Kubi Chaza


O Heróico Covarde
Cowardly rogue Harry Flashman's (Malcolm McDowell) schemes to gain entry to the royal circles of 19th-century Europe go nowhere until he meets a pair of devious nobles with their own agenda. At their urging, Flashman agrees to re-create himself as a bogus Prussian nobleman to woo a beautiful duchess. But the half-baked plan quickly comes unraveled, and he's soon on the run from several new enemies who are all calling for the rapscallion's head.
Com 007 Viva e Deixe Morrer
Sales Girl
O tráfico de heroína e a morte de agentes secretos colocam frente a frente James Bond (Roger Moore) e Mr. Big (Yaphet Kotto), o chefão do crime em Nova York. Sua organização age impulsionada pelas visões de Solitaire (Jane Seymour), uma cartomante com poderes especiais. Quando conhece Bond, Solitaire perde os seus poderes e é condenada a morte em um ritual vudu.
A group of students pay their way through school by forming a pop band called Toomorrow. Sonic vibrations from a special instrument called a ‘tonaliser’ cause an extraterrestrial to abduct the group, and have them entertain the Alphoid population.