Vuk Mitevski


21 Days Until the End of the World
Production Design
What would you do if you had 21 days left to live? What do you think you could do? This is a daring film, disturbingly honest, with a chilling melancholy to it, almost uncomfortable to view. Audacious, impulsive, and courageous, the filmmaker stands naked, laying it all out. Do we dare to look? Do you dare to listen when one addresses you so daringly?
The Happiest Man in the World
Production Designer
Asja, a 40-year-old single woman living in Sarajevo, who meets Zoran, a 43-year-old banker, at a dating event. Zoran is not there looking for love though, but for forgiveness. During the war in 1993 he was shooting at the city from the opposite side, and he wants to meet his first victim. Now, they both have to relive the pain in their search for forgiveness.
O Meio do Horizonte
Art Direction
A seca de 1976. Sob o sol implacável desse verão, Gus deixa a infância. A natureza se desintegra, os sentimentos se exacerbam, o núcleo familiar explode: tudo racha e se quebra com o impensável que acontece. As tão esperadas tempestades vão varrer uma zona esgotada e levar um mundo com elas.
One of Many
Told in a very abstract and poetic way, this love story – set in very unusual circumstances – is inspired by the refugee crisis, in which Macedonia played the unfortunate role of a transit country.
One of Many
Told in a very abstract and poetic way, this love story – set in very unusual circumstances – is inspired by the refugee crisis, in which Macedonia played the unfortunate role of a transit country.
One of Many
Told in a very abstract and poetic way, this love story – set in very unusual circumstances – is inspired by the refugee crisis, in which Macedonia played the unfortunate role of a transit country.
One of Many
Told in a very abstract and poetic way, this love story – set in very unusual circumstances – is inspired by the refugee crisis, in which Macedonia played the unfortunate role of a transit country.
Deus é Mulher e seu Nome é Petúnia
Production Design
Em Stip, uma pequena cidade na Macedônia, todo mês de janeiro o padre local joga uma cruz de madeira no rio e centenas de homens mergulham atrás dela. Sorte e prosperidade são garantidas a quem a recupera. Desta vez, Petúnia mergulha na água e consegue pegar a cruz antes dos outros. Seus concorrentes ficam furiosos: como uma mulher ousa participar desse ritual? A situação sai do controle na comunidade, mas Petúnia se mantém firme. Ela conseguiu sua cruz e não irá desistir.
Alerik, a dreamy 16-year-old boy, lives with his grandfather in a country that is at war. When the old man is killed in a bomb attack, Alerik becomes obsessed by the wish to take revenge. From now on, the war has him firmly in its clutches.
The Woman Who Brushed Off Her Tears
Production Design
After her son's tragic death, Helena abducts her employee, Lucian, and travels with him and her husband to scatter her son's ashes in Macedonia. Meanwhile, Lucian's lover struggles to provide for their son and break free from her dictatorial father.
I am from Titov Veles
Production Design
Burdened by memories of their late father, three sisters struggle to escape the suffocating environment of the dying town of Veles. A contemporary story of urban decay, „Jas sum od Titov Veles“ employs a stark realism to depict the vivid landscape of post-Communist Macedonia.
How I Killed a Saint
A promising debut feature tells the story of a young woman returning from America to discover the realities of life in Macedonia, that looks as if it will explode with all the soldiers, corrupt crooks and terrorist idealists.
How I Killed a Saint
A promising debut feature tells the story of a young woman returning from America to discover the realities of life in Macedonia, that looks as if it will explode with all the soldiers, corrupt crooks and terrorist idealists.