John Webber


Two boyfriends take a tour of their dysfunctional relationship through the magic of television
A hermit crab with an obsession for shiny objects comes across a wedding ring that a young woman lost at the beach. They both find it at the same time and a chase ensues. Will the woman get her beloved ring back? Will the crab outwit her and hold on to his newly-prized possession?
Dead Birds
A failing teenage badminton player at a Catholic Girls School is visited by a Saint - who agrees to help her if she'll complete three tasks for him. Dead Birds is a twisted Super Natural Black Comedy about competitive mother daughter relationships, losing your religion and learning how far you'd go to get what you want.
Irmão Urso
Em busca de vingança por seu pai ter sido morto por um urso, o índio Kenai acaba sendo amaldiçoado pelos espíritos da floresta e é transformado em um urso. Obrigado a viver sob a nova pele, ele começa a ver a realidade sob a ótica dos animais. Logo faz amizade com outro urso, Koda, mas se vê em apuros quando seu próprio irmão começa a caçá-lo.