bastante para amadurecer os pods que eles estão prestes a lançar na atmosfera terrestre e transformar a humanidade em sua sociedade perfeita. Os G.I. Joe, então juntam suas forças para impedir esse lançamento e preservar a humanidade.
Don Learo (uncredited)
A descendant of Shakespeare tries to restore his plays in a world rebuilding itself after the Chernobyl catastrophe obliterates most of human civilization.
Mr. Ben the Owl
A little girl, Molly, loses her doll, Belinda, in the Blinkin wood and the Blinkins find it and make it their mission to return her to the owner. In the process, Flashy gets kidnapped by Mr Bear and the Blinkins are given a ransom from Mr Bear and Mr Grogg in the form of food from their winter store in exchange for Flashy's safe return.
Judge Aaron Klein
After a technicality results in the release of a man being tried for the rape and murder of a young woman, her father murders the man. Admitting his guilt and refusing to use temporary insanity, the father places his attorney in a virtual no-win situation. In an extreme effort, the attorney decides to call the judge who released the murderer originally and to challenge the entire legal system that would permit such a travesty.
This behind-the-scenes documentary follows Team Salkind as they set out to bring Santa's "true" story to the screen. Dudley Moore (Patch) hosts; David Huddleston intros in character as Santa.
Ancient Elf
Esta é a deliciosa história de um mestre em fazer brinquedos que descobre o reino mágico dos duendes no Pólo Norte. Lá ele recebe poderes especiais surpreendentes e se transforma no símbolo do Natal mais amado do mundo: Papai Noel! Na fábrica encantada ele conhece Patch (Dudley Moore), um duende ajudante que entra numa grande confusão com um magnata da indústria de brinquedos (John Lithgow), que planeja dominar o Natal. E assim começa a maior de todas as aventuras do Papai Noel – salvar o seu leal e o Natal de todas as crianças do mundo!
This special is the second "Night of 100 Stars" to benefit The Actors Fund of America. Edited from a seven-hour live entertainment marathon that was taped February 17, 1985, at New York's Radio City Music Hall, this sequel to the 1982 "Night of 100 Stars" special features 288 celebrities.
Chas Potter (Segment "The Constituent")
Three of Ernest Thompson's short plays are presented, each involving a surprise visitor. In the first, "A Good Time," a vacationing California Highway Patrolman visits a young woman in New York who had told him if he ever came to New York, she'd show him a good time. In the second, "The Constituent," a United States Senator drops in on a constituent who has been sending him scathing and profane letters for decades. Lastly, in "Twinkle, Twinkle," a restless housewife who has been writing fan letters to a television soap opera star, receives a surprise visit by him on her husband's bowling night.
Wet Gold is the story of a young woman (Laura), who works as a waitress in a cafe. Laura stumbles across a drunk elderly man (Sampson), who fills her with exciting stories of a boat that went down with millions in gold. Although Laura's boyfriend (Barnes), keeps telling her that Sampson's stories are all false, Sampson makes her believe that they are indeed true. Laura takes Sampson to a library, where she finds an old newspaper article which matches up with the events described to her by him. After becoming a true believer, Laura convinces Barnes, Sampson and a dive shop owner, Keating, to search for the treasure. Together they set off from Key West in the Baker's boat, which Barnes is supposed to be looking after. Keating shows a liking for Laura, and because of this, Barnes begins to feel uncomfortable towards him. After spending some time in the water, their dreams become reality, but the discovery of gold begins to show a change in their personalities...
Mr. Mole
Thumbelina is the answer to her mother's prayers but is all too soon stolen away by Mother Toad as a wife for her son. With the help of many different woodland creatures, especially the Swallow, Thumbelina overcomes many obstacles to try and get back to her mother.
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
1959. As noites de sexta. Estamos em um tempo diferente, testemunhando reviravoltas surpreendentes, alieníginas, fobias e o medo do desconhecido. E o primeiro viajante para as regiões "Além da Imaginação" foi Rod Serling, criador desta memorável série de TV. Quatro mestres do cinema (John Landis, Steven Spielberg, Joe Dante e George Miller) nos levam de volta a esse fantástico mundo, com histórias baseadas ou inspiradas em episódios clássicos: um homem intolerante recebe uma dose de seu próprio ódio; em um asilo, idosos têm a chance de experimentar um rejuvenescimento mágico; uma criança usa seus poderes para escravizar a família; a neurose de um passageiro que vê um monstro na asa do avião. Prepare-se...
Mickey Goldmill
Depois de ter sido derrotado pelo arrogante Clubber Lang, Rocky Balboa decide reconquistar o título de campeão de pesos pesados e se prepara para uma revanche. Para treinar, o lutador pede a ajuda de seu antigo adversário, Apollo Creed.
