Do Minh Vien


Between Two Worlds
Between Two Worlds is a 2011 Vietnamese psychological horror that follows a young and beautiful woman who commits suicide because of depression. Fortunately, she didn’t die and ended up marrying a wealthy man, making her hope that life would be better. The film makes the whole chance scenario look like a normal process that can happen to anyone. What a shame. Living it big, she starts to encounter paranormal instances in her new home that somehow has a strange connection to her husband. Bet she didn’t expect that.
The Young Boy
30-е годы. Колониальный Сайгон. Красивый, богатый, изысканный китаец знакомится с француженкой. Ей лет пятнадцать. Их любовь под родительским запретом. Но такую «империю чувств», пленительную и прочную, разрушить никому не дано.