Yasuhiko Higashi


Shojyo Senso
A survival action thriller written and directed by Oikawa Ataru, who has been a leading figure on the Japanese low-budget horror scene since his breakthrough work Tomie. Its blood-drenched visuals tell a story of high school girls engaging in a battle to the death as part of a game organized by an underground website. School outcasts Rioka (Ishibashi Anna) and transfer student Yoshimura (Kirishima Rina) enter the world of a game run by an shady website on the invitation of their absent classmate Miki (Minami Yuki). Its objective is simple: a group of high school girls murder each other until one of them achieves seven kills.
A mysterious street-painter, Jouji, wanders aimlessly, homeless. Together with his homeless pals, he makes his living by selling his paintings on the street. His paintings, dynamically exploding on pieces of cardboard, catch the eyes of Kyoko, an art dealer. He can feel alive only if he keeps painting, but unable to find something to fill his void inside, he tries to drown himself in alcohol. Drawn to Jouji, Kyoko commissions him to paint for her. The two travel to a secluded mountain-side, and there Jouji becomes inspired both by the natural surroundings and Kyoko herself.
Tomie: Forbidden Fruit
When a lonely high school girl befriends a strange, mysterious and beautiful girl, it is soon becomes clear that the two girls' meeting was not purely accidental.
In her brother's apartment where he died, Yuki finds a vacuum cleaner with its cord still hooked up to the outlet. She discovers that the circumstances surrounding her brother's supposed suicide are sketchy at best, yet no one has any answers. When she starts having hallucinations involving his ghost, however, she seeks some psychological help, eventually uncovering some things that she may have wished she'd left covered.
Tokyo Trash Baby
Miyuki doesn't need to stalk the man she's crazy about, because he lives one floor down. He's Yoshinori, a not very successful long-haired musician. Miyuki, a coffee-shop waitress, nods when they pass on the stairs, but hasn't yet dared to strike up a conversation. Instead she slips out every night and helps herself to his trash.
Tomie: Replay
Infected with Tomie's blood, a surgeon disappears, leaving his daughter, Yumi, to try to discover Tomie's identity and to solve the mystery of her father's disappearance.
No primeiro filme da série, baseada no mangá de Ito Junji, uma jovem traumatizada tenta recuperar suas memórias com a ajuda de uma psiquiatra. Durante as sessões de hipnose, ela repete o nome "Tomie", mas não consegue se lembrar de onde o conhece. Enquanto isso, um detetive da polícia está investigando uma série de assassinatos brutais, em que também o nome "Tomie" está envolvido.
Blues Harp
Chuji foi abandonado quando criança e agora na vida adulta trabalha em um bar, famoso por tocar blues ao vivo, e vende cocaína nas ruas para fazer dinheiro. Após uma briga Chuji conhece Kenji machucado em um beco, sendo perseguido por capangas da gangue para a qual Chuji vende as drogas; mesmo sem saber quem é o rapaz, ele salva sua vida. Kenji é membro de uma gangue importante e planeja sabotar o testamento de seu chefe para ficar com o controle dos negócios, agindo junto com a amante do líder. Após o encontro Chuji e Kenji torna-se amigos, mas a tensão entre as gangues rivais e o plano audacioso de Kenji pode colocar a vida deles em risco.