Puff the Magic Dragon
The magic dragon teaches a boy to believe in his own creative abilities.
Msgr. Seamus Fargo
Filme ambientado na Los Angeles dos anos 1940 que traz Duvall como um policial que se vê diante de um conflito: ele descobre que seu irmão (De Niro), um monsenhor, tem ligações com escândalos de corrupção e, indiretamente, está envolvido no assassinato de uma prostituta.
Deuses do Olimpo, terríveis monstros mitológicos e heróis mortais fazem deste espetáculo de imaginação uma aventura imperdível. Harry Hamlin é Perseu, o filho mortal de Zeus (Laurence Olivier), que luta para salvar a vida da princesa Andrômeda (Judi Bowker) do monstro marinho Kraken. Para tal, ele precisa de uma arma tão letal quanto difícil de conseguir: A cabeça de Medusa! Acompanhado de um grupo de corajosos guerreiros e montado no fabuloso Pegasus, o cavalo alado, Perseu parte em uma aventura sem precedentes pelas terras fantásticas da mitologia grega.
Captain J.G. Williams
Twenty years after the American people have been told the oil has run out and disease has scared them into complacency, the United States has become a fascist state. One man, former race car driver Franklyn Hart, now a puppet spokesman for public transportation, rebuilds his race car and sets off to California from Boston where people have returned to living life like they were twenty years prior.
Kenneth Griffin
Kenneth Griffin, a Hollywood director, hasn't seen his wife in 24 years since he stole paintings from her and went into hiding.
An intrepid television journalist sent to cover the Canadian prime minister's visit to the Soviet Union has trouble sticking to her assignment when she unearths a horrific experimental drug trial involving children. Determined to prepare a video that will show the world exactly what's been going on, she dodges the long arm of the KGB and falls into bed with a Communist bureaucrat.
Rene Valdez
An active volcano threatens a south Pacific island resort and its guests as a power struggle ensues between the property's developer and a drilling foreman.
Puff the Magic Dragon
Sandy is a little girl with a penchant for whoppers. However, when her lies start go so far as to implicate the innocent for her own misdeeds, Puff decides to step in. Using his magic, Puff takes Sandy to the Land of Living Lies where everyone tells the most ridiculous lies and honesty is persecuted. Only when Sandy realizes the need for honesty can she help Puff escape this insane world. Written by Kenneth Chisholm
Mickey Goldmill
Após a luta contra Apollo Creed, Rocky promete à sua esposa largar os ringues. Mas os fãs de boxe insistem em uma revanche entre os dois pugilistas. Sem dinheiro, Rocky se vê obrigado a aceitar o desafio e recebe a benção da esposa para lutar. Agora o lutador deve se preparar para o combate do século e decide treinar intensamente, sonhando apenas em terminar a luta sem ser nocauteado pelo campeão.
A documentary exploring the existence of UFOs and extra-terrestrial beings. Hosted by the LEGENDARY Rod Serling. This was considered his "coming out the closet" in regards to his deep belief in UFOs just before his death from cancer.
Ben Greene
A ventriloquist is at the mercy of his vicious dummy while he tries to renew a romance with his high school sweetheart.
Jack Stutz
When the prominent citizens of a small town discover that the officers of the local bank have been embezzling money from it, they decide to rob the bank themselves.
Jackie is a boy who is so trapped by his fears and doubts that he could not communicate with anyone. Then, a magic dragon named Puff comes to help Jackie by taking his soul force on a wonderous voyage to his island of Honah Lee. Along the way, they have adventures that nurture Jackie's imagination and courage in unorthodox ways.
Mr. Hennessey
Goldie Hawn no papel de uma bibliotecária que acidentalmente descobre um complô para assassinar o Papa Pio XIII, quando de sua visita à Cidade de São Francisco, por um esquisito grupo de vilões. Uma caçada selvagem se sucede na busca dos perigosos assassinos. Ao lado de Goldie Hawn, está o grande comediante americano Chevy Chase (Tomy), que interpreta um oficial de polícia. Entre investigações e buscas, o oficial da polícia local se apaixona pela moça.
William Blackstone
A turn-of-the-century investigator named Kate Bliss goes to the wide-open spaces of the wild west to capture a gang of outlaws led by a charming "Robin Hood of the plains," leading a band of dispossessed ranchers against a stuffy English land baron who has cheated them out of their property.
Dr. Snow
A psychic's girlfriend finds out that a lump on her back is a growing reincarnation of a 400 year-old demonic Native American spirit.
Prof. Waldo Cunningham
Mergulhadores do exército descobrem uma câmara em que a um homem envolto em nitrogênio líquido. Inspirado na obra de Júlio Verne.
