Do Minh Vien


Between Two Worlds
Between Two Worlds is a 2011 Vietnamese psychological horror that follows a young and beautiful woman who commits suicide because of depression. Fortunately, she didn’t die and ended up marrying a wealthy man, making her hope that life would be better. The film makes the whole chance scenario look like a normal process that can happen to anyone. What a shame. Living it big, she starts to encounter paranormal instances in her new home that somehow has a strange connection to her husband. Bet she didn’t expect that.
O Amante
The Young Boy
Em 1929, quando o Vietnam era uma colônia francesa, uma garota francesa cuja família passa por dificuldades financeiras se envolve com um homem de negócios chinês, iniciando uma tórrida relação apesar das restrições sociais de ambas origens. Baseado no romance semi-autobiográfico de Maugerite Duras.