Francine Sandberg


Dançarino em Paris, Pierre é obrigado a parar de dançar depois de ser diagnosticado com uma doença cardíaca grave. Mesmo com problemas no trabalho, sua irmã Élise vai morar com ele para poder cuidar de Pierre. Juntos, eles refletem sobre o passado e a essência do amor.
Bonecas Russas
Cinco anos depois de passarem um ano juntos em Barcelona, os colegas de casa de Albergue Espanhol, de 2002, voltam a se reunir para um casamento russo. A vida acadêmica ficou para trás e eles agora têm quase 30 anos, com problemas de carreira e relacionamento, mas continuam jovens de espírito.
Albergue Espanhol
Xavier recebe antes de iniciar seu último ano na Faculdade de Economia uma proposta de trabalho no Ministério da Fazenda, mas precisa falar espanhol e não conhece nada da língua. Para aprender decide cursar o último ano em Barcelona, e vai morar com outros estudantes de várias nacionalidades no mesmo apartamento.
Arthur is invited to a New Year's Eve party to celebrate the year 2000. His girlfriend Lucie would like a baby from him but he refuses. Through the ceiling of the toilets, he discovers a passage leading to this futurist Paris. There, he meets an old man Ako who affirms he is his son and that he wants to exist. Otherwise he will vanish into the air. Arthur is still hesitant because his life is an unfulfilled one: a has a little lucrative job, is uncertain about his future and things are getting out of hand when Ako discovers the passage and interferes in the party.
Odeio te Amar
Uma família burguesa - incluindo a dominadora e matriarca Madame Menard, a filha rebelde Betty, o filho sem ambições Henri e seu irmão bem-sucedido financeiramente, ainda que perpetuamente irritado, Philippe - se reúne em um restaurante para celebrar o aniversário de Yolande, a esposa tímida de Philippe. À medida que a noite avança, rivalidades amargas e décadas de ressentimentos lentamente se revelam.
When the Cat's Away
When Chloe, a young Parisian, decides to take a long-overdue vacation, she has to find someone to look after Gris-Gris, her beloved cat. Everyone, including her gay male roommate, refuses to help her, but she finally makes an arrangement with the elderly Madame Renée, who often watches over other peoples' cats and dogs. However, when Chloe comes back, Madame Renée tells her that unfortunately the cat has been lost, and the unlucky owner goes on a search for her dear animal friend. While looking for the cat, she meets many colorful characters who populate the neighborhood.
Night and Day
Jack and Julie live in a bare flat in Paris. At night, Jack drives a taxi while Julie wanders around the city, and in the day they make love. One day Julie meets Joseph, the daytime driver of the taxi, and soon Julie is spending her nights with Joseph and her days with Jack.
Anos Dourados
Three young women at a hair salon all like the son of the clothing store proprietors across the mall. Although Robby is selfish and shallow, he's appealing to Lili, the salon's manager, who's trendy and also the salon-owner's moll; to Mado, who's innocent and sweet; and to Pascale, who's intelligent but passive and downcast. Robby's dad tells him to grow up and see beyond the mercurial Lili, so he proposes suddenly to Mado. She's delighted, but the day before the wedding, Lili returns to give Robby another look. In the background, a Yank who was a soldier in France in World War II returns to Paris and tries to recapture the love of his wartime sweetheart, Robby's mom.
In a specialized, hermetic drama about love won and lost, not necessarily by the same individuals, novice director Christine Laurent has focused on the backstage melodramas of an opera company. The conductor for an upcoming performance of the Marriage of Figaro has his mind and heart on other matters -- an entrancing diva who keeps him enraptured with her presence and voice. In the meantime, he finds fault with his cast members who cannot, of course, measure up to the woman of his dreams. As singers encounter one problem or another, it is clear that something has to be done about the conductor. Director Laurent designed costumes for both theater and opera, giving her some insight into the venue.
Encontros e Despedidas
Primeiro longa metragem de Leos Carax, o filme trata das relações amorosas de um aspirante a cineasta que acabou de ser abandonado pela namorada e uma jovem suicida que também enfrenta o fim de um relacionamento.
I'm Hungry, I'm Cold
Two teenage girls from Belgium run away to Paris and have to learn how to survive.
The Man with the Suitcase
A sensitivity to sounds coming from the activities of an unwelcome guest in the close quarters of an apartment is only one important component in this atmospheric, avant-garde drollery by Chantal Akerman. When the apartment owner comes home, her guest is settled in and at first, the slightly reclusive host decides simply to eat her breakfast in her room instead of having to face morning conversation with her guest. Sounds of the toilet flushing, the bath water running and splashing, footsteps pacing, and furniture moving invade the hostess' refuge in her bedroom like the frontrunners of an all-out offensive. She locks herself up for 28 days, life's detritus accumulating around her, just so she does not have to go out to face the nemesis that lurks beyond her door.
Os Anos 80
All of the time and effort put forth to stage a musical is chronicled here in this bright and funny French outing. The story is set at a shopping mall where people audition for an upcoming show. Afterwards, they are seen going through the grueling routines of learning the music and rehearsing.
Tell Me
Chantal Akerman meets with elderly Jewish women in Paris, all of them survivors of the Shoah, and listens to their family stories. Between interviews, Akerman's mother Natalia speaks of her own family. Made for a French miniseries on grandmothers.
The Meetings of Anna
On a trip across Western Europe to promote her newest release, filmmaker Anna encounters several individuals—familiar and otherwise—and attends to their discontents.
News from Home
Belgian filmmaker Chantal Akerman lives in New York. Filmed images of the City accompany texts of Akerman's loving mother back home in Brussels. The City comes more and more to the front while the words of the mother, read by Akerman herself, gradually fade away.