Narrator (voice)
Documentary on the extreme conditions of the Namib Desert in the southwest of Africa, and on the extraordinary creatures who thrive there. With temperatures at nearly double that of the warmest temperate climes, it seems nothing could survive. Yet life flourishes, miraculously.
Van Heurden
Action-packed suspense thriller finds innocuous-looking purser Carter (Harris) the unlikely hero when the floating casino on which he works is hijacked by a heavily armed group of mercenaries, led by John Vernon. Complicating matters, a nuclear warhead has been smuggled aboard as collateral for a rendezvous with another ocean liner, loaded with gold bullion. A cast full of supernovas, dazzling set & stunt work, and a catchy theme tune by Jeff Wayne create a pleasing audio-visual experience light on logic but fast paced and entertaining nonetheless.
Cardinal Burke
The longtime head of a powerful political machine is determined to win a fourth election and stay in power, despite challenges to his regime by young, dissatisfied opponents, and his worries that his age and his ill health may have an effect on the election's outcome.
Willy Basset
On its maiden flight, the crew of America's first supersonic transport learns that it may not be able to land, due to an act of sabotage and a deadly flu onboard.
Joseph Welch
Senator Joseph McCarthy from Wisconsin accuses prominent people of Communist sympathies in order to give him a national power base when he later planned to run for President.
John F. "Honey Fitz" Fitzgerald
Based on the best-selling book, this movie focuses on John F. Kennedy's first run for a congressional seat in 1946.
Charles Chazen
A New York City model with a troubled past relocates to an apartment in a brownstone building where the only other tenant is a withdrawn blind priest. After experiencing strange occurrences, she begins to realize her building houses a sinister evil.
Mickey Goldmill
Rocky Balboa, um pequeno boxeador da classe trabalhadora da Filadélfia, é arbitrariamente escolhido para lutar contra o campeão dos pesos pesados, Apollo Creed, quando o adversário do invicto lutador agendado para a luta é ferido. Durante o treinamento com o mal-humorado Mickey Goldmill, Rocky timidamente começa um relacionamento com Adrian, a invisível irmã de Paulie, seu amigo empacotador de carne.
Arnold Allardyce
Ben e Marian conseguem alugar uma mansão por um valor estranhamente baixo e depois que se mudam para a casa Ben começa a ter explosões de violência, enquanto Marian passa a maior parte do tempo no quarto da velha senhora que tem que cuidar mas que ninguém jamais conheceu. À medida que "acidentes" vão acontecendo a casa parece ficar cada dia mais nova, e seus habitantes não tem como sair.
Happenings in a small Irish traveling circus.
Happenings in a small Irish traveling circus.
Emilio Pajetta
Uma vidente americana afirma pouco antes do dirigível Hindenburg, um verdadeiro hotel no céu e um dos símbolos do poderio nazista, deixar a Alemanha, que ele será destruído em sua viagem até Nova York e que o desastre acontecerá quando ele estiver chegando nos Estados Unidos. Apesar de nada suspeito ter sido encontrado, na Alemanha e nos Estados Unidos circulam rumores sobre a possível destruição do dirigível. Assim o coronel Franz Ritter (George C. Scott), um herói de guerra que opera para a inteligência militar, é designado para voar no Hindenburg como chefe da segurança. Nesta missão ele é ajudado pelo agente da Gestapo Martin Vogel (Roy Thinnes), que nem de longe tem a educação e a discrição de Ritter, que gradativamente cria sua lista de suspeitos. Vai ficando cada vez mais certo que os rumores de sabotagem têm muito fundamento, mas Ritter não está preocupado em proteger um símbolo do poderio nazista e sim evitar que dezenas de pessoas morram num atentado.
Narrator (voice)
Don Santiago (Richard Angarola) is a vicious man who helps provoke an Indian massacre that will allow him to steal the Indians' land and claim it as his own. However, his son-in-law, Finley (Tom Laughlin), is an expert hand with both guns and swords and will not allow him to push around the peace-loving Indians or fellow settlers of the West.
A young drifter returns to his home in Key West, Florida and attempts to open a fishing charter business, provoking a dangerous feud with a rival fishing sea captain.
In a fictitious South American country there's lots of political tension, the labor-unions have all their members on strike. The public demands the return of politician B. from exile. However private trucker Pal can't afford to strike, so he's beaten up and his truck burned. In the headlines he's described as strike-breaker. This is only part of an intrigue which shall get him to murder B.
Harry Greener
Hollywood, 1930s. Tod Hackett, a young painter who tries to make his way as an art director in the lurid world of film industry, gets infatuated with his neighbor Faye Greener, an aspiring actress who prefers the life that Homer Simpson, a lone accountant, can offer her.
