First Assistant Editor
In Venezuela, amidst a backdrop of poverty, murder, and corruption, the El Sistema youth orchestra offers children hope and the opportunity to pursue a life of art in spite of the harshness of the society around them. Yet the country’s spiraling collapse and political repression threatens the musicians’ dreams of a better life.
A documentary on Venezuelan filmmaker Margot Benacerraf, who won the Cannes International Critics Prize with his movie Araya in 1959.
Rubén has three months to live or, probably, one year and a half with treatment. After a very complex process he decides to kill himself, before the cancer start showing symptoms. In "Translucido" we will be witnesses of his fate.
This documentary is a chronicle of the journey through the most important sites of the life of venezuelan writer Francisco Massiani who reveals the details of his work and the love of his life.
Daniel (Fernando Moreno) é um craque jogando futebol, enquanto que Júlio (Eliú Armas) é um líder nato. Eles são irmãos e jogam juntos no La Ceniza, um time da favela onde moram. Daniel sonha em se tornar um jogador de futebol profissional, enquanto que Júlio tenta resolver os problemas do dia a dia, mesmo que para tanto tenha que usar dinheiro sujo. A chance de suas vidas surge quando um olheiro lhes oferece um teste no Caracas, o principal time de futebol da cidade. Entretanto, uma tragédia coloca em cheque a possibilidade de conquistar uma vida melhor.