Clémence Pétiniaud


Production Design
Production Designer
Paris. Nedjma, a teenager living with her mom and sister, spends the summer with her squad. She sees her life turned upside down when she meets Zina, coming from the opposite gang. They are rivals in broad daylight, but lovers in secret. Nedjma is sucked into a spiral, torn apart between the values of the hood and her own desire, which no one around her can possibly understand or let alone tolerate. She will have to make a choice that will ultimately define who she is.
O Bosque dos Quincôncios
Art Direction
Ondine e Paul amam-se. Mas quando ela o abandona, Paul jura que não voltará a amar. Para o provar a si mesmo, persegue a bela Camille, que conta seduzir e depois afastar-se. Mas Camille enfeitiça Paul, que deseja só para ela. E à medida que sucumbe ao encanto de Camille, Paul confronta-se com a recordação do seu antigo amor.