An ancient Asian statue with the power to grant health and long life via secret acupuncture points is being pursued by a wealthy criminal, but his plans are put in peril when a slovenly detective is tasked with protecting the relic.
A forest ranger is asked by his boss to attract a record-breaking crowd to Yellowstone National Park. Various celebrities are enlisted to help.
Senator Watson
When the President and Speaker of the House are killed in a building collapse, and the Vice-President declines the office due to age and ill-health, Senate President pro tempore Douglas Dilman (James Earl Jones) suddenly becomes the first black man to occupy the Oval Office. The events from that day to the next election when he must decide if he will actually run challenge his skills as a politician and leader.
Mr. Blue
A writer has a mental breakdown, unable to deal with the society around him.
Old Hobo
A technician brings a frozen specimen of the original Blob back from the North Pole. When his wife accidentally defrosts the thing, it terrorizes the populace-- the local hippies, cops, drunks and bowlers must all face the Blob!
V.C.R. Cameron
Pilot for sci-fi detective series "Search." Hugh O'Brian as Lockwood, a high-tech private eye, was outfitted with two electronic implants (one to hear what was said at HQ and a dental contact he could bite to communicate with HQ--one bite for yes and two bites for no) and a button-sized "scanner" that combined a micro-miniaturized television camera that could also see in infrared spectrum, microphone, medical sensors, and transmitter, putting him in constant contact with a room full of experts monitoring his actions and vital signs and supplying him with encyclopedic information.
Capt. Frank Coffin
Two city couples decide to leave the hectic urban life and retreat to the country, but find that rural living isn't quite what they thought it would be.
Julie Messinger is an intense woman who hides her wild emotions and desires under her conventional facade. Her husband Richard checks into the hospital for a simple mole removal that goes seriously wrong.
Henry Meade
Three kids think they see a sea monster in the calm waters of Strawberry Cove, and set out to find what's behind the mystery.
A young frontier couple elope, are chased by the girl's father and brothers, join up with an escaped convict and get mixed up with a charlatan preacher.
Freedom Lovelace
An ex-soldier is recruited by the FBI to go undercover in L.A. and find other ex-soldiers who are part of a drug-dealing gang.
The Missouri Kid
Paris Pitman Jr. é um criminoso cheio de charme, o único de seu bando a sobreviver à caçada implacável ordenada por Lomax, um milionário homem de negócios de quem roubou 500 mil dólares. Pouco tempo depois de esconder o dinheiro, ele acaba sendo reconhecido por Lomax em um bordel e vai para a prisão. Seu plano de subornar o carcereiro para fugir vai por água abaixo quando ele é morto por um dos outros prisioneiros. Lopeman, o substituto, é um sujeito idealista disposto a acabar de uma vez por todas com a história de corrupção do lugar através de várias pequenas reformas. Cansado da cadeia, Pitman resolve se engajar nos planos de Lopeman certo de que com isso conseguirá afrouxar a vigilância sobre si enquanto espera a hora certa de escapar.
The Dolphin
An American draft dodger and aspiring writer named Nero Finnigan becomes involved with the notorious Mr. Go, an organized crime mastermind. They conspire to blackmail an American weapons scientist into providing secrets to Mr. Go's organization for resale to the highest bidder. "The Dolphin" then arrives, who is an American CIA agent and James Joyce scholar, and is charged with recovering the scientist and his work by whatever means necessary.
An American draft dodger and aspiring writer named Nero Finnigan becomes involved with the notorious Mr. Go, an organized crime mastermind. They conspire to blackmail an American weapons scientist into providing secrets to Mr. Go's organization for resale to the highest bidder. "The Dolphin" then arrives, who is an American CIA agent and James Joyce scholar, and is charged with recovering the scientist and his work by whatever means necessary.
An American draft dodger and aspiring writer named Nero Finnigan becomes involved with the notorious Mr. Go, an organized crime mastermind. They conspire to blackmail an American weapons scientist into providing secrets to Mr. Go's organization for resale to the highest bidder. "The Dolphin" then arrives, who is an American CIA agent and James Joyce scholar, and is charged with recovering the scientist and his work by whatever means necessary.
Lucius / Narrator (voice)
Um velho homem recorda 60 anos atrás de uma viagem de carro a partir do Mississippi rural para Memphis, uma corrida de cavalos e seu próprio crescimento. O avô de Lucius recebeu o primeiro automóvel na área, um Winton Flyer amarelo brilhante. Enquanto ele está fora, o empregado da plantação, Boon Hogganbeck, trama para emprestar o carro, levando Lúcio com ele para a aventura. Levam também o Ned, um mulato e primo de Lúcio. Os três vão para Memphis onde a namorada da Boon trabalha em um bordel, onde Ned troca o carrão por um cavalo de corrida, e onde Lucius descobre o mundo dos adultos - do racismo ao vicio e também as possibilidades de honra e coragem. Existe redenção para pilantras, malandros e rebeldes?
