Sérgio Toledo


A Guerra de Um Homem
Filme baseado na vida real do médico paraguaio Joel Filartiga (Anthony Hopkins de O Silêncio dos Inocentes), que ousou enfrentar o regime militar instaurado pelo violento general Alfredo Strossner no país. Acreditando em seus ideais humanitários, o médico desafia o regime ao oferecer tratamento gratuito aos pacientes pobres. Isso irrita os militares até que Joel tem o filho morto. Ele descobre sinais de tortura no corpo do jovem e passa a acreditar que na verdade ele foi assassinado pelo governo, e não foi vitima de um crime passional como o fizeram a acreditar no princípio. O filme ainda tem a participação da atriz brasileira Fernanda Torres (de Casa de Areia).
Young girl spends her adolescence in an institution for minors, developing some masculine traits in her personality. In this hostile environment, she can only find some sympathy in a teacher. After leaving the place, she falls in love with a divorced woman in her work, mother of a young boy, which aggravates her inner conflicts.
Young girl spends her adolescence in an institution for minors, developing some masculine traits in her personality. In this hostile environment, she can only find some sympathy in a teacher. After leaving the place, she falls in love with a divorced woman in her work, mother of a young boy, which aggravates her inner conflicts.
Das Tripas Coração
Financial problems in a religious school for girls force the government to interfere. While waiting in the conference hall to communicate the fact to the school administrators, the intervenor falls asleep and a crazy dream begins, involving teachers, students and strange characters.
Braços Cruzados, Máquinas Paradas
São Paulo, May 1978. Three slates compete for the leadership of the Metalworkers' Union of São Paulo, the largest in Latin America, with 300,000 associate workers, and presided over by a platoon since the military coup of 1964. In the midst of the Union electoral campaign, the first workers' strikes that would change the country began. Braços Cruzados, Máquinas Paradas reveals, in an engaging narrative, the Brazilian trade union structure of fascist inspiration.
Braços Cruzados, Máquinas Paradas
Executive Producer
São Paulo, May 1978. Three slates compete for the leadership of the Metalworkers' Union of São Paulo, the largest in Latin America, with 300,000 associate workers, and presided over by a platoon since the military coup of 1964. In the midst of the Union electoral campaign, the first workers' strikes that would change the country began. Braços Cruzados, Máquinas Paradas reveals, in an engaging narrative, the Brazilian trade union structure of fascist inspiration.
Braços Cruzados, Máquinas Paradas
São Paulo, May 1978. Three slates compete for the leadership of the Metalworkers' Union of São Paulo, the largest in Latin America, with 300,000 associate workers, and presided over by a platoon since the military coup of 1964. In the midst of the Union electoral campaign, the first workers' strikes that would change the country began. Braços Cruzados, Máquinas Paradas reveals, in an engaging narrative, the Brazilian trade union structure of fascist inspiration.
Braços Cruzados, Máquinas Paradas
São Paulo, May 1978. Three slates compete for the leadership of the Metalworkers' Union of São Paulo, the largest in Latin America, with 300,000 associate workers, and presided over by a platoon since the military coup of 1964. In the midst of the Union electoral campaign, the first workers' strikes that would change the country began. Braços Cruzados, Máquinas Paradas reveals, in an engaging narrative, the Brazilian trade union structure of fascist inspiration.
A Força do Sexo
Cláudia, filha de pais desquitados que transferem para ela todas as suas frustrações, é casada com Dirceu, rico empresário que lhe satisfaz todos os caprichos eróticos. Enquanto Cláudia mantém sempre uma atitude de disponibilidade amorosa, Dirceu adota como símbolo de sua ascendência social a companhia de uma amante, Roberta, cantora e modelo, relação essa ignorada pela esposa. Surge contudo Márcio, ex-amante de Roberta, tentando recuperar seu amor. Ao saber da existência de Dirceu na vida da modelo, ele vinga-se invadindo a casa de Cláudia e violentando-a.