Marta Pajek

Marta Pajek

Nascimento : , Kielce, Poland


Marta Pajek was born in 1982 in Kielce, Poland. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, where she specialized in animated film. As part of an exchange programme she studied in Turku Arts Academy. Author of the animated short films. Her previous film – Impossible Figures and Other Stories II was screened and won awards at almost 80 festivals in both Poland and abroad, and attained 25 awards among others, including the Grand Prix of the Stuttgard ITFS.


Marta Pajek


Impossible Figures and Other Stories I
Impossible Figures and other stories I is the first and—paradoxically—the final part of the triptych. The city, which is its subject, grows not only in space but, most importantly, in time. With all consequences.
Impossible Figures and Other Stories I
Impossible Figures and other stories I is the first and—paradoxically—the final part of the triptych. The city, which is its subject, grows not only in space but, most importantly, in time. With all consequences.
Impossible Figures and Other Stories I
Impossible Figures and other stories I is the first and—paradoxically—the final part of the triptych. The city, which is its subject, grows not only in space but, most importantly, in time. With all consequences.
Impossible Figures and Other Stories I
Impossible Figures and other stories I is the first and—paradoxically—the final part of the triptych. The city, which is its subject, grows not only in space but, most importantly, in time. With all consequences.
Kill It and Leave This Town
Fleeing from despair after losing those dearest to him, the hero hides in a safe land of memories, where time stands still and all those dear to him are alive.
Tricky Women 2019
A witch invites us to join the festival of animated films made by women.
Curta de animação
Curta de animação
Curta de animação
Impossible Figures and Other Stories II
The film portrays a story of a woman, who keeps on stumbling and falling in her daily rush.
"Sleepincord" raises the issue of dream. Dream is the meeting point of the world of body and mind; it is intangible for us and hard to examine thoroughly. It happens inside but, at the same time, outside of us and, therefore, gives rise to anxiety.
"Sleepincord" raises the issue of dream. Dream is the meeting point of the world of body and mind; it is intangible for us and hard to examine thoroughly. It happens inside but, at the same time, outside of us and, therefore, gives rise to anxiety.