The life of a witch is disrupted by the arrival of a boy and his mother. The intruders' presence makes her struggle to adjust to the modern world, and to change from bad to good witch. Based on the book "Old Black Witch" by Wende and Harry Devlin.
Ramsey Williams
A cold hearted American hit man goes to Europe for "one last score". His encounter with a beautiful young woman casts self doubt on his lifeblood, and influences him to resist carrying out the contract.
Captain Ned
Produced through a grant at the American Film Institute, an adaptation of the Chekhov short story set in contemporary New York.
The Storekeeper
Ao cavalgar pelo deserto o delegado Mackenna (Gregory Peck), é alvo de tiros dados por um velho chefe Apache. Ao responder aos tiros, MacKenna acaba ferindo mortalmente o velho índio. Antes de morrer, o chefe lhe dá um antigo mapa que, segundo ele, traz o segredo da localização do vale do ouro. Mas o alerta que, ao encontrar o veio de ouro, despertará a fúria de antigos deuses... Ele não acredita no velho e joga o mapa no fogo. Mas grava o desenho na memória... O bandido Colorado (Omar Sharif) sequestra McKenna, pois acredita que ele é a única pessoa viva que conhece o tortuoso caminho para o vale do ouro... Ao longo da jornada, novos personagens se juntam a esta busca...
The Warden
Ex-gangster Tony Banks is called out of retirement by mob kingpin God to carry out a hit on fellow mobster "Blue Chips" Packard. When Banks demurs, God kidnaps his daughter Darlene on his luxury yacht.
Charlie Lightcloud
Elvis interpreta Joe Lightcloud, um coubói briguento que tem sangue de índio, que tenta a todo custo abrir um caminho coberto de ouro para o seu pessoal, mas fracassa hilariamente a cada tentativa, criando situações atrapalhadas.
Burgess Meredith narrates this insightful MGM-produced documentary about the life and career of Hollywood legend Clark Gable, from his childhood in Ohio, to his star status in Hollywood, and to his romantic life off-screen, including his marriage to Carole Lombard. The film incorporates classic film footage of Gable with interviews of people from his past, including an old classmate from his school days, a former sweetheart, and his press agent. Another treat is the rare home movie footage of Gable and Lombard on a camping trip.
Dr. Diabolo (Framing Story)
Five people visit a fairground sideshow run by the sinister Dr. Diabolo. Having shown them a handful of haunted-house-style attractions, he promises them a genuinely scary experience if they will pay extra.
Judge Purcell
Following the Second World War, a northern cannery combine negotiates for the purchase of a large tract of uncultivated Georgia farmland. The major portion of the land is owned by Julie Ann Warren and has already been optioned by her unscrupulous, draft dodging husband, Henry. Now the combine must also obtain two smaller plots - one owned by Henry's cousin Rad McDowell, a combat veteran with a wife and family; the other by Reeve Scott, a young black man whose mother had been Julie's childhood Mammy. But neither Rad nor Reeve is interested in selling and they form an unprecedented black and white partnership to improve their land. Although infuriated by the turn of events, Henry remains determined to push through the big land deal. And when Reeve's mother Rose dies, Henry tries to persuade his wife to charge Reeve with illegal ownership of his property, confident the the bigoted Judge Purcell will rule against a Negro.
The Penguin
Em Gotham City, Charada, Pinguim, Coringa e Mulher-Gato roubam uma invenção secreta e planejam usá-la de forma maléfica. Além disto, planejam também destruir o Homem-Morcego e o Menino-Prodígio.
Doc Scully
No Velho Oeste, durante uma viagem até a Califórnia, um ingênuo casal e uma criança chegam a uma cidade onde um grande jogo de pôquer está para acontecer, entre os homens mais ricos da região. O homem não pode resistir a isto e, apesar de ser um péssimo jogador de pôquer, entra no jogo e aposta todo o dinheiro da sua família. No clímax do jogo ele sofre um ataque cardíaco, o que faz com que sua esposa tome o lugar dele na mesa, pois este é o único modo de recuperar as economias deles. Mas há um pequeno problema: ela não sabe jogar pôquer.
