Dimitri Krassoulia-Vronsky


Amin is a young spotter with the gift of the gab. Isabelle, a theater director from Paris, sees an opportunity for Amin to become a soloist in her opera.
In the middle of summer 2001, in a small village in Burgundy, a film crew was about to shoot the first images of Jean Luc Gromer's new film, when suddenly the camera was torn from its foot and stolen by two young local teenagers: Joe and Patrice.
Uma Noite na Ópera
A partir de imagens de arquivo das décadas de 1950 e 1960, o filme revisita as noites de gala na Ópera de Paris, frequentada por celebridades francesas e internacionais, pela realeza e por chefes de Estado. Com um estilo de edição requintado e humor suave, o diretor Sergei Loznitsa revive a era glamorosa, quando reis, rainhas, presidentes e estrelas de cinema subiram as escadas do templo Garnier em adoração à arte da ópera. Este curta integra o longa-metragem Celles qui chantent.
O curta de Jafar Panahi acompanha a viagem do diretor, sua filha e um produtor de teatro até uma remota aldeia curda. Eles visitam uma cantora extremamente talentosa cuja família tradicional a proíbe de cantar em público e acabam descobrindo um segredo envolto em mistério.
Executive Co-Producer
Samuel and Agnes are blocked in an elevator just after Agnes has stolen Samuel's bag. In this enclosed space with no exit, the attacker and victim confront each other, before finally letting their masks drop.
Additional Camera
A monochromatic portrait of four skateboarders who ride a ramp back and forth like human metronomes, accompanied by musicians invited to create a soundtrack.
The Coronation
Jonathan Littell revived Monteverdi’s baroque and decadent opera L’incoronazione di Poppea in a modern and fantastic production. From allusions to the Roman era, to the Renaissance and modern age, Little twists shamelessly Monteverdi’s score to highlight the dialogues and create a background music. The Coronation shatters the film-opera’s cliché only to better put it back together, with patience and clockwork precision.
Words in Your Hair
Executive Producer
Paul e Adèle são dois figurantes da ópera ‘Tristão e Isolda’ que, aborrecidos, vagueiam pelos subterrâneos do Palácio Garnier. Um caminho labiríntico e uma conversa sinuosa sobre o amor, em “De longs discours dans vos cheveux”.
There Is Joy in This Struggle
Jean-Gabriel Périot sketches the portrait of a group of women for whom music is a means of resistance and of escaping isolation.
Lazare lives with a roommate, Jacques, his best friend. Jacques decides to organize a date for Lazare, and contact a woman, Céline, through a meeting application. The ring bells.
Architect Charles Garnier's widow recounts her intimate past deep in the recesses of the velvet and gold Palais Garnier.
A lonely mother and her son go to the opera where a performance of Cherubini’s opera Medea is given. It is the mother’s birthday and she wanted to surprise her son by inviting him to the opera. But, the son’s plan were different and he is quite upset about it. His mother tries to break the silent barrier behind which he hides. A semblance of discussion begins, not without humour. Tension is present but, as the performance goes on, both find themselves astounded, captured, alone in the opera house.