Dan M. Sullivan
Uma mulher casada numa familia rica é comprometida pela morte acidental de um homem que a perseguia romanticamente, e é forçada pela sogra a assumir uma nova identidade para salvar a reputação do marido e do filho pequeno. Ela vagueia pelo mundo, tentando esquecer seu desgosto com a ajuda de álcool e homens desagradáveis, eventualmente retornando para a cidade de sua queda, onde ela mata um chantagista que ameaça expor seu passado. Surpreendentemente, ela é acusada em seu julgamento por assassinato por seu filho agora adulto, que é um defensor público. Na esperança de continuar a proteger seu filho, ela se recusa a dar seu nome verdadeiro e é conhecida na corte como a ré "Madame X".
Commander Egan Powell
O Capitão Rockwell Torrey (John Wayne) e o Comandante Paul Eddington (Kirk Douglas) planejam uma retaliação ao ataque de Pearl Harbor. Torrey, envolvido romanticamente com a enfermeira Maggie Haynes (Patricia Neal), ainda tem de lidar com Jeremiah (Brandon De Wilde), seu filho recém-chegado à Marinha, com quem nunca teve muito contato.
O filme conta a história de três famílias durante o início da II Guerra Mundial.
Prof. George Bannerman
An American secret agent, on the trail of a vanished scientist, must recover the scientist's revolutionary secret formula before the enemy catches up with his quarry first.
Father Halley
Um jovem padre católico de Boston enfrenta o fanatismo, o nazismo e seus próprios conflitos pessoais ao subir ao cargo de cardeal. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Herbert Gelman
Indicado pelo Presidente dos Estados Unidos para o cargo de Secretário de Estado, Robert Leffingwell comparece perante uma comissão do Senado, presidida pelo senador idealista Brig Anderson, que deve decidir se ele é a pessoa certa para o cargo.
Two derelicts, Vladimir and Estragon, occupy themselves as they wait for 'Godot' to make an appearance on Pozzo's estate.
Documentary film recounting the travels of Captain Hassoldt Davis and his wife, Ruth Staudinger Davis, across the Ivory Coast. The Davises filmed their exploits, seeking out in particular evidence of the beginnings and native practices of witchcraft and sorcery, and culminating in a visit to the village of YHO, ostensibly a village of sorcerers.
Louis Halliburton
Manila, Philippines. The loving American father Louis Halliburton desperate attempts to save his son from ruthless kidnappers. He is unable to do it alone and so calls up his wife's former lover, an ex-FBI agent to assist. Unfortunately, the former agent is devious and greedy. Fortunately, his new girlfriend Chrisitine Hall isn't.
Narrator (voice)
This biographical docudrama traces the life of Dr. Albert Schweitzer, from his birth in Alsace, up to the age of 30 when he made the decision to go to French Equatorial Africa and build his jungle hospital. The latter half of the film encompasses a full day in the hospital-village, following the octogenarian Samaritan in his daily rounds.
Joe Butterfly
The staff of "Yank" magazine are among the first American troops into Tokyo after the Japanese surrender. Their mission: produce an issue of the magazine...in three days. To accomplish the seeming impossible, they reluctantly enlist the aid of black marketeer and arch-conniver Joe Butterfly, who sets them up in a palatial private mansion, complete with lovely daughter -- strictly against regulations. How much trouble can our heroes talk their way out of?
The film begins with a sun materializing out of the emptiness of space. In the first of three sequences we see various images from nature against music: the sky, trees, leaves, a bird, water, sand, a beach. A little boy wanders along the beach observing the natural world around him. He walks and presently comes to a house and peers inside. The second sequence has no music. The narrator speaks of sculptor Alexander Calder and his work, as we see Calder in his workshop, cutting and creating unusual shapes, and seeing the resultant artworks. The last sequence has music as we view images of Calder's work. However, now they are intercut with images from nature so that we understand that Calder's inspiration is the natural world around him. The film ends as it began, with an image of the sun, now fading into the sky.
The film begins with a sun materializing out of the emptiness of space. In the first of three sequences we see various images from nature against music: the sky, trees, leaves, a bird, water, sand, a beach. A little boy wanders along the beach observing the natural world around him. He walks and presently comes to a house and peers inside. The second sequence has no music. The narrator speaks of sculptor Alexander Calder and his work, as we see Calder in his workshop, cutting and creating unusual shapes, and seeing the resultant artworks. The last sequence has music as we view images of Calder's work. However, now they are intercut with images from nature so that we understand that Calder's inspiration is the natural world around him. The film ends as it began, with an image of the sun, now fading into the sky.
On a journey from Paris to London, a Briton, a Frenchman and an American bond with each other and indulge in a romantic fantasy about a girl they see.
Joseph Heurtin
A down-and-out student is hired to kill a wealthy woman. When someone else is suspected of the crime, the student taunts police until they realize that they may have to wrong man.
A down-and-out student is hired to kill a wealthy woman. When someone else is suspected of the crime, the student taunts police until they realize that they may have to wrong man.
Jack - Bartender (uncredited)
New York Assistant District Attorney Howard Malloy is working hard on investigation about a series of murders related to an extremist group.
Oliver Pease gets a dose of courage from his wife Martha and tricks the editor of the paper (where he writes lost pet notices) into assigning him the day's roving question. Martha suggests, "Has a little child ever changed your life?" Oliver gets answers from two slow-talking musicians, an actress whose roles usually feature a sarong, and an itinerant cardsharp. In each case the "little child" is hardly innocent: in the first, a local auto mechanic's "baby" turns out to be fully developed as a woman and a musician; in the second, a spoiled child star learns kindness; in the third, the family of a lost brat doesn't want him returned. And Oliver, what becomes of him?
Oliver M. Pease
Oliver Pease gets a dose of courage from his wife Martha and tricks the editor of the paper (where he writes lost pet notices) into assigning him the day's roving question. Martha suggests, "Has a little child ever changed your life?" Oliver gets answers from two slow-talking musicians, an actress whose roles usually feature a sarong, and an itinerant cardsharp. In each case the "little child" is hardly innocent: in the first, a local auto mechanic's "baby" turns out to be fully developed as a woman and a musician; in the second, a spoiled child star learns kindness; in the third, the family of a lost brat doesn't want him returned. And Oliver, what becomes of him?
A documentary about early post-war Britain.
Felix Milne
Fearing her husband could become a killer, a woman seeks a psychiatrist's help.
James Madison
While packing her belongings in preparation of evacuating the White House because of the impending British invasion of Washington D.C., Dolly Payne Madison thinks back on her childhood, her first marriage, and later romances with two very different politicians, Aaron Burr and his good friend James Madison. She plays each against the other, not only for romantic reasons, but also to influence the shaping of the young country. By manipulating Burr's affections, she helps Thomas Jefferson win the presidency, and eventually she becomes First Lady of the land herself.
Celestine, the chamber-maid, has a new job in the country, at the Lanlaires. She has decided to use her beauty to seduce a wealthy man, but Mr. Lanlaire is not a right choice: the house is firmly controlled by Madame Lanlaire, helped by the strange valet Joseph. Then she tries the neighbour, former officer Mauger. This seems to work. But soon the son of the Lanlaires comes back. He is young, attractive and does not share his mother's antirepublican opinions. So Celestine's beauty attracts Captain Mauger, young Georges Lanlaire, and Joseph. Three men, from three different social classes, with three different conceptions of life. Will Celestine be able to convince Georges of her sincerity?
Captain Mauger
Celestine, the chamber-maid, has a new job in the country, at the Lanlaires. She has decided to use her beauty to seduce a wealthy man, but Mr. Lanlaire is not a right choice: the house is firmly controlled by Madame Lanlaire, helped by the strange valet Joseph. Then she tries the neighbour, former officer Mauger. This seems to work. But soon the son of the Lanlaires comes back. He is young, attractive and does not share his mother's antirepublican opinions. So Celestine's beauty attracts Captain Mauger, young Georges Lanlaire, and Joseph. Three men, from three different social classes, with three different conceptions of life. Will Celestine be able to convince Georges of her sincerity?
Celestine, the chamber-maid, has a new job in the country, at the Lanlaires. She has decided to use her beauty to seduce a wealthy man, but Mr. Lanlaire is not a right choice: the house is firmly controlled by Madame Lanlaire, helped by the strange valet Joseph. Then she tries the neighbour, former officer Mauger. This seems to work. But soon the son of the Lanlaires comes back. He is young, attractive and does not share his mother's antirepublican opinions. So Celestine's beauty attracts Captain Mauger, young Georges Lanlaire, and Joseph. Three men, from three different social classes, with three different conceptions of life. Will Celestine be able to convince Georges of her sincerity?
In the 1943 invasion of Italy, one American platoon lands, digs in, then makes its way inland to attempt to take a fortified farmhouse, as tension and casualties mount.
Ernie Pyle
War correspondent Ernie Pyle joins Company C, 18th Infantry as this American army unit fights its way across North Africa in World War II. He comes to know the soldiers and finds much human interest material for his readers back in the States.
Narrator (voice)
War - Documentary film depicting the attack by Allied forces on the Japanese strong-holds of Arawe Beach and Cape Gloucester, New Britain, in the South Pacific theatre of the Second World War in 1943. - Leo Genn, Burgess Meredith, Anthony Veiller
American soldier (voice)
Documentary made by the U.S. Army Signal Corps after the North African campaign.
Hymn of the Nations, originally titled Arturo Toscanini: Hymn of the Nations, is a 1944 film directed by Alexander Hammid, which features the "Inno delle nazioni," a patriotic work for tenor soloist, chorus, and orchestra, composed by Italian opera composer Giuseppe Verdi in the early 1860s. (For this musical work, Verdi utilized the national anthems of several European nations.) In December 1943, Arturo Toscanini filmed a performance of this music for inclusion in an Office of War Information documentary about the role of Italian-Americans in aiding the Allies during World War II. Toscanini added a bridge passage to include arrangements of "The Star-Spangled Banner" for the United States and "The Internationale" for the Soviet Union and the Italian partisans. Joining Toscanini in the filmed performance in NBC Studio 8-H, were tenor Jan Peerce, the Westminster Choir, and the NBC Symphony Orchestra. The film also included the overture to Verdi's opera La Forza del Destino.
Directed by Garson Kanin and Jean Renoir.
Joe - the American Soldier
Directed by Garson Kanin and Jean Renoir.
A romantic tour of Britain set to Dylan Thomas's poetry.
Pvt. L.A. Pee Wee Williams
Drama documentário sobre o treinamento de artilheiros traseiros aéreos na Segunda Guerra Mundial. O soldado PeeWee Williams, um garoto de fazenda do Kansas, transforma suas habilidades de tiro caseiras nas necessárias para um artilheiro aéreo na torre traseira de um bombardeiro americano.
footage from 'The Rear Gunner' (uncredited)
This patriotic wartime short showcases the service bands of the U.S. Army, Army Air Force, Marines, and Navy.
An uncredited Anthony Asquith is one of the directors of this WWII film (a joint UK/US production) which aims to explain British culture and character to the newly arrived American soldier. Starting with the ubiquitous pub visit, the film breezes through geography lessons, food and entertainment on the Home Front.
Self (uncredited)
An uncredited Anthony Asquith is one of the directors of this WWII film (a joint UK/US production) which aims to explain British culture and character to the newly arrived American soldier. Starting with the ubiquitous pub visit, the film breezes through geography lessons, food and entertainment on the Home Front.
Frank Thompson
In this Cornell Woolrich thriller, a man's memory is recovered after being injured by falling construction material. Discovering a year-long lapse, he returns to his old life and discovers a lot of mysterious happenings.
Janie is a telephone operator who is caught up in the lines of love of three men: car salesman Tom, Chicago millionaire Dick and auto mechanic Harry. But Janie just can't seem to make up her mind between them. While fantasizing about her futures with each of the men, Janie spends her time desperately trying to juggle between them until she can make a decision.
Alexander Sebastian
A happily married woman sees a psychoanalyst and develops doubts about her husband.
Hank Taylor
Quando os "eternos" estudantes universitários Danny O'Neill e Hank Taylor são forçados a viver por conta própria, a competitiva dupla consegue emprego temporário com a banda de Artie Shaw. Danny e Hank são surpreendidos quando Artie Shaw contrata a competente gerente Ellen Miller que era lá da sua banda de faculdade. O dois trompetistas tentam esquemas para se enquadrar na banda de Shaw, cada um tentando sabotar a jogada do outro.
Johnny Barnes
Longshoreman Johnny Barnes is in love with Kitty Tracy, barmaid at her father's waterfront saloon, and he beats up Cassidy, a crooked politician who has been annoying her. Cassidy is murdered that night and Johnny is jailed for the crime. Kitty, her father Andy Tracy, and waterfront-priest Father Cameron believe Johnny is innocent but all evidence points to his guilt.
Steve Rockford
A hardened crook behind bars comes up against a reform-minded warden.
An intellectually disabled giant and his level headed guardian find work at a sadistic cowboy's ranch in depression era America.
A group of disparate travelers are thrown together in a posh Alpine hotel when the borders are closed at the start of WWII.
The Lippencott
Harvard senior Sam Thatcher (Lew Ayres) and his best friend and roommate, known as "The Lippencott" (Burgess Meredith), plan to go to Russia after graduation, a decision Sam has kept from his girlfriend, Alexandra Benson (Maureen O'Sullivan).
Derek "Dick" Matthews
After striking it rich in Alaskan gold, a young man returns to marry his fiancé only to be snubbed. Her sister, however, is worth considering, until he learns about her gold-digging family.
Mio Romagna
A man is determined to find the real culprit behind the crime for which his father was wrongly executed.
Flop House Bum
A ruthless, cynical, hated publisher is killed in a plane crash, doomed to be a "restless" spirit for being unloved. A heavenly power gives him a month on Earth to find one person to shed a tear for him before his fate